Har Harrrrr

,, Automatic blueberry was gunned down by a machinegun ( turned out to be a male )
then i drove around and i machinegunned 1 of my cobra's ( Another male )
but the ones that Reaaalllyyy grew, are 3 of my arjan's haze :> ... 3 ft tall now ? yay .
my SUPER LEMON HAZE , o.m.g ..
i did a super scrog , i topped it so mutch and all, that its still not even close of starting to bush out and im already threw the wire net and shit , gonna have to clone it , take SCROG out , and REDO IT .. but you know what .. fuck the net ill let that bitch be F.R.EEEE
now that super lemon haze will be intense cause its been eummm ... Vegging for 3 months in a huge blue bin ? .. its got a root system bigger then me ? ... the plant is 1 ft tall ? lol its gonna go crazy growing , BUT , i cant let it do that right now until i can balance the height betwen my clones and that blue bin .
Hmmmm ..Hmmmmmmmmm...
i think im gonna go buy some wood tonight and some screws ... ill go build myself some storage thing for clones ect ..
to be continued.