Guess the cops in my city need to up their quota...


Well-Known Member
A speeding ticket... for making a right turn through a yellow arrow at the posted speed limit. Allegedly I was "flying" and he heard "tires screeching". Because everyone who drives a gas guzzler knows, when your fuel tank is on E, you speed everywhere wasting those precious last drops. Right? :roll:

My windows were down and I didn't hear shit... fuck off.

Time for a Trial by Written Declaration. Enjoy losing to your own "justice" system you walking taint of a cop.


Active Member
dont feel bad, a few years back i got busted on a bs claim like the one the cop used on you.

it was about 12am on a friday nite (technically saturday morning...) and i just dropped a friend off at their house. i leave...get back onto the main road in that city (traveling towards the freeway to go home)...i notice this cop following me for blocks...i pull up to an intersection with my right blinker on (making a right turn)...light is red as i approach...i hit the breaks (preparing to stop, then turn). before i can fully come to a complete stop the light turns green so i let off the break and proceed to turn through the intersection...

soon as i do, *bloop, bloop* (cop siren) i pull over...

he says, "you're all over the road and you ran that red light!"

i tell him, "it was red as i approached but before i reached the actual intersection it turned green so rather than completely stop for a right turn on a green light i just coasted through the intersection and made the right turn"

long story short...he gave me the running a redlight ticket.

i showed up to court to fight it, he showed as well...i ended up convincing the judge enough that he suspended the fine (so i didnt have to pay $400!) but told me to take traffic school anyway.

so overall not that bad but still. i feel you on that one...they like to pick on people sometimes.
lmao ive done got so many tickets for driving and everytime i show up to fight it the cops never show so they get dismissed now thats how you know they just give you a ticket for anything


Well-Known Member
Shiny blue car? Flared fenders? 4 exhaust tips?


Stupid ass rich white neighborhoods... the cops there don't do shit all day so they just start harassing people to pass the time.

But really... if any of you ever get a speeding ticket or any moving violation. Never fight it in court... request a trial by written declaration (google that shit). You'll win every time so long as you don't write like a 4th grader with Parkinson's disease with a purple crayon that isn't even sharp.

Cops get paid overtime to come to court when you fight it. When you write a TBD, they don't get SHIT except more paperwork. You think they know who the hell's TBD is on their desk after writing 600 tickets?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
in my state they just passed some bullshit that you have to PAY 25 dollars just to walk into the court to fight your ticket. if that's not unconstitutional i don't know what is. they can't charge you for the "privelige" of defending yourself, but i digress. what really pisses me off is the checkboxes on the ticket. i got a speeding ticket last year and both "clocked" and "estimated" were checked off. how the fuck does that work? and the screeching tire thing, i had a cop pull me over for that to harrass me. then like a cunt i pointed out my flat bald tires and asked if he was done wasting my taxes. then he gave me a ticket for some safety shit LOL. my feelings toward police are as close to hatred as i've ever felt toward strangers.
Shiny blue car? Flared fenders? 4 exhaust tips?


Stupid ass rich white neighborhoods... the cops there don't do shit all day so they just start harassing people to pass the time.

But really... if any of you ever get a speeding ticket or any moving violation. Never fight it in court... request a trial by written declaration (google that shit). You'll win every time so long as you don't write like a 4th grader with Parkinson's disease with a purple crayon that isn't even sharp.

Cops get paid overtime to come to court when you fight it. When you write a TBD, they don't get SHIT except more paperwork. You think they know who the hell's TBD is on their desk after writing 600 tickets?
never knew, thanks


Well-Known Member
never knew, thanks
and if your trial by written dec sucked and it got rejected... you legally have a right to try a second time. If by for some whack job fucked reason it gets rejected twice... you can then see a judge, or sack up and pay for it and plead "no contest".

Courts will never suggest this shit to you. Got make that $$



Well-Known Member
Up here we just fight it...usually gets tossed...At least the small stuff does. Our cops would rather be in a Tim Hortons than in a traffic court.

Fuck I must be getting old I haven't been pulled over in 10 years or more.....Will say once when I was about 19 years old 9' tall and bulletproof I got pulled over and the cop was being a dick so I told him to go fuck his hat....thats right folks only ever did that once LOL....Car impounded 385 bucks to bail my own ass out.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
fuck cops.

they roll up on me hard, putting ME in DANGER, SHINING their god damn SPOT light at me for 10 fucking MINUTES while they drive IN MY BLIND SPOT until I drive out of their jurisdiction, just fucking staring at them.. like, "WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG PIG"
fuck cops.

they roll up on me hard, putting ME in DANGER, SHINING their god damn SPOT light at me for 10 fucking MINUTES while they drive IN MY BLIND SPOT until I drive out of their jurisdiction, just fucking staring at them.. like, "WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG PIG"
Lmao i wish it was that easy


Active Member
Yeah man.. feel you on the bogus traffic stops. When I was seventeen I stopped to get gas at around three am and I physically bumped into a cop on my way out that was getting some snacks while I was holding the door open for someone coming in. I said sorry and received no response...
I pulled out onto the road and after about a quarter of a mile i notice a vehicle driving behind me without any headlights on (it's 3am) and I realize it's a cop. I was driving pretty slow and i was really calm and collect.. I was just laughing about the cop with no headlights on.. probably trying to nail me. I come to a full stop at a stop sign, and with my turning signal on I take a left.
He turns all of his lights on and *bloop bloop*.. pulls me over. It's the guy from the gas station and he asks me if I know why he pulled me over. I said, "Not really.. I actually saw you behind me without any headlights on and was extremely cautious and conscious of the traffic laws."
"Well your muffler is a little bit loud and you took that left hand turn pretty quickly." I replied, "Really? Because this is a stock 1997 mazda 626 with a factory exhaust and muffler.... nothing has ever been modified and I'm pretty sure it is at a normal volume. As for the turn.. I did see you behind me, and it was from a full stop. How fast could it have really been?"
He calls my parents and tells them that I'm out pretty late. He never asked me if he could. He did it in his car when he took my license and registration. Looked up my home phone that belonged to the address and gave them a call. Comes back and tells me about the call and issues me a warning. When he goes back to his car I turn my key and my battery died. My lights were on far too long. I waved outside of my window and opened the door and walked up to his car. This is when he gets out and throws me on the hood of his car and slaps the cuffs on me, therefore placing me under arrest. He thought that I was going to try to assault him.
Went to court to try and make sure he wasn't aloud to drive around a cop car anymore. It worked.. but after that I was pulled over randomly three times a week for about 2 months.
I moved.
Sorry if that was way too long.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Lmao i wish it was that easy
What do you mean?

Cops see my bike and get a hard on for me.. I usually see them first, so by the time they radar me on that empty street at 2am, I'm doing exactly 50 mph.

They can't pull me over, so they just put a spot light on me, checking me out, waiting for me to do something wrong... this is after they follow me for 15 minutes, realizing I KNOW they're behind me..

Cops here will literally just FOLLOW YOU for 15-20 minutes. They have absolutely nothing to do but wait for YOU to go 6mph over the limit or change lanes without signaling first
Cops will follow me for 10-20 minutes and i know im getting pulled over for nothing so while i see them in the rear view i just get my paper work ready...When i ask what they pulling me over for Oh just a routine traffic stop lol..But yet they have to punch my license up and have me wait for 20 fucking minutes


Well-Known Member
Lol, I live in south africa, we have nearly no interaction with cops, and we actualy have crime, something is wrong over there.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Cops will follow me for 10-20 minutes and i know im getting pulled over for nothing so while i see them in the rear view i just get my paper work ready...When i ask what they pulling me over for Oh just a routine traffic stop lol..But yet they have to punch my license up and have me wait for 20 fucking minutes
they cant just pull you over for no reason at all.

There has to be some reason, even the most MINOR traffic infraction.

Police harassing me is what makes me want to get a camera on my helmet :lol:
That and all the people that pull out in front of me, cut me off, force me into other lanes, etc. Put their dumbasses, with plates, on youtube.
they cant just pull you over for no reason at all.

There has to be some reason, even the most MINOR traffic infraction.

Police harassing me is what makes me want to get a camera on my helmet :lol:
That and all the people that pull out in front of me, cut me off, force me into other lanes, etc. Put their dumbasses, with plates, on youtube.
Trust me when i tell you they will pull you over for nothing in new york city.
Before i used to drive a chevy impala i got pulled over 2x a day now i drive a bmw x5 i get pulled over at least 4x a week for NOTHING.Its to the point when a cop comes up to the window his partner says hes good.