How To Spot A Liberal....

To get the funk going again,
I think its funny how being a liberal today actually means you wish to be liberal with other peoples money.
Quite the confliction of interests by definition if you ask me.
Question????? why are people on a thread that was made so long ago that the OP is not even around to add to it...and if you really trying to spot a liberal just look for the person trying to help others or trying to make the planet a better place to RIU politics getting bad when we have to reply to old azz threads with the OP missing..
mine is straight from the dictionary.

i could CONSISTENTLY define my penis as being 13 inches long and thicker than a tree stump, it won't make it true.

you should try going by the dictionary definition of extortion and try again.

if you get to make up what words mean, i can too.

the government is composed of two chambers of cheese: the house of bamboo and the feline. every four years, america has erections to determine the tomato.

Perception can become reality. 2 inches still hurts at 90mph!
...and if you really trying to spot a liberal just look for the person trying to help others or trying to make the planet a better place to live...
...through the use of force and the limiting of liberty.

i figured i ought to fix that for you.
Patriot Act limited more freedoms than I can remember and what force are you talking about need to fix something that's not broke
let's see now.....

if i remember correctly (and i do), the vote for that ridiculous bit of legislation was just about as bi-partisan as it gets and it has since been extended by a regime controlled almost exclusively by the left. if you don't consider the wholesale theft of the property of others (wealth redistribution), one of the major planks of the liberal agenda, as limiting the liberty of those it robs, then it would seem we have slightly differing concepts of liberty. mine includes the right to self ownership and that includes the ownership of what you earn, but i don't suppose that's in your definition. as for force; since government's only true tool is force (and violent force at that) and the liberal agenda includes the governmental control of most every facet of our lives, i'd say force is a given. these are just a few examples of just what is wrong with your rather naive view of today's liberalism.
Question????? why are people on a thread that was made so long ago that the OP is not even around to add to it...and if you really trying to spot a liberal just look for the person trying to help others or trying to make the planet a better place to RIU politics getting bad when we have to reply to old azz threads with the OP missing..

Answer. Cracker Jack is gone, booted awhile ago, but somebody brought his thread back and it spawned discussion etc. This is afterall a discussion forum.

Also please expain how "helping others" must be done only through the confiscatory arm of government or as you imply only by liberals? I'm not a liberal, certainly don't embrace government either...can I still "help people" ? I won't even take from one party forcibly to "give" to another to accomplish "charity".

The liberal mode of providing "help" relies on an involuntary transaction, a "taking without consent", mine relies on a voluntary contribution...which method is better for the planet and "world peace" a consensual gift or a forced redistribution?

Please don't try to give liberals any moral high ground, their methods are not consistent with that. Please don't come back with a bunch of bullshit about fox news and Glenn Beck either....I don't endorse that flavor of statist either.
let's see now.....

if i remember correctly (and i do), the vote for that ridiculous bit of legislation was just about as bi-partisan as it gets

the lone dissenting vote?

russ feingold. noted progressive.

recently ousted from office by ron johnson, tea party aficionado (although now that he is elected, he is shying away from the whole extremist tea party stance).

as for the rest of your tripe, remember liberals are the ones fighting for better drug laws, equal rights for all, opposed to pointless wars abroad...

but go ahead and define it how it makes you feel good, sweetheart. i understand you've got a bum noggin and seeing things only through your prism makes it easy on you, darling.
Also please expain how "helping others" must be done only through the confiscatory arm of government or as you imply only by liberals? I'm not a liberal, certainly don't embrace government either...can I still "help people" ? I won't even take from one party forcibly to "give" to another to accomplish "charity".

The liberal mode of providing "help" relies on an involuntary transaction, a "taking without consent", mine relies on a voluntary contribution...which method is better for the planet and "world peace" a consensual gift or a forced redistribution?

that is not liberalism at all, that is the spin you want to add, silly goose.

now, if you want to talk about out of control spending WHEN IT WAS NOT NEEDED and a huge growth of government, let's review 2001-2009. guess who was in charge?

and if you honestly think voluntary charity will fund all the programs we the people want and need, you are deluded.

and before you come back at me with some self-serving bullshit about how you are being forced to pay taxes at the point of a gun, go familiarize yourself with a little concept we call 'the social contract'.

then kindly go fuck yourself.
that is not liberalism at all, that is the spin you want to add, silly goose.

now, if you want to talk about out of control spending WHEN IT WAS NOT NEEDED and a huge growth of government, let's review 2001-2009. guess who was in charge?

and if you honestly think voluntary charity will fund all the programs we the people want and need, you are deluded.

and before you come back at me with some self-serving bullshit about how you are being forced to pay taxes at the point of a gun, go familiarize yourself with a little concept we call 'the social contract'.

then kindly go fuck yourself.

Had you read the post I was responding to, which was a response to London Fog's question, your post would seem a bit out of place. I don't care who was "in charge" from 2001 -2009. You spit that out like I'm supposed to defend it, I'm not a fan of Bush...It's not my position, it's you trying to strawman me AGAIN.

Social contract..., Locke, Hobbes or Rousseau? No need to familiarize myself with that, did it while you were still wiping boogers on the wall son. Read any Spooner yet?

Also I know you "schooled" me last time about cops never killing wait, you didn' here's another video for you...
Question????? why are people on a thread that was made so long ago that the OP is not even around to add to it...and if you really trying to spot a liberal just look for the person trying to help others or trying to make the planet a better place to RIU politics getting bad when we have to reply to old azz threads with the OP missing..
Pretty sure if you took this advice you would find just as many conservatives as you do liberals. Conservatives help people too you know and there are plenty of them who are very conscious of what footprint they leave on this planet.
now, if you want to talk about out of control spending WHEN IT WAS NOT NEEDED and a huge growth of government, let's review 2001-2009. guess who was in charge?

Of course UB never discusses the fact that Obama is spending OUR tax money 4 times faster than Bush did.
Nobody is 'spending' any money anymore, they are just printing as much as they want. It's impossible to spend what the taxpayers no longer have. We have a fiat currency on the verge of collapse there is absolutely no government spending program that can fix that. Not defending Obama he could arguably be the worst president in history but he is just a puppet to corporate power and banks just like the rest of them.
Liberal or Conservative does not matter I promise they will march you all into the same camps after food riots come to America. We're living on borrowed time those who cannot care for themselves will have to rely on the government and just as the founding fathers said these men will become slaves in the land they conquered.
Had you read the post I was responding to, which was a response to London Fog's question, your post would seem a bit out of place. I don't care who was "in charge" from 2001 -2009. You spit that out like I'm supposed to defend it, I'm not a fan of Bush...It's not my position, it's you trying to strawman me AGAIN.

Social contract..., Locke, Hobbes or Rousseau? No need to familiarize myself with that, did it while you were still wiping boogers on the wall son. Read any Spooner yet?

Also I know you "schooled" me last time about cops never killing wait, you didn' here's another video for you...

you still can't deny that cops are only justified in using deadly force if you do so first.

you want to take a few glaring exceptions, paint with a broad brush, and act like you're right. as if the cops will kill you for $700 in unpaid taxes.

i'll be here in reality waiting for you.

and no, i will not read spooner and join your cult. no matter how cool the garb that you culties wear may be.
Nobody is 'spending' any money anymore, they are just printing as much as they want. It's impossible to spend what the taxpayers no longer have. We have a fiat currency on the verge of collapse there is absolutely no government spending program that can fix that. Not defending Obama he could arguably be the worst president in history but he is just a puppet to corporate power and banks just like the rest of them.
Liberal or Conservative does not matter I promise they will march you all into the same camps after food riots come to America. We're living on borrowed time those who cannot care for themselves will have to rely on the government and just as the founding fathers said these men will become slaves in the land they conquered.

a monetary collapse and food riots. let me know when that happens.

care to fill me in on the last few installments of alex jones and glenn beck?:lol:
you still can't deny that cops are only justified in using deadly force if you do so first.

you want to take a few glaring exceptions, paint with a broad brush, and act like you're right. as if the cops will kill you for $700 in unpaid taxes.

i'll be here in reality waiting for you.

and no, i will not read spooner and join your cult. no matter how cool the garb that you culties wear may be.

You have changed your argument...nice.
Your first line above was never in contention, you are essentially adopting MY argument to win an argument against yourself. Interesting. Thanks for the compliment too. Please don't go "all morality" on me either, that's my method of argument, not yours. Frankly you're not very good at it. Stick to whining about how it's okay to initiate force to make Peter pay for Paul okay? Nobody is justified to kill another person, cop or not, unless it is a defensive gesture. shit.

The cops will kill you if you continually say no. It could start with a traffic ticket. You are trying to change my argument, seems to be a signature move of yours, that and the insult. There are more instances of cops that kill, but that is really beside the point, they AGGRESS constantly to insist peaceful people comply on a daily basis. Most people see that the only way to keep from being killed is to eventually comply, not because they want to, because they recognize where things can lead.

For instance what happens if a peaceful person is growing weed on his private property? If he simply tells the cops go away, I'm not harming anybody, will they leave him alone? No. If that person, who did not initiate any harm, continually refuses to comply, he'll be killed. Only through reacting to the force with obedience, do people avoid being killed.

Join my cult? Not quite. I'm the guy that believes the protection of individual rights is paramount to a free society. You are the collectivist remember?

As far as reading Spooner, that's fine, there aren't many pictures in his essays and there are alot of big words, so maybe best that you stick to literature that doesn't challenge you to think or reduces your philosophy to an unprovable totem to blow hardism and wishing your genitalia was larger. Have a nice day.
You have changed your argument...nice.
Your first line above was never in contention, you are essentially adopting MY argument to win an argument against yourself. Interesting. Thanks for the compliment too. Please don't go "all morality" on me either, that's my method of argument, not yours. Frankly you're not very good at it. Stick to whining about how it's okay to initiate force to make Peter pay for Paul okay? Nobody is justified to kill another person, cop or not, unless it is a defensive gesture. shit.

The cops will kill you if you continually say no. It could start with a traffic ticket. You are trying to change my argument, seems to be a signature move of yours, that and the insult. There are more instances of cops that kill, but that is really beside the point, they AGGRESS constantly to insist peaceful people comply on a daily basis. Most people see that the only way to keep from being killed is to eventually comply, not because they want to, because they recognize where things can lead.

For instance what happens if a peaceful person is growing weed on his private property? If he simply tells the cops go away, I'm not harming anybody, will they leave him alone? No. If that person, who did not initiate any harm, continually refuses to comply, he'll be killed. Only through reacting to the force with obedience, do people avoid being killed.

Join my cult? Not quite. I'm the guy that believes the protection of individual rights is paramount to a free society. You are the collectivist remember?

As far as reading Spooner, that's fine, there aren't many pictures in his essays and there are alot of big words, so maybe best that you stick to literature that doesn't challenge you to think or reduces your philosophy to an unprovable totem to blow hardism and wishing your genitalia was larger. Have a nice day.

you are dumber than shit.

cops don't get to kill you for not complying.

cops do get to kill you if you threaten their lives first.

keep trying, maybe one day you will have a valid point...when the rules for justified police use of deadly force change :lol:

in your loony little world, the cops will kill you for a traffic ticket. you are truly deluded.
you are dumber than shit.

cops don't get to kill you for not complying.

cops do get to kill you if you threaten their lives first.

keep trying, maybe one day you will have a valid point...when the rules for justified police use of deadly force change :lol:

in your loony little world, the cops will kill you for a traffic ticket. you are truly deluded.

I suppose you are having a hard time dealing with the fact I'm refusing to allow you to move your original arguments into in an area where you can "win". You make statements and then over several posts morph your arguments into a different area, sprinkle in some insults, try to change or insert a few words and declare yourself the victor. Whether you agree with me or not, I believe I'm consistent, I don't think you are.

You also never address your endorsement of the initiation of attempt to use rationalizations to justify it. That's weak.

I didn't say they'll kill you over a traffic ticket, although it's probably happened. I said the price of noncompliance if it's carried all the way out is death. I'm tiring of you a bit as your "debate technique" is a little too reliant on raisng the volume and trying to ridicule, that's weak too. Take a break from all the Spooner reading and catch another's where a cop kills another person.