anyone playin ps3 black ops??


Well-Known Member
sweet ill add you guys up today!
my ps3 name is : Izzzy0spaced
sadly zenone was alreaddy taken lol


Well-Known Member
I fancy me some black ops every now and then.
Add me up and just let me know your from RIU



Well-Known Member
agreed, I pick it up here and then I am more of a battlefield player myself go ahead and add me



Well-Known Member
I play it from time to time but just can't get into it like mw2.Been playing killzone 3 beta a lot lately.
fuckin' eh! KILLSTONED! ive been ripping that with the PS Move.. its intense lol was fucky at first but gets really fun. hahh for meeleeing and reloading you have to do certain movements

And Zombification!! OPS is fucking dope.

Die hard SOCOM gamer though at heart. Rippin` Confrontation and waiting on SOCOM:4.. lol eeet`s da besssssst

feelfree2addmeup: investigate911


Well-Known Member
I wish i could get into PS3, I just suck so much ass with that controller. Kills/Death ratio on PS3 is like 6 kills to 17 deaths lol. I play everything on PC now, Kill/death ratio on PC roughly 15-20kills and 2-6 deaths. Much better.


Well-Known Member
If anybody would like an ass kicking in black ops or madden i'd be happy to ;) haha add it up whoever plays Chronic_306


Well-Known Member

LOL gotta love southpark.