Any small manifestation of corporial entities such as energy orbs or trace resonnance, is usually just residiual in nature, generally you will see these anomalies during more susseptable states of during moments of mental and physical fatigue/sleep states. While ive personally seen many with my own eyes, you tend to perceive on an individualized the fact that your sister witnessed the same vision is more interesting to me. Typically, green (in MY own personal experience) is a territorial and protective energy...on the positive side, it could be a close friend or relative who has passed, either coming to protect or check in on you..adversely, it could be something more molevolent you/someone-thing have disturbed somehow, and its making you aware that its there and upset. just need to go to sleep at a decent time and cut back on the bedtime bowls. lol...
either should use this as a template to figure out your situation..and..if all else fails, try communicating with said energy..
This explanation is not saying anything meaningful. Energy is a scientific word that ONLY means one thing, a measurable work potential.
From a previous post:
"Energy is a science word that means only one thing, the ability to do work. A measurable work potential. Energy can be used, it can be stored, but it can not be imprinted onto a house, or felt from negative thoughts. It is not some sort of ghostly cloud that moves around and does things. If ever you hear the word energy being used, replace it with the phrase "ability to do work" and see if it still makes sense. If not, then it's probably a meaningless statement.
Correct use:
These batteries have no energy.
These batteries have no ability to do work.
Incorrect use:
This old house is giving off a lot of negative energy.
This old house is giving off a lot of negative ability to do work.
When someone is trying to explain a scientific concept, and misuses such a basic scientific word as energy, that person probably doesn't know what they are talking about. Keep that in mind the next time you watch ghost hunters. "
Although a popular and often accepted answer, ball lightning is not an evidence based explanation. Ball lightning has never been recreated in a lab, never been definitively observed in nature, and it's very existence is in doubt. At best, the explanation uses one unknown to explain another unknown.
Ball lightning is not reproducible in the lab. All known forms of electrical discharge are.
Electromagnetic theory makes no prediction that anything like ball lightning need exist. It does predict all known forms of electrical discharge.
So then, in summary, what about this popular trend of suggesting ball lightning as an explanation for a strange report of a hovering ball of light? It's a little hard to justify. As ball lightning has no established properties, it cannot be argued to be a probable match for any given report. It is fair to say that it's likely that one or more unknown phenomena exist that have triggered eyewitness accounts of hovering balls of light, but there's insufficient theory to support assigning these accounts a positive identification of ball lightning. Indeed, as ball lightning can only honestly be described as an unknown, it would be illogical to use it as an explanation for any report.
how could communicate with it, is an oujia board okay or dangerous or does it even work, is there other reliable ways i could communicate with it?
It's a little scary that you so easily accept that it is a consciousness and can be communicated with. Ouija boards take advantage of a well known, well understood phenomenon known as the
ideomotor effect. To keep it simple, you are moving the game piece without realizing it. What happens when we take accomplished Ouija practicers and blindfold them? Well they still hit the letter perfectly. They site this as evidence the spirits are watching and guiding them to the letters. What happens if, after we blindfold them, we turn the board upside down without them realizing it? Well, they go to the place they
think the letters are supposed to be. Are the spirits not paying attention, or is this action governed by the players consciousness?
It's sad to see you struggling to understand something that is probably quite simple by turning to explanations which have no basis in reality. My guess is a simple mistake of perception which you and your sisters brain, quite understandably, interpreted as something surreal. Your dads experience sounds similar to
sleep paralysis and I suspect a little embellishment when the story was told.
Take this opportunity to learn about the reasons people, even really smart people, sometimes become convinced of weird things. In the meantime don't be scared, be curious. Love with your heart, use your head for everything else.