Dry Ice


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I was wondering, I can go buy dry ice fairly cheap and i was thinking of getting a bit and putting in little broken chunks with my plants to give them Co2 and i just wanted to know what you guys thought on this, I looked around and searched the forum and didnt see anything, so I turn to you guys, If this is a good idea, i might go pick some up today when I get the chance, Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Not even a viewing and its been almost an hour... "Patience is a Virtue Scepter..." Hey.. Where did that voice come from?!



Well-Known Member
videoman knows something about this. I do know that it will work....not so sure how to figure out how much you're putting out.

You're not sleeping anywhere below the level of the grow room are you? That CO2 can build up if you're not running an exhaust fan occasionally.


Well-Known Member
geez dude, you couldnt of searched too far, I posted this afew days ago.....
some people have asked me about dryice, and I thought I'd look into getting some informative answers for everyone.

One of the benefits (however small) is the cooling effect of dryice, since it is -80 degrees, also be very careful handling dryice, as it will burn you at that temp.

Dryice is generally available in 50lb blocks, and can/should last about a week, depending on alot of factors. Placing a small cooler in your growroom to store the dryice is necessary, either open the cooler during lights on hours, or I take it out and place it on top of the cooler, and place it back in the cooler near lights out.

Cost varies ALOT, depending if your getting it from a supplier or a manufacturer, going to the source is always better.
From what I know, and I've been handling dry ice for about 25 years, cost should be about $15.00 for a 50 lb block.
This should last about a week.

One pound of dry ice will produce 8.7 cubic feet of gaseous CO2. You’ll need to provide about .04 cubic feet of CO2 to the garden per day for every cubic foot of grow space. That means that a 1 pound block of dry ice will provide one days coverage for a 217 cubic foot garden, which is slightly larger than a 5’ x 5’ x 8’ area. The trick is to leave the cooler open just enough to let the dry ice sublimate at the rate you want.

If you produce more than this amount, it will not hurt the plants at all, but be ready to "read your plants" and know when to water and feed them, as they will need extremely larger amounts of nutes.

Another side benefit of this method is that you will not have a problem with insects at all.

I loved using dryice, as I can see the benefits immediately. ALWAYS feed your plants well prior to using dryice.


Well-Known Member
I dont know Yet, i havnt gone and checked yet. Maybe I will call... I will let you know before I buy it and see what you think.



Well-Known Member
If you take the dryice, and "roll" down the paper thats wrapped around the dryice, it'll natrually shower the plants if placed slightly higher than the plants. Do not forget to feed the plants first!, more than likely you'll learn that as you use the dryice the babies will require alot more feedings too.
Maybe even daily feedings.

Try going here.....dry ice Info .com Dry Ice Information for dry ice suppliers and manufacturers in the USA, Canada and world countries

it has a directory of dry ice places in your neighborhood. ask for 50 lb blocks.


Well-Known Member
No way, listen, tell then you are a "meatman" and you need dryice on a regular basis. After saying that, tell them you usually pay about $18.00 a block, and let them realize you are a true wholesale customer. if they make the shit there, they'll lower the price.
.99 a lb is like $50.00 a block, NO WAY.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. it was an old lady on he phone, so she might not know what it is at... But i will go down there and look.. PEACE!
Thanks Guys.



Well-Known Member
If you take the dryice, and "roll" down the paper thats wrapped around the dryice, it'll natrually shower the plants if placed slightly higher than the plants. Do not forget to feed the plants first!, more than likely you'll learn that as you use the dryice the babies will require alot more feedings too.
Maybe even daily feedings.

Try going here.....dry ice Info .com Dry Ice Information for dry ice suppliers and manufacturers in the USA, Canada and world countries

it has a directory of dry ice places in your neighborhood. ask for 50 lb blocks.

dude video my plants are bigger than my co2 tank and i cant get enugh nuts and water to the oh shit.

i missed a watering on ONE plant yesterday and it looked like it was dead almost the next day and i use alot of co2. video in fact gave me the breakdown on how to calibrate my co2 tank and reg setup.:blsmoke:

thank again vid. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, i is just at one of the local store/markets... not a big town that i live in.. population 11,000... Dont know ifthat is why they charge so much..



Well-Known Member
yeah, i called him and talked to him and he is a complete moron... he said, "Its uh....$.98/lb... uh... because... uh... it like.. evaporates and stuff...thats why it is so expensive... uh... errr er er eeerrrrrr...." He sounded like a retard at an ice cream feastivle... oh well... and that is my only option in my town, nobody else carries it...


Well-Known Member
I dunno man. If I was in that small of a place I'd be real hesitant to start buying blocks on a weekly basis.


Well-Known Member
bettetr off investing in a tank at least for 300 bucks in the end youll be able to sell it if you dont like it or get a tank for 140 and go in ure room and open it manually 3-4 times a day and just blast em for like 30 seconds real good and close the bottle so you dont have to spent 150 on the regulator up front.

my homies been doingit for like 8 months and theres no excuse for him he has cheese to back up with his setup. cheap bastard. mqwemjfwm fuker