~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~


Active Member
Alright second time around here and were going with a little different set up this time to start off so i'm curious to see how these turn out. I added a veg room that can hold about 60 vegging plants. In the veg room I have a Ebb n Flow system as well and like to veg for about 3-4 weeks under T5 6500's. These plants vegged for about 3 weeks. Today was there first day in the budding room. For the lighting in the budding room I am using 3 600w HID at 12/12. For the first 2 days I keep the lighting at 50% power from the ballasts and then 2 days after 75% then 2 days after 100% till the buds are ready to be cut down. Currently I only have all 30 plants on one 4'x4' flood tray basically only under 1 600w but I have the one next to it on the right on as well. Im guessing in about 2-3 more weeks ill have to move the plants across the other flood tray and evenly disperse all the plants once they get a little bigger. For nutrients I am only using SensiBloom. Next week I will add the Big Bud. For my ventilation I have an Inline filter bringing in clean air and a carbon filter pulling the air out threw ducting. I have ducting between the lighting but need to change it alittle still so that it attaches to a fan. Anyways the room doesnt get to hot, usually stays around 83 and a humidity of 50%. My last crops I had an issue with spider mites but luckily the buds came out clean and most excellent. Already having a minor issue with bugs on this crop but a different kind. There are some on the roots anyone know what I should do?

Anyways I am going to be posting many pictures and updates and im sure I will run into many issues that I would really appreciated your guys' input on here. So feel free to give me your 2 cents!

Lets start off with the sea of green from last harvest...

This is there last day in the veg room...

And here's the girls day one in the budding room...

My lonely mothers...

And buy the way I have never grown mothers before so i'm hopping to get some extra input on how exactly to treat these

And the potential annoyance that may drive me crazy...


Active Member
Looking forward to following along. Geez, seems like such a short time since you finished your addition, and it is already pumping out produce! Nice work. Tried to +rep you, but got to spread some around first.


Active Member
Thanks bud yeah They shot up once they settled in there new spots. Im thinking about maybe starting my next one from seeds so I can try and get them nice and bushy. I want to try FIM and see how it works also. I would +rep also but I need to spread some around as well.


Active Member
Only a couple days in the budding room and I already spotted a couple mites... I need a better solution to getting these gone. Luckily its very early in the blooming cycle so hopefully I can kill all of them before they become to much of a problem. Any suggestions on what I should do?

Other than that they are looking green and healthy. Another quick question... When I need to transplant the girls into bigger pots is it safe to cut the roots that are shooting out of the smaller pot there in right now? Or does that stun and damage them?

Photo update: 5 days in



Active Member
Man, mites suck and they are very tenacious. The only thing I can recommend is a regular dousing with neem or pyrithrin spray. Since they are still in veg, you should definitely try to kill them before going into flower as you have more options for control before you start growing buds. I have heard it is important to treat in 3 day cycles so you can kill all adults, then kill any juveniles that may have survived in their eggs three days later before they are mature enough to lay more eggs. Repeat again another 3 days later as insurance. Since you are still veging, I'd spray as much as possible to get rid of those buggers.

Trimming roots, I'm not sure of. As for the drooping at night, could it be heat / humidity changing as the lights go out? What are your lights out conditions?


Active Member
Alright so first off sorry it took me so long to update but I haven't necessarily been encouraged by people chiming in and letting me know what they think. As of now the plants are 4 weeks in budding. I have ran threw some speed bumps in the way... I have a small algae problem in the right flood tray. Some of the roots in the back are turning the tray green. Anyone know a good way to fix this other than cooling the water's temp in the reservoir?

The plants have been spread out across both flood trays now for better light penetration. One concern was that too might light gets through and is damaging the roots that exceed out of the pots. The roots have turned darker kinda yellow whereas they used to be much more white in the vegroom holding trays. There was almost no light penetration where the roots were growing because the pots were so close together. Can someone help me out with trying to get these roots looking nice and healthy in my ebb and flow setup? I havent been able to keep the roots looking very healthy.

As for the spiter mites they are back and looking to fuck with my plants again... I can no longer neem but I read in High Times that one way that can be very effective for instantly killing most (if not all) mites is high levels of Co2. "one grower reports that half of a 50-pound cylinder of carbon dioxide slowly drained over four hours into a 2,500 cubic foot (11' x22') room with the lights off and the room temporarily sealed was effective as an instant knockdown specifically for the control of spider mites. The outcome was piles of dead mites on the floor beneath his plants" I think I might go ahead and try this technique and see what happens. I think I might also try out some lady bugs/praying mantis.

I have come to conclusion that the ducting in the grow room is not effective enough. Sometimes the temp can reach about 92F and I dont want that. For the most part it doesnt get that high though. This is how the ducting is set up now...

There is 2 separate channels one through the lighting fixtures to outside the wall (no intake fan), and one through the carbon filter using an intake maxfan that heads out the roof.. I plan on flipping the carbon filter around so I can duct through the other end, attach that duct to the very left lighting fixture, duct through the lights, then out of the room through the intake maxfan shooting to the roof. I'm open to other sugguestions!

As for the buckets I think the plants might be root bound now. What is your opinion based on the pictures? Should I transplant to bigger pots 4 weeks in budding? If so whats the best approach in doing so?


:!: I would really appreciate the rollitup community to pitch in their thoughts. I need more than just 2 people giving me their opinions (even though they are much appreciated!) Don't be afraid to let me know what you think.

And oh yeah... PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Congrats on your Packers for sure man! Sorry I don't have much else to add as I am not familiar with hydro.

That is really weird, however, about the lack of chiming in because your posts are so thorough and have plenty of pics.

One thing I do have to add is that I have also heard about CO2 gassing mites. If you seal up your area really well and up those ppm's, it's basically a gas chamber that kills everything but you plants. You probably will have to repeat in 3 day cycles to get any that survived in egg stage, but I guess that is an area for further research.

Best of luck - BUMP BUMP!

Teyo Green

Active Member
i wish i could chime in about hydro as well but sadly im only familiar with soil
im subbed up and watching your grow though
impressive set up
your venting plan sounds spot on
rep +


Active Member
Congrats on your Packers for sure man! Sorry I don't have much else to add as I am not familiar with hydro.

That is really weird, however, about the lack of chiming in because your posts are so thorough and have plenty of pics.

One thing I do have to add is that I have also heard about CO2 gassing mites. If you seal up your area really well and up those ppm's, it's basically a gas chamber that kills everything but you plants. You probably will have to repeat in 3 day cycles to get any that survived in egg stage, but I guess that is an area for further research.

Best of luck - BUMP BUMP!
Gracias amigo! Yeah I find it odd as well but I have also learned a shitload more than when I first started my grow logs. So they might have not been in so much depth or detail before or in the beginning. Now that I know more of what im saying I can describe it better in detail.

Thats a good idea with the 3 day cycles ill post later more about trying to get those mites extinguished.

Teyo nice to have you, welcome! Thanks for the input as well. +rep

Hopefully we can get more hydro growers to pitch in!!! Especially ebb n flow users.


Active Member
From your problem I was just doing some searching - What's ebb and flow? light on roots? etc. I saw that light + moisture on the roots causes algae or mildew growh. It might not necessarily be the light causing the damage, just the combo that provides a good place for funk to grow. I read about adding peroxide, or making a cover out of panda film to protect the roots from light. I dunno, just an idea.


Active Member
Ebb and Flow is flood trays with reservoirs below them that fill and drain the flood trays at set intervals. (at least how I have mine) Yes the light does penetrate the roots that shoot threw the pots and I think thats my main problem. The area where there is algae there is some sitting water and the heat has been warmer than usual in the room. Im not to sure how to cover the roots but be able to have the pots accessible.. what is this panda film you speak of?


Well-Known Member
You def got a grip on growin. But I am a dirt bag like most of the rest. I only have begun to dip my toes in hydro. i will say this though....

Looking at your setup and the root issues you are having. Maybe too warm in the trays/res? Find a way to shade the root/flood zone? Hygrozyme may be a bit salty to buy but it works wonders helping to make a happy root zone. I would get that sorted out before I chased to many other things.......... Hope this helps and your first harvest shots. Well done. keep up the green...........


Active Member
Looking at your setup and the root issues you are having. Maybe too warm in the trays/res? Find a way to shade the root/flood zone? Hygrozyme may be a bit salty to buy but it works wonders helping to make a happy root zone.
Thanks allot cowboy +rep. Yeah I definitely think the trays might be a little to warm and they do get allot of light. The room has been at about 90F because of my ducting and ventilation is messed up at the moment. Unfortunately I cant fix all that till after this harvest... so im going to have to bite the bullet and settle for the settings in the room now. I do think shading the flood/root zone would help out the roots. And ill deff look into that hygrozyme. But how do I shade the roots while the plants are in there and I'd have to go around the pots... and it cant mess up the flood and drain... Anyone know?

Again thanks man and great job on your grow so far.


Active Member
Panda film is plastic ( or PVC or something ) that is black on one side and white on the other. I guess you would cut holes as big as pots and lay it over your res, taping it in place. You could then put your pots through the holes and the film would block the light from your res and roots. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I think that might be what I used to seal off the vegroom... with the zippers on it. that sounds like a good plan but might be difficult to execute. I think im going to experiment with it next grow because I think it would just be a pain doing it now and I don't even have to right pots yet. The pots im using in my budding room are going to be used only in the vegroom because they are somewhat small. Im getting the same style pots but just about twice as big for the budding room next grow. So when all the plants are out of the room I am going to tape it onto the edges of the flood trays so it will almost act as a lid. Ill cut the square holes for the pots to fit perfectly in and I think if I do it good I can make it so no light hits the bottom of the flood tray or roots.

Im really starting to get stoked for my next grow because now that I realize all my mistakes I know exactly how im going to approach the next grow. Probably going to start it in around 3 more weeks. Now that will be a fun log to fallow :)

stay green


Active Member
Alright well this is an interesting update because I have already harvested... Haha sorry I havent updated in such a long time but I kinda gave up hope on this Sour D. and G 13 grow as it was looking worse day by day. I let me dad take over and finish the whole process as I taught him what to do. My main focus was on this next cycle because I had so many changes to make that will definitely be beneficial to the plants. One of those changes was the ventilation as I think I mentioned before. I redid the ducting today and could already tell a difference in the room. I have a couple pictures to show you the new work. Im going to test with the lights on full for a couple hours tomorrow to see the temperature difference. Anyways Im just getting ready for making my new thread for this new grow once we finish cleaning and everything. Next grow should be very fun to watch :)

The oscillating fan is being moved somewhere else...



Active Member
Nice setup man. With a room that nice you'll be cranking out the chron in no time! Here's to the next round - puff -


Active Member
Thanks much Spark also got a few new things at te hydro store so we will be ready to get goin by monday at the latest. I'll be posting the new thread probably around then as soon as the clones get delivered


Active Member
The room is now 80-85 degrees with the oscillating fans off and lights at full. The room feels more ventilated just standing in it.