should we be worried?

what are everyones opinions on the N.W.O the fedral reserve, NATO, NAFTA, FEMA , bilderberg, illuminati, georgia guide stones? why are old senetors all worked up about getting 1000 page bills to sign on christmas eve? what is really going on? how worried should a regular joe be? how real are these threats? i dont consider myself a conspiracy nut and im seeing hearing and reading a lot of stuff that sounds really bad.

Yes, worry. lol
Heh, in my state in the month of October there must be about a million terrorists if buying ammunition is a sign.
you should be worried if you keep listening to the types of Alex Jones...He has some truths in his talk but he piles on a bunch of lies with it...kinda hard to swallow it all..guy should just stick with the facts...when you add on lies it just make people wonder about your real intentions:roll:..
AJ gets real worked up.
Look if your worried about it vote Ron Paul.
You can look at it two ways:
Either all these government and extra-governmental agencies are really just trying to be good civil servants.
Or they are cogs in a machine desined to scientificly control you.
Don't look at what they are doing.
Look at what they are accomplishing.

i.e. the world trade organization. who are they, who voted them in, who gave them the power to manage global trade?
Don't look at what they are doing, look at what they are accomplishing.
Bit by bit the world is falling in line.
The Russians said "we will bury you" and "your children will be communist."
They were right look at us now.
This video is great he talks about spider's part spider part goat and also a lightning bolt that came inside his grandfathers house and floated around...this is a must hear
what are everyones opinions on the N.W.O the fedral reserve, NATO, NAFTA, FEMA , bilderberg, illuminati, georgia guide stones? why are old senetors all worked up about getting 1000 page bills to sign on christmas eve? what is really going on? how worried should a regular joe be? how real are these threats?

I forgot to wear my tin foil hat so I don't have an opinion on that subject.

i dont consider myself a conspiracy nut and im seeing hearing and reading a lot of stuff that sounds really bad.

No one thinks they are a nut. It's part of being a nut.
so what does all this have to do with this thread...

the thread says are WE in trouble..

my question is who is WE?

and who do you want WE to be?

Here comes some more inconsistant programming, that people dont realize they have....

Is everyone in your country your friend? You have enemies on your street? You have rapists that if they raped a family member, youd still call them a friend?

Lets call a spade a spade, and get real.

Groups based on skin color or territory are for the birds.

Its a good thing to teach kids, so that they give everyone around them a chance and arent paranoid that the things in life they dont like are people's faults within their community.

instead, we allow the blamers to point blame... but point it at a far off land, or at another leader.

This allows peace to remain in the communities... and allows people a chance to snap out of their BLAMING.

Once a person turns 18.. a magical thing happens. True free agency.

And a chance to join the military, and go attack the other team they are so convinced is behind all their problems.

THe economy not good enough for you? And you dont want to work to solve it and you want to point blame at someone else?

Rest assured, the world leaders do not want to hear your complaints.... so they create an illusion... where they trick the dumb people from this side of the globe, into facing off with the dumb people of that side of the globe.

Skin color, place of birth, language you grew up learning....

these are all illusions for the people who WANT TO BLAME, and dont want to UNDERSTAND.

If you look past peoples skin color or where they were born... and start to put a list together of important qualities...


will you kill people if they are short?

Will you kill people if they have a low iq?

Will you kill people if they are born in the wrong spot?

Will you kill people if they have the wrong name for god?

Or... will you look for something that people have control over....

Lets say... people who search for understanding, and thus appreciation for what they have, and the world in which they live.


People who search for someone to blame, and refuse to admit that there is no such thing as perfect, and there is always room for improvement?

you see... we are born knowing nothing. And the day we die is the most we will ever know.

Knowldege is infinite. Numbers are infinite. Genetic mutation is infinite. Ideas are infinite. Problems are infinite.

To pretend that you are in no need of improvement and that you have the right answers as you sit... is an ape instinct to try and look important.

And it might work on the idiots... and you make a baby with some stupid chic who falls for it...

but understand... the people who want to understand whats going on... are the last people to pick up a gun and get violent.

And thus... this is why the opposing team concept is kept in tact... it allows idiots who think they have life so figured out... that they have the right to kill another human being...

face off with a mirror image of themself... from another team... and kill eachother.

And while in the desert, with no freedom, in a 120 degree tank, eating spam...

if it ever dawns on that soldier... that they HAD a GREAT economy, and the choice they chose put them in a shitty situation, surrounded by people where it becomes poinless to build anything, for it will just get destroyed....

it might finally dawn on that person to come home and choose to smile, and appreciate life...

and know that porducts dont just fall from the sky.

Are we in a bad economy?

Relative to the rest of the world? Not at all.

Relative to where we were 10 years ago? Absolutely.

First, lets define an economy.

You can use a bunch of big words and confuse the hell out of everyone....

but i think ive figured out a great definition...

An economy is... how hard and long do you work in a day, how much do you produce and serve.... and then the pay you recieve... how much does that allow you to purchase?

in other words..

how much do you produce, compared to how much you are allowed to consume.

In a great economy, you dont have to work much, and the pay you receive allows you to afford, and thus consume all kinds of stuff.... far more than you produced that day.

In a bad economy, you have to work a ton, produce a ton, and the pay you receive, doesnt allow you to consume much at all.

Here is a little harsh reality to life...

when people in other countries work in sweat shops to produce abercrombie clothes and other random stuff we enjoy... and then they arent paid much...

this is to americas advantage.

Because instead fo the people who make the shirts being paid enough to purchase them from their own factory... they cant.

And thus there are more shirts for us... allowing more of us to afford them and not have to work as hard to produce shirts... someone else already has.

Not saying this is good or bad... just saying... this is an important part to understand about global economics...

if our economy is to get better... and we not work any harder then we already are...

understand someone elses economy has to get worse... where they have to work harder, and arent allowed to afford to consume the product, but instead it comes our way.

I dont mind someone who wants our economy to get better... as long as they realize they have to produce more to make it happen.

I dont mind someone who wants our economy to get better, and doenst want to produce more... but i hope they understand... that without the tooth fairy... the only other option is sweat shops in asia, where people dont get paid, and we get the goods for cheap because no money is waste on labor fees.

What i cant stand are people who want our economy to get better, want to work less, and want to punish the bad guys in asia running the sweat shops.

This person may as well have stepped on an elevator with me... pushed both the up and down buttons... and then complained that the elevator went up, or down, and that they wanted to go the other way.

This is an obvious sign of ignorance and retardation.

It is important to understand there are many world leaders who feel the same way... and this is why they have no problem hanging idiots out to dry... who prove they dont have the brainpower to understand cause and effect... and instead just want to complain regardless of which direction the elevator goes because in their mind, they believe they live in a universe where everything is possible, and its someone elses responsibility to make it happen.

When the reality is... they grew up on the coat tails of a generation who had been to war, understood that work has to be done, and thats why we had the great economy we used to have... because people used to enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to pull their weight.

These days... we have the easter bunny, aka insterest rates, national deficit, fed reserve conspiracies, stock market levels, and whos in office.

And guess what. None of these things, not obama, not the interest rates... make another plasma tv.

People still have to make the tv, or make the robots that make the tv.

It doesnt matter where the interest rates are... whos in office.. and where the stock market is...

if theres 3 of us, and one sandwich... understand... 2 are going to go hungry, UNLESS SOMEONE GETS OFF THEIR ASS AND MAKES 2 MORE SANDWICHES.

This harsh reality... is not something ANY politician has any reason to explain... because what it means is... he cant help you... his help is an illusion.

Once you realize that... he just lost control of you... he has nothign left to bribe you with.
Best post ever^^^
I forgot to wear my tin foil hat.
you need to start thinking magnets for the hat to be effective you will need to incorperate magnets
It is not too late for us, and yes we are in danger. I don't think anyone can say what or how or when exactly it will happen. There are so many things flying around and I suppose that is what makes the conspiracy or secret hidden so well, sometimes the best place to hide something is right under your nose. Especially if your society lives in a recirculating bubble of existence.

9/11 was a planned black operation, if there was nothing to hide why was the evidence so guarded and why are there so many inconsistencies by VERY REPUTABLE PROFESSIONALS from various disciplines, scientists, explosive experts, engineers, architects, pilots etc. etc. etc.

The illuminati lives and it's members are the Rockefellers, rothschilds, Thyssens, Queen Beatrix of Holland and others that we see every day in positions of power.

They and a select few are the NEW WORLD ORDER.

The governments of America and Britian as well as pretty much every other country where the rockefellers and co. have there hands on the reserve banks are owned by these suckers, your federal reserve is run and owned by private owners, not your government or you the people, it's been like this since 1913. They print your money, your president cannot print money by law neither can your government.

America you are OWNED and most of you do not know it!

The press and media from all over the world is also owned by these people, they are the Ted turners and Rupert Murdochs of this and they are with them.

There is another planet called Nubiru to the Annunaki, Planet X to Fox news ( one of their major manipulational mouthpeices ) that will be coming into our solar system, this has been denied till recently by NASA, The European space agency, The Japanese space agency et al. since 1989.

It is a fact, any average joe could find it with a telescope and a clear night.

Nobody knows exactly what impact if any this will have on earth, some speculate based on Sumarian and Mayan text but even the scientists do not know for sure.

The poles could shift which has happened many times before, this explains the huge changes in weather patterns and could be a possibility.

There could be these fucking Annanuki's on this planet, by the way it's 5 times the size of earth.

It is also still a very hot star and could burn the shit out of our power grids causing chaos.

There are many possibilities but nobody knows for sure if any of it will happen.

Nasa has been hiding evidence of extra terrestrial life from the man on the street for decades, since the 40's and after getting into space beyond the atmosphere, I imagine within days they realised we are not alone.

Research what is on the moon and on mars that nasa airbrushes out in their pics, luckily there are many images that get through the net. Apollo 11 mission to the moon, the last time Nasa went took 1.2 million images of the moon whilst in a series of orbits. You cannot scrub 1.2 million images.

I have seen structures, abandoned ruins, towers, obelisks, crashed shapes that look more like aircraft than a worn boulder.
Ask yourself why they photoshop every background on a Moon image, if you want to know how to identify this ask me.

The same goes for the Mars....see for yourself on Nasa image website or countless websites.

America has and will potentially use chemical warfare against it's own people. I am South African by birth, I studied their secret past after the floodgates opened with the freedom of information act of 94 and the truth commissions seen worldwide.

South Africa in the sixties and seventies were the world leaders in bio toxin development, they had the CIA and the KGB coming to them to hive biotechnology even whilst officially we had world wide sanctions.

They were trying to perfect a race specific bio chemical weapon to erradicate the black nation. America was part of this program when we took it up north into Angola and central Congo. America developed AIDS not a monkey.

There is a wealth of information out there and all you need to do is be aware enough to find it, sitting at home saying it's bollocks and hitting the bong is going to eventually get you a RFID in your arm.

Make no mistake, there may not be aliens and there may not be a destructing Earth upon us but let it be clear, a NEW WORLD ORDER with a one world currency, one religion, one common goal is around the corner unless you and fight.

I do not mean to alarm Americans but you guys are in SHIT, because your country is fucking bankrupt. 1% of your annual interest payment on your national debt constitutes 1000% of your annual GDP. This is an undisputable fact.

You will not be the Reserve currency to the world for much longer.

Alex Jones has insight into things that are happening but he is a Christian which blurs his feelings sometimes, he gets pissed off too easily.


Get involved and tell as many people as you can.
Research this:

The new Denver airport and it's murals, who donated the money to build it and why there is a freemasons sign on the plaque. Why there is a gargoyle in a suitcase and why the hell is a mural of the end of the world in a new modern and contemporary airport?

Why is it that there are some 300 000 extra tons of earth removed from the site as compared to what was initially estimated, this is hugely irregular.

And remember this, all the information you see in ANY form should be considered possibly for your benefit to prepare you for any outcome slowly and surely.

The small details are not important, the big idea is the enemy!

im sure their were jews in germany who thought it was all conspericies to.....i dare anyone to watch this whole video and tell me it doesnt at least worry you or make you think-wonder.

what i learned from that video, is that 'man' is a disease to the world. this, i already knew. some of it was interesting....but, i couldn't shake the 'used car salesmen aspect' of the host.
population control is fine. take it with a grain of salt i suppose. due to my family tree, i should be fine.
I skipped the middle 8 or so pages so pardon me if its been given, but 9/11 is easily seen to be caused by controlled demolition just by looking at the tapes. In the simplest form, compare building #7 to a controlled demolition. For another simple comparison, consider dropping a brick through nothing but air. The falling speed of this brick is only resisted by the air, and this is just about how quickly the towers fell.
For the scientific proof, please view the work of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth at:
Please share the facts of the building's demolition with your friends and family so that we may step closer to justice.
what i learned from that video, is that 'man' is a disease to the world. this, i already knew. some of it was interesting....but, i couldn't shake the 'used car salesmen aspect' of the host.
population control is fine. take it with a grain of salt i suppose. due to my family tree, i should be fine.

although it is apt to compare this to Nazi Germany as the same people behind that are behind this DO NOT ASSUME your religion, creed, family tree or anything else will help you other than being super wealthy, powerful and highly placed within society which no offense considering you are on RIU this is not the case.

Complacency is what has got you here in the first place.
I skipped the middle 8 or so pages so pardon me if its been given, but 9/11 is easily seen to be caused by controlled demolition just by looking at the tapes. In the simplest form, compare building #7 to a controlled demolition. For another simple comparison, consider dropping a brick through nothing but air. The falling speed of this brick is only resisted by the air, and this is just about how quickly the towers fell.
For the scientific proof, please view the work of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth at:
Please share the facts of the building's demolition with your friends and family so that we may step closer to justice.

You go Sir!!!!!!!!!
Interesting video.....Not finished yet. Like the Canadian footage LOL

There are many videos we should all be watching, info wars has them and Jesse Ventura on trutv. I know that the production of the videos have a cheesiness to them but the message is what is important. Afterall they need to still make money form the stations point of view.

Research Billy Meier's experiences and Dr. Jonathon Reed's experience of aliens, yes aliens! Read Rik Clay's theories on a new Jerusalem for the zionists in London.
I found it amazzing how some ppl wont belive even do history repeats its self over and over, every leader empire has fallen and all of them have tried to take over the world, man is so obsed with the dollar, gold and dimonds GUESS WHAT its a fuk@3ng roock its paper, we learn to kill before we even got to love(movie religioulos or somethin like that hahaha), fear my friends its the root of all evil, guess what ppl things will go down and climate aint helping at all, shit gets worst. bigger stronger storms, its time our goverment gives power back to ppl.
The economy wont go up in a good minute,price of shit is goin up LOOK AT THE LATEST FOOD PRICES u can no longer fly with-out been seach and scaned, everything haves traking sistems u got cameras in every corner, they tap ur internet and ur phones saying they are listening for terrorists o and no longer does ppl have the right for free expression with that new patriotism act... oo yea WHY DO WE NEED AND ARMY IN OR HOME LAND

if i got something wrong plz let me know and for does who dont wanna burst their bubble hey keep living in your dream cause this is just like matrix