The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
If it means paying 350 a oz of shit mate stop smokeing,or start growing but don't charge the price you said make it affordable for all smokers 225 to be down south because everthing is more expensive and the quilaty is never the same,ie larger/beer watered down and about 4.00 a pint.start your own operation and you will never have to buy shit again,has long has you keep your grow under raps.TELL NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE ALOT OF JELOUSE PEOPLE OUT THERE................TYKE...I'm not a hater of the south just a lover of the north
To be honets I would rather sell cheap and fast than go to jail.
security before greed.
way i see it grow it sell it 150 or below, and get rid, wash your hands of it, you dont wanns be setting the price at 250 and have it sitting around while people debate about buying it from you or someone else.

you can still make a nice profit, 8 plants in my tent at the moment, 16 ounce average, 150 an ounce 2400 x 4 grows 9600 a year. minus 1600 tops for electricity and gear.. 8k a yeararound 666 a month. not bad for a tent in the back room aye.

now with a veg tent and 6 grows a year it jumps to 1000 month give or take.

I strugglde to pull 800 a month in a full time min wage job. makes you laugh doesnt it.


Well-Known Member
To be honets I would rather sell cheap and fast than go to jail.
security before greed.
way i see it grow it sell it 150 or below, and get rid, wash your hands of it, you dont wanns be setting the price at 250 and have it sitting around while people debate about buying it from you or someone else.

you can still make a nice profit, 8 plants in my tent at the moment, 16 ounce average, 150 an ounce 2400 x 4 grows 9600 a year. minus 1600 tops for electricity and gear.. 8k a yeararound 666 a month. not bad for a tent in the back room aye.

now with a veg tent and 6 grows a year it jumps to 1000 month give or take.

I strugglde to pull 800 a month in a full time min wage job. makes you laugh doesnt it.
Don't know where you are m8 but nobody round here would debate, if to buy it. There is no quality green here and when it does appear its snapped up quickly at high prices. You can get your commercial weed for £160 - £180 an oz but its been bashed and as a whole is shit. Remember its all soapbar up here in Scotland


Active Member
here people are more than willing to pay about 200 an oz of good weed
Wheres here?.... (edit) i used my eyes... its wales nm.

Don't know where you are m8 but nobody round here would debate, if to buy it. There is no quality green here and when it does appear its snapped up quickly at high prices. You can get your commercial weed for £160 - £180 an oz but its been bashed and as a whole is shit. Remember its all soapbar up here in Scotland
Where i live I bet there is a grow every quarter mile. shame. a lot of exodus cheese too (apparently) and it sells at 150 an ounce.
the only way i can get a cutting it to go exclusive with a middleman, for 120 an ounce, shame. would have liked some exodus cheese too. never tried it.


Active Member
Im with SSBilly......... i wish a had a 9 bar a day of anything decent i would be cako, wouldnt have none sitting around either. They would be gone from anything from 250 - 280 with no problems. Fuck 600 a month when you could be getting double that in a day.


Well-Known Member
Of course you can factor Risk into price and we are not on a level playing field m8. I cannot compete with organized crime grow ops which in turn means I cannot compete with their prices. If an gang grow op gets busted they will start another, if I get busted thats my op over and a whole lot of shit to go with it. Thats why my prices are going to be like my weed......HIGH!. LOL
Each to their own. It's all relative though I guess, If you've got plenty of decent home growers round your area the price will drop because there's more competition, it's the same reason iphones go for like £800 in india, not enough people selling them. The one thing to keep in mind is not to let greed get the better of you, people do stupid things when they know they've been mugged off.


Well-Known Member
Ouch that is pricy rainz can you get cuttings lol :D?
Why do all the UK growers on this site fling in £200 each and setup a monster grow (with cheese) and we will split the profits. Lets churn out 14 kilo every month. Sell it for 3k a klick, thats 42k per month. Say there is 40 of us, thats 1k every month and use the spare 2k for bills and paying the gardener


Active Member
Im pretty sure talking like this on here will end with some of us feeling Fdd's hand of fury.

on that note, where would i go about getting an iligal imigrant to work my crop for me? rent a property with a false identity, iligal imigrant tending to it. tell him if he gets busted that you have a cop on the inside and he should ring you with a password. (to him it means come help me but to you it means never go near the crop again)

ahh thats the life.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure talking like this on here will end with some of us feeling Fdd's hand of fury.

on that note, where would i go about getting an iligal imigrant to work my crop for me? rent a property with a false identity, iligal imigrant tending to it. tell him if he gets busted that you have a cop on the inside and he should ring you with a password. (to him it means come help me but to you it means never go near the crop again)

ahh thats the life.

LOL. What would your password be?


Well-Known Member
Dunno, I think they ask you if you would like them to call someone for you. The though of a small Vietnamese man going oink oink down the phone with loads of 5-0 about has really tickled my funnybone


Well-Known Member
howdy peoples

fixd up and finally got a new laptop today, hows every1 been?

have been aving abit of a nightmare trying to get me new grow room up n running theres always sumfing else that you need, should be ready to flower in the next 2wks gotta get more filters pyscosis and livers fucking stink even in veg lol carnt wait to flower them. Also got power africa and critical mass.

pics are some butter i made a couple of wks ago was fuckin strong i was a mongo for days lol 1st two slices of cake i had i spewd lol felt like coming up on a ketemine pill or sumfing lol

