nice cinematography dude!
the flowering cab looks huuuuge in the video, what are the dimensions on that?
oh also lefty and righty look great man, just a few days ahead of my girls! peace
Thanks bro! The veg tent is aprox. 2' deep, 3' tall and 4' wide, and the flowering cab is aprox. 20" deep, 4' wide, and 6' tall. That left "wall" next to Lefty is movable, just a flat home made reflector hanging vertically from the same bar the lights are atached to, so if I needed I can almost double the width on that area. I just like to keep everything close in and tight for maximum reflection.
Very Nice!! I have my work cut out for me next year for indoor.. Hell I might just get one going during the early summer months just to see how 1 would do by itself.
Yeah, I'm hoping to get the indoor setup fine tuned so I can just crank out free buds until my outdoor plants are ready for harvest. The earliest of my plants was harvested in late August/Early September last year, so thats a LONG time to wait, not to mention buying weed that entire
Looking amazing bro! Great job on all fronts. All of your plants are doing well! I just put on my seatbelt too! Nice work on the grow set up!
Thanks, it's always a work in progress, but I feel pretty good about everything right now. I think I finally nailed down some issues that have been nagging me with the DWC, and one new bean popped, so that means there are 4 plants in there now

But like I said, i might remove the first three and replace them if things don't pick up in a week or two. But the seedlings in soil are loving life, I just have a larger learning curve with DWC because it's my first time indoors AND it's my first time with hydro.