The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Polish it how you like, it's imple exploitation of a situation and it pisses me off that growers act like this. But of course, it is natural, we are all taiught that money is happiness and we must always have more so we can buy more. If i sell an ounce i sell it for £100, i have just made a killer profit, how can i have any bad feelings, wait, i could have sold for £200, wait, i could have sold for £250, wait, what if i'd sold £10 a gram. Is the profit margin really so important that you will get worked up over what could possibly have been. To quote a great film, "If if's and but;s were candies and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas". I just plain don't understand why. If you require that money to sleep and eat, that's one thing, if you just want the extra profit to make yoruself feel better, i see it as a bit screwy. i'd MUCH rather know i've done a good deed, made someone feel better etc, than know i've made all i can make. And from quite extensive experience with customer service and pricing,. i can tell you that you make a hell of a lot more trade when you sell at reasonable prices as opposed to when you just hike the prices up to maintain the margins. I have sat and watched a whole bunch of businesses i work for fail as a result of pushing for profit over the returning customer. If you're known over the town for your weed, then i guess it doesn't matter if you lose customers, but personally, i like to find a customer that will keep coming back as opposed to one that will make me a 1 time profit and that's that. That is how business works :D


Well-Known Member
ill buy ya whole next crop at 100 an oz then ttt then every1s happy you will have done ya good deed and il make a shitload lol


Well-Known Member
even at 200s i just could never grow or source enough to keep up with demand its a sellers market and also not every is growing for a lil bit of percy or to help friends out.


Well-Known Member
Polish it how you like, it's imple exploitation of a situation and it pisses me off that growers act like this. But of course, it is natural, we are all taiught that money is happiness and we must always have more so we can buy more. If i sell an ounce i sell it for £100, i have just made a killer profit, how can i have any bad feelings, wait, i could have sold for £200, wait, i could have sold for £250, wait, what if i'd sold £10 a gram. Is the profit margin really so important that you will get worked up over what could possibly have been. To quote a great film, "If if's and but;s were candies and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas". I just plain don't understand why. If you require that money to sleep and eat, that's one thing, if you just want the extra profit to make yoruself feel better, i see it as a bit screwy. i'd MUCH rather know i've done a good deed, made someone feel better etc, than know i've made all i can make. And from quite extensive experience with customer service and pricing,. i can tell you that you make a hell of a lot more trade when you sell at reasonable prices as opposed to when you just hike the prices up to maintain the margins. I have sat and watched a whole bunch of businesses i work for fail as a result of pushing for profit over the returning customer. If you're known over the town for your weed, then i guess it doesn't matter if you lose customers, but personally, i like to find a customer that will keep coming back as opposed to one that will make me a 1 time profit and that's that. That is how business works :D

"I have sat and watched a whole bunch of businesses i work for fail as a result of pushing for profit over the returning customer."

Sat and watched??, and with your attitude thats prob why the business failed. I run a small company and good business sense is to be competitive and get the most you can out of your product. I'm a straight down the middle guy and thats why people deal with me and return, regardless of prices

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You would be more than welcome mate. I have no need for more weed than is necessary to last me till the following harvest, anything spare i am happy to shift as i simply have no need for it, so any profit on it is profit so i take no issue with just how much, i quite often chuck weed in the bin. That was last weeks scrags left over on ym rolling mat, could have sold it for £25, or i could just chuck it in the bin, it doesn't cost me anything to do so. Soit's what i did :)

And sat and watched as in i was not the manager, i had no say over how things were run, i just have the brains to see things happening and know why they are happening. Even with the lesser amount of choice being an illegal market, people, myself included, will still drop a dealer and find another if they fuck them over. Then let's say you can now only find a buyer for 2 ounces a month at £225, for points sake let's assume an ounce cost £25. On the other hand i could have happy customers coming back every week, i could sell 10 ounces a month (if my grow was so orientated) you've just made £750 in a month instead of £400, regardless of your profit margin being smaller than the guy down the raod.


Well-Known Member
You would be more than welcome mate. I have no need for more weed than is necessary to last me till the following harvest, anything spare i am happy to shift as i simply have no need for it, so any profit on it is profit so i take no issue with just how much, i quite often chuck weed in the bin. That was last weeks scrags left over on ym rolling mat, could have sold it for £25, or i could just chuck it in the bin, it doesn't cost me anything to do so. Soit's what i did :)

Why not just grow 1 plant then?????????????????????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Why not just grow 1 plant then?????????????????????
Because as my grows have often shown, a lot better to have more than you need than not enough. If i have more than i need, then i can invite people around and smoke them out over a long weekend without caring about asking for money. It's a weed, i have no issue binning excess, i can just grow some more.


Well-Known Member
Because as my grows have often shown, a lot better to have more than you need than not enough. If i have more than i need, then i can invite people around and smoke them out over a long weekend without caring about asking for money. It's a weed, i have no issue binning excess, i can just grow some more.
We are like chalk and cheese m8. I like the idea of coming round and smoking all weekend for free. Time and place. LOL


Well-Known Member
You're a kind man ttt, but something my head of year told me at school that has always stuck with me was that people will screw you over and take advantage given the chance. Obviously you don't have to worry about this sort of thing with your close mates who I assume you would be happy to share your smoke with but there are always going to be leechers, just gotta know how to weed them out of your circle of mates.

@ jimmy, that's a really nice looking setup, real clean. Looks like you know what you're doing and given the space I don't doubt you could easily pull 20+ oz but in that space you're looking at more lik 8-10 under ideal conditions. Keep us posted bud.


Well-Known Member
Real glad i dont have to worry about this shit sellin an that, my weeds all for me!.. ive put all the effort in growin the stuff........ So im goin to smoke the rewards!! mates havin 1oz for £140 and is buzzin with that, price up my way is 180-200 at min but always goin up slowly,....and im only lettin that go to pay for my next grows supplies

I think of it like this, im gettin 2.4g of medioka bud for 20quid smokin about 4 a week so cost me £80 a week, 320 a month if i can start producin enough to last till next harvest then im savin money i would have spent on shit weed plus can spend it on me an my family instead so keeps them off my back when moneys tight!!... and i no where the weeds from and im not linnin the pockets of some other guy who's not done no work what so ever lile billy sell it them for 100 they walk round corner an they sell it for 200 so makin same as you with no effort fuck that,.. cos then when ive run out ill be back buyin the 2.4 bags cos my small time dealers payin full wack for an oz so id be shootin my self in the foot in a way.



Well-Known Member
Greetings fellow UK growers, thought id share a few pics of my current grow in my DIY grow cabs. Growing skunk #1 from sensi in these cabs and Cheese by Dinafem in my BC northern lights producer. Will do a diary on the producer grow and look to pull 20 plus Oz out of it without using C02. Will post pics of the producer grow later, happy growing.
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Nice set up Jimmy

Re: selling weed, I'm the same as ttt here I only grow for myself and if I have enough and a mate wants some I'll throw them a quarter or so for nothing, some mates insist on given something back (crate of beer for a quarter was the last for example) but if I've got it then no problem - spread the joy and all that. Mates have sent me quarters through the post for nothing when I was desperate, what goes around etc etc. If I was knocking around with peeps I didn't really know or were mates of mates then I suppose I would be inclined to charge but these are all people I'd invite down the pub, if ya know what I mean. Although when I'm running low your welcome to come round for a smoke but you'll be lucky to get a spliff off me to take away lol


Well-Known Member
wouldnt mind knowing myself the quiet fans im looking at are 190 from the grow shop.
emailed them earlier but still waiting to hear back, if they 've got the oomph for use with a filter they look wicked, spec says they're coming in over 30dB quieter than an RVK :o


Well-Known Member
im not very technical but isnt there some kinda measurement that tells ya how much air they pull through per sec or sumfin like that? when i was asking about the silent fans at the grow shop they were saying sumfin like that?


Well-Known Member
im not very technical but isnt there some kinda measurement that tells ya how much air they pull through per sec or sumfin like that? when i was asking about the silent fans at the grow shop they were saying sumfin like that?
yeah think it's this:

"To determine the ventilation required in m3/hour, multiply the area of the room (m2) by 125. For example a grow room of 5m x 2m = 10m2 so the required extraction rate would be 10 x 125 = 1250m3/hour"

so my set up only needs 84m3/hour so the smallest one they do at 240m3/hour should be fine, it's just tHis bit that makes me wonder "As a 'mix-vent' fan these develop less pressure than our acoustic centrifugal box fans, but for use with duct runs shorter than 10 meters or so are perfectly adequate." almost too good to be true!

Actually Sambo just PMd you link to another site, think I may be getting one of these :) ;)


Well-Known Member
You're a kind man ttt, but something my head of year told me at school that has always stuck with me was that people will screw you over and take advantage given the chance. Obviously you don't have to worry about this sort of thing with your close mates who I assume you would be happy to share your smoke with but there are always going to be leechers, just gotta know how to weed them out of your circle of mates.

@ jimmy, that's a really nice looking setup, real clean. Looks like you know what you're doing and given the space I don't doubt you could easily pull 20+ oz but in that space you're looking at more lik 8-10 under ideal conditions. Keep us posted bud.
HI mate, my 20 oz goal is with a turn key unit by BC northern lights there fully automated grow cabs they cost a bomb but are the best money can buy supposedly, we shall see. Those pics are of a couple of cabs i built and your bang on hoping for around 8 oz out of them gonna post pics here of the BC northern lights cab then start a diary.


Well-Known Member
Trying to source a quiet inline could upsize and speed control it but just came across these, anyone heard of/used them, will they work with a filter and 6m ish of duct?

Those are pucker fans mate, a friend has one and they are ultra quiet. Nearly got myself two of those for my cabs but money was tight so went for something cheaper. You can stick a fan controller on them no probs but cheap speed controllers contribute to fan hum so get a variac speed controller.