Pale, rust-colored spots on my leaves. Need halp! (PICS)


Well-Known Member
Ok, this plant has been in flower for around 60 days (taking forever if you ask me) and now she's starting to show these strange rust-colored spots all over her leaves. She was infested with fungus gnats at one point, but I poured perlite on the surface soil and had a high-powered fan blowing at it and that seemed to kill them all.

She's in soil under CFL and the side that has more lights aimed at it is showing more severe damage. These pale spots are starting to show EVERYWHERE! Also, some of the leaves are curling down, some are cupping upward and some are cupping downward. I've checked some of the threads but I can't pinpoint exactly what the problem is. I've been giving her Tiger Bloom since she went into flower, but I recently upped the dose.

I've started flushing, but I'm not sure how much good it will do. If you can offer any advice, I'll take it. Even if I have to chop her down now and just make butter, that's cool with me.

Thanks in advance!


EDIT: If you need more pics, I can supply them

Los Muertos

Active Member
looks like a ph problem ,whats yr ph
I'd have to agree. Had the exact same thing happen and it turned out to be a micronutrient
lockout. I added dolomitic lime and watered with 7.5 and things improved drastically over
about a week. I wouldn't write 'em off just yet...mine were BAD and they pulled through.
Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I checked my soil ph a couple weeks ago and it was sitting at about 6.0, but I'll dry out some dirt today and check again. Update once I have an answer.

I don't have any ph+ or ph-, so what are some good home remedies for that?