Favorite Movies When Baked


Well-Known Member
In no particular order:

Apocalypse Now
Better Off Dead
Half Baked
The Hangover
Fear and Loathing
Pink Floyd The Wall
Eddie Murphy Raw
Dazed And Confused
Pulp Fiction

What's yours?

We can compile an all-time list.... sharing is caring.


Active Member
In no particular order:

Apocalypse Now
Better Off Dead
Half Baked
The Hangover
Fear and Loathing
Pink Floyd The Wall
Eddie Murphy Raw
Dazed And Confused
Pulp Fiction
i love you for saying Pulp Fiction.
i <3 quentin tarantino.
especially inglourious basterds. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea Inglorious Bastards is a great movie, but not on my stoned list. But yea, Tarantino is the man.


Well-Known Member
true romance, jackie brown, resivoir dogs, pulp fiction, and muppets wizard of oz... that quentins got a style of movie dont he.... oh wait how did wizard of oz get in there


never thought he would make a muppets movie


Well-Known Member
For some reason space and sci-fi movies are the best:

Starship Troopers
All star wars
Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection
Lord of the Rings - i know its not sci fi but these are just awesome


Well-Known Member
The ending to Pandorum was very unexpected... pretty good movie.

Aliens movies are bad ass. Star Wars is a given, for anytime, baked, drunk, or sober.

Ahhh, yea, True Romance! quality flick!


Well-Known Member
true romance was tarentinos first movie dick, its sick as fuck, i avoided it for years cause of the title, but its much better than it sounds


Well-Known Member
true romance was tarentinos first movie dick, its sick as fuck, i avoided it for years cause of the title, but its much better than it sounds
Yup. Avoided it because of the name.... movie is not at all like the title, True Romance is more like a less trippy Fear and Loathing than a kissy girly flick.


Well-Known Member
any Dubbed Kung Fu movie
Videos on the net with POV roller coaster rides when Im really baked.......LOL its trippy my stomach gets that felling when it drops fast as if there LOL


Well-Known Member
any Dubbed Kung Fu movie
Videos on the net with POV roller coaster rides when Im really baked.......LOL its trippy my stomach gets that felling when it drops fast as if there LOL
dubbed kung fu movies rule, I even liked when the rza dubbed old kung fu tv shows. and im not big on rap at all

eli roth and rza are making a martial arts movie together should be awsome.

rza is part of wu tang, and they made afro samuri which was awsome.
Super Troopers would have to be my all time favorite!
-Reefer Madness
-Pulp Fiction
-Kill Bill
-&& Anything Cheech and Chong