Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

I cant figure out what the last 3 posts were about, sounds like someone made a nasty gram and a mod deleted it or something. Probably the same guy who PM's me every few days telling me how much I suck. :) Kinda funny anyhow lol
I cant figure out what the last 3 posts were about, sounds like someone made a nasty gram and a mod deleted it or something. Probably the same guy who PM's me every few days telling me how much I suck. :) Kinda funny anyhow lol

THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only one who was all "wtf are they talking about?!?!"
I cant figure out what the last 3 posts were about, sounds like someone made a nasty gram and a mod deleted it or something. Probably the same guy who PM's me every few days telling me how much I suck. :) Kinda funny anyhow lol

You didn't miss anything, just some internet gangster who forgot to take his meds :lol:
Any new pics of the 2nd and 3rd flower rooms? Oya i was meaning to ask this sooner, i know you said that most commercial grows wont do a sog because of plant count, what about a scrog?
Yea, packers won, lmao sorry kitty,
had to get that in there...

great grow by the way, amazing outcome.
i did post due everyone already took my words.
so i guess you can say i was speechless. lmfao

in his defense, there *are* two of us that work the grow =) =) =)

I'm playing StarCraft II on the laptop while yawning at the superbowl. Fergie looks old.
Any new pics of the 2nd and 3rd flower rooms? Oya i was meaning to ask this sooner, i know you said that most commercial grows wont do a sog because of plant count, what about a scrog?

If you cant figure out a typo, the world has no hope for you. :)

Pictures coming when I get them. If there's nothing terribly exciting to show, I wont keep spending a half hour updating the site with pictures of the same shit everyone already saw. OOH THE PLANT IS 3 INCHEZ TALLER LOLZ, nah that's OK. :) Pictures for progress, till then............. :)
Yea, packers won, lmao sorry kitty,
had to get that in there...

great grow by the way, amazing outcome.
i did post due everyone already took my words.
so i guess you can say i was speechless. lmfao

The Superbowl was boring............ I heard something about a football game too, not sure what that was all about. :)
in his defense, there *are* two of us that work the grow =) =) =)

I'm playing StarCraft II on the laptop while yawning at the superbowl. Fergie looks old.

Totally, not trying to take anything away from Senor Kitty. Just that the feminine half of your team has been the "face" of the op in this thread, that's all. Much respect to you both. Oh yeah, I think Fergie is old. I remember her getting old a few years ago, come to think of it... :lol:
FINAL first harvest weight: 2lbz 11oz. That's the weight after everything is trimmed, manicured, dryed and packaged. For 4000w of lights, and plants of extremely different sizes (some 4' tall some 10" tall) I'm moderately happy with those results. The real test will be on the next harvest (21st of February) with 3000w lights of even canopy with no stressed, moved, or problematic plants. Then I hope the weight from the 2nd harvest eventually increases as time goes on from dialing in everything a little better too.

sweet jeezus sis! congrats!