1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
How bout a bit of HAGGIS Lads..LOL..real haggis

A serving of haggis, neeps and tatties

Haggis is a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours. Most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a casing rather than an actual stomach.

OH AYE,,,Good Shit that...LOL
I would give it ago. Im sure dst likes the stuff.
I love Black Pudding, White Pudding, Red Pudding, Haggis Pudding.....yup, I like puddings, both savoury and sweet my friends. All part of the Scottish upbringing. And here's a little treat I just brought back from Scotland....

And I love Neeps as well, but I also like to make it with some sweet potatoes too...lekker!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I think you guys will like Livers, it effing stinks!!
I was talking to a good mate last week and he knows the bloke that found Livers (its actually named after him) pretty well and he asked him what it is and he says its Northern Lights from about '89. That mate is also the guy i got the cut from. I think thats about as from the horses mouth as i can get lol
ahh man if only you could trace the family tree of a cutting, it would be sweet to see. from 89 eh i was just a bairn.
Blackpudding's the shizzle las! lol
What's growing on Don, all lush i hope fella!
kanny, looks like the spluff took on the psycho killer jury is out on the psycho, ive chucked the male back in the tent for a day or two to spurr him on. ak48 has shown sex well early but the tga stuff is a bit shy.
How bout a bit of HAGGIS Lads..LOL..real haggis

A serving of haggis, neeps and tatties

Haggis is a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours. Most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a casing rather than an actual stomach.
OH AYE,,,Good Shit that...LOL
i cant say i like the stuff too much but its alright.
I love Black Pudding, White Pudding, Red Pudding, Haggis Pudding.....yup, I like puddings, both savoury and sweet my friends. All part of the Scottish upbringing. And here's a little treat I just brought back from Scotland....

And I love Neeps as well, but I also like to make it with some sweet potatoes too...lekker!!!
welcome back bru! sweet tatties are tasty as.

phones diverted to me mobile.... wakenbakey >>>>>bongsmilie

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah for a couple of hour at least. severely lacking motivation to even get to work for 9 these days havent done for months. the pitfalls of being able to 'work' from home...

cuppa an a bongo then some xbox i think...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oh man for real?! thats a bit much. i cant stand offal kidney liver its the texture the taste is alright, for some reason even as a child i imagined that kidney would be what the consistency of eating brains would be like.


Well-Known Member
Thats very interesting Oscar. Friends of mine were growing a cut of northern Lights from around the 89 mark. It was a girl I knew through a friend and she hooked me up with this stuff back in 95, she had already been growing it and keeping it a secret for that long. They just called it Northern Lights A. We grew it in simple hydro set ups back then, with the straight A and B nutes you got with the hydro tanks. Big fuk off 400watt with built in ballasts, like hanging up a coffin, lol.....ah well. I wonder if this guy knows that fine lady who kept those genetics for so long. I fell out with the guy who introduced me to her and with busts and police and wot not...no more contact with her.
From what i understand he grew it from a pack of seeds. I know a few people that know him so if i ever meet him i'll just ask the bloke
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mr west

Well-Known Member
so im guesssing there was a funky sativa that the breeders back in the ninetys that has expressed its self in the nl cut and the sk1 cut that was kept and named cheese. If only u could get a liniage from the breeders from back then lol.


Well-Known Member
I reckon in those days there must have been loads of different phenos's for each strain. We just always grew clones, never messed about with seeds (no one sold them unless you went to the Dam.)

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah only the brave grew back then lol now everybodydoesit.com. Ive had the gear to grow since bout 96 lol, it sat in my shed for many years just waiting for the street pot to get unsmokable and then it came to the rescue lol.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning guys. Interesting food talk,,,tried blood sausage once...yukamundo!

Hoping today is a little better than yesterday was, felt like I was coming down with the flu but doing better today so I guess it wasn't the flu lol. 2 more C-4 left to come down, coming up on 8.5 wks, one of them will go at least 9, but my fav, C-4 #4 comes down later this morning. Calizhar #3 is my fav of the zhars, toking a bowl of this morning.

Catch yall


Well-Known Member
If you veg Livers pretty big it does get big wide indica leaves plus its really dark green so you can kinda see the afghan in it. I've never grown Northern Lights so i wouldn't really know how it compared. I've always fancied doing Sensi's NL but never got round to it. Also i've never grown Sensi's SK#1 so i dunno how that compares to Cheese either.
I'm gonna have a closer look at NL to see whats in it, i know its got some kind of afghan in it but other than that i don't know

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah youve got to wonder if the seeds produced since then are anywhere near the originals used to create the NL or livers we know or the cheese. probably have to pop a hundred beans to find the killer pheno.

look forward to the c4-4 HC!

man i wish to god id started growing 10 years back. not gone to uni not got into debt i could have a mortgage paid off in that time growing full tilt.


Well-Known Member
Just had a butchers http://sensiseeds.com/northernlights/1p235.htm NL is overlooked a lot of the time but after reading that it deserves more credit than i've ever given it. But it says its low odour and Livers definitely isn't that lol

Livers barely doubles in height during flower so that makes me think that there is afghan there in the mix. Why don't these feckers take notes or some shit.
With the strains being created on here at least there's a record of whats being X'd with what. I've still got 5 of one of your first creations Fred, Deep PurpleXQuerkle. When start up that'll be the first beans i pop


Active Member
If you veg Livers pretty big it does get big wide indica leaves plus its really dark green so you can kinda see the afghan in it. I've never grown Northern Lights so i wouldn't really know how it compared. I've always fancied doing Sensi's NL but never got round to it. Also i've never grown Sensi's SK#1 so i dunno how that compares to Cheese either.
I'm gonna have a closer look at NL to see whats in it, i know its got some kind of afghan in it but other than that i don't know
I grew Sensi Skunk #1... Heavy yielder, great smoke, not too potent though; its more of that sunnytime, active weed...
I got some pics in polaroid format to give you an idea of how long its been since i grew her... ha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hhaha polaroids man you gonna scan them in? im surprised it wasnt banging smoke. i do love a good summertime smoke. somethin you can blaze in the park with the lads playin footy. cali orange was like that.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
this back from sensi:

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your interest in our products and in the wonderful world of cannabis.

We are sorry to inform you that legal restrictions prevent us from answering questions related to the cultivation of the cannabis plant.

Please permit us to refer you to the Sensi Seeds Forum: http://forum.sensiseeds.com/

Here you will find general information about the cannabis plant and lots of tips about growing. Just use the search function to check the Forum and find out if your question has already been answered.

If you can’t find a pre-written answer, you can easily join the Sensi Seeds Forum and pose your question to the large community of cannabis enthusiasts who contribute to the site.

The Forum has many well-informed members, and questions are answered quickly and accurately.

Furthermore, as a member of the Sensi Seeds Forum, you can freely share your own knowledge, opinions and growing photos with a broad group of interested and friendly members.

Visit the Sensi Seeds forums: http://forum.sensiseeds.com
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Warmest Regards,

SUPER WEAK................