My Short,Stubby,Stunted,Shocked,Mutant "Headies" Bag Seed


Active Member
I agree with millyy, don't cut any leaves unless you need to in order for the plant to be getting enough airflow. Read some of bricktop and uncle ben's posts on lighting and trimming, cutting leaves off can only be detrimental to the plant's growth unless necessary. In some cases it makes sense but in most it seems to be a negative. Let her go and see how she does, the first grow is mostly a learning experience anyways so what's the big deal if your yield is effected a gram or two by what you do during the plant's life time. Point is next time you have more knowledge to go on and can hopefully make a healthier plant.


Active Member
I agree with millyy, don't cut any leaves unless you need to in order for the plant to be getting enough airflow. Read some of bircktop and uncle ben's posts on lighting and trimming, cutting leaves off can only be detrimental to the plant's growth unless necessary. In some cases it makes sense but in most it seems to be a negative. Let her go and see how she does, the first grow is mostly a learning experience anyways so what's the big deal if your yield is effected a gram or two by what you do during the plant's life time. Point is next time you have more knowledge to go on and can hopefully make a healthier plant.
Yeah I am for sure not cutting any leaves off!! Yesturday I could see two little white hairs!!!! Today I am 90% sure it's a female ( see two new little hairs on otherside!!!)!!!!!!

Will get pics on here later tonight, now it is time to go make some noise with the AR's today!!!



Well-Known Member
congrats on the girl.

The plants are gonna stretch in order to get ready for flowering so keep LSTing for that. its what i messed up on with my LST haha. should happen a ton over next week.


Active Member
Thanks Lee!!! Yes she has been stretching since I started 12/12 but now that she is showing sings of sex I'm sure she is gonna take off!!!!! (So it is ok to do a lil LST in flowering? before it starts to flower hardcore?) Thanks GD!! would give you both +rep but gotta spread it around first!!! THANKS!!!



Well-Known Member
Lookin nice man, i can't help to ask though whats up with the crayola crayons in there hahahahha


Active Member
Whew well I knew someone was gonna ask eventually! It was used in the earlier stages as a stand along with a dvd season of "I love Lucy"(to honor your plant)AHAHAHA! Now just the "I love Lucy" DVD season box is used... And secretly I am hopeing she will pick a crazy color out of the box to turn herself.


Well-Known Member
Whew well I knew someone was gonna ask eventually! It was used in the earlier stages as a stand along with a dvd season of "I love Lucy"(to honor your plant)AHAHAHA! Now just the "I love Lucy" DVD season box is used... And secretly I am hopeing she will pick a crazy color out of the box to turn herself.
crayola needs to make a color called cannabis!


Well-Known Member
I LSTed a tiny bit during the 1st-2nd week of flowering and my plants took longer to respond than usual but it worked and i say was worth it.


Active Member
I LSTed a tiny bit during the 1st-2nd week of flowering and my plants took longer to respond than usual but it worked and i say was worth it.
Was she showing sex when you LST'd? I dont think I'm going to tie her down anymore kind of afraid I should have a 36"x20"x62" tent if I win the bid only six hours left and I'm the only one who has bid so far...


Well-Known Member
SWEEEET MAN pre bud is always amazing..when i first sighted lucy's first white hairs..i knwo :D


Active Member
Yup, that's a little lady, congrats man! And she's still early enough into it that you could probably do another round or two over the next several days without any risk of harming her. It seems like once they're budding up that there's risk of too much stress. Sorry if I made it sound before like you needed to stop LST right away in flowering, my bad man.


Active Member
Yup, that's a little lady, congrats man! And she's still early enough into it that you could probably do another round or two over the next several days without any risk of harming her. It seems like once they're budding up that there's risk of too much stress. Sorry if I made it sound before like you needed to stop LST right away in flowering, my bad man.
10-4!! I think I'm gonna go pull the two smaller/larger tops and tie em off pics to come in a few after I do it


Active Member
Smaller branches arent tall enough to do what i want so I sis the main branch you think it will be ok??? and the light goes off in an hour But the first time i LST'd I did it 2 hours before lights out. If she takes to this there is budsites everywhere that I didnt realize she had cause she is so bushy!!



Well-Known Member
Was she showing sex when you LST'd? I dont think I'm going to tie her down anymore kind of afraid I should have a 36"x20"x62" tent if I win the bid only six hours left and I'm the only one who has bid so far...
Ya it was a week to two or so into flowering. not just preflowering.

Like with yours right now if you tied each branch out to the rim of the pot, it'll adjust just fine for flowering and open up the middle for popcorn nugs