Germinating seeds

I have about 12 bag seeds sitting in damp heated paper towel in a covered bowl without any light and I've been checking on them frequently for about a week now and nothing has changed. Am I doing this right? Are the seeds no good? Do I need to wait longer? What's the deal? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
there may not be enough moisture if the seeds were real dry. Try soaking the seeds in distilled water for a day and see if the crack then.


Active Member
Hiya mate, make sure the paper towel stays wet, i would have thought after a week they would have popped, i personally prefer to get a shot glass and fill that with water and just put the seeds in that, within 24 hours they usually have tap root showing if not leave for another 12 hours and check again... The seeds will also sink with this method, when they sink their good to plant, simples! ( might have to give them a light tap to get to sink because of air bubbles) i have tried the paper towel thing but ended up taking them out and putting in shot glass, might be worth a try. All the best.


Well-Known Member
some seeds have hard shells that require "scuffing". At this point, imo I would simply plant them in soil, but then again u didnt specify what medium u will be using. If u r going to be using another medium or u still want to pursue the tails, try scuffing then continue on w/ur paper towels. Personally, I don't do anything but soak in a shot glass for about 12 hours, then immediately plant. The problem u can encounter from pre-germ in paper towels is mold, especially for that long. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
LOL....personally like I said I do nothing other then a pre-soak time, then plant. Less touching & interference the better imo.
i soaked the seeds, scuffed em, did everything i could to try to get the bag seeds to pop and nothing happened. guess im gonna have to use attitude. i wasn't planning on the extra investment though

Dick Moser

Active Member
you cant get clones or good seeds from a freinds??? every city everywhere has an old grower who is sitting on tons of chronic seeds or clones he cant use in a hundred yeas

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member

I planted about 20 seeds, no soak, no paper towel, about 5 days ago and I have maybe 1/2 of them above ground. They probably germinated after 2-3 days in the coco I placed them in.

I've been going around espousing this for a while.

What would nature do without shot glasses, and sand paper, and paper towels? right?

Anyway. My recommendation to every single grower is to get off of this whole paper towel, saran wrap, pre-soaking BS and start just putting your seeds right into some moist coco.

It will probably take another day before all my seeds are above ground. This has actually been one of the slower germinations I've had, usually I have 100% success in under 100 hours. Going to take 150 hours this time probably.

IMO there is no better method. You'll never risk damaging a tap root transplanting it, or exposing it to light. Really, fantastically easy to use. Plant it and forget about it for 4 days. Then start checking on it every few hours until you have a seedling above ground.


Well-Known Member
yeah, maybe he should just place a want ad on Craig's list? :roll:

you cant get clones or good seeds from a freinds??? every city everywhere has an old grower who is sitting on tons of chronic seeds or clones he cant use in a hundred yeas


Active Member
Lol Craigslist... thats funny was wondering the same thing.... Im in an UNfriendly state and i think that post would get flagged lol... Just curious but what are your temps your trying to germ and pop in? you cant get 1 to pop sounds like they are to cold...


Well-Known Member
Stick the seeds in the freezer for a month and try again. I can't remember the correct term for it, but you have to make the seeds think that winter has come and gone. Otherwise they won't germinate.