Plants leaves are curling down but otherwise look healthy. Pics inside

Hey guys, I've tried to read up and search since there's a million of these threads but they all seem to me a little different. My plant's leaves are curling down, but they're green and healthy looking. The plants about 10 days old from seed. I don't think it's over watering as I really only water when the soil is dry, maybe once a day/every 2 days. I have 150 watts worth of CFL's around the plant (8x 23w, 6500k). It's about 78-80*F in there and the pH is at 6.8-7.0.

Should I try to lower the pH? I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil.



Active Member
What is the run off PH?

If those are bark chips like they look to me (bad eyes, small laptop, no glasses on) they will cause your soil to go extremely acidic..

Check PH runoff..

Just an idea..


OF is very hot for seedlings. should of started it of with light warrior. it still alive and you could keep going and hope for the best.
Thanks guys. What is pH runoff? I'm guessing the water that drains out the bottom when watering the plant? I don't think it's bark chips, I'm not sure though. It's whatever comes in Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
OF is very hot for seedlings. should of started it of with light warrior. it still alive and you could keep going and hope for the best.
Yeah I found that out after I bought it. Light Warrior you say? Is that also by Fox Farm? It's definitely alive and growing about 1/4 inch each day but I just don't get why the leaves a curling.

Also, are these green 2 prong pH/Moisture/Light meters any good? The one they sell at Lowes I believe, not sure who makes it as a friend gave it to me used. Would a digital meter be more accurate?


just too many nutes at the young stage, but keep growing and those will be the lower leafs anyway.
So the plant got healthier and started growing beautifully:

And then it started getting all droopy again.

So I figured it was time to transplant as it was drinking water pretty quickly. I moved it into this 3 gal bucket, And it's still all droopy and hasn't grown since. pH is spot on at 6.8 and nothing's changed since it was growing perfect. I water about every 2-4 days depending how dry it gets. It's been on 19/5 light schedule the whole time. I transplanted it into the same soil it's been in, fox farms ocean forrest.

Any idea's why it's all droopy and looks like its dying?


Well-Known Member
Still pretty new grower but I think you should lower the pH a tad to like 6.5 or so. IIRC, 6.8pH is at the end of the preferred limits.

That is pretty odd though. The only things I've read that cause drooping is overwatering and CO2 poisoning. Doesn't look overwatered and you didn't mention a CO2 generator so I'm not too sure.
she probably started getting droopy again due to the transplant and is in shock. ust make sure that you are not over watering and i agree with a prevous post about lowering your ph, 6.8 really is too hi and your going to run across a nute lockout. drop it to around 6.3. only other suggestion i would have for you if maybe using a root accelerator, like microbe brew or rhizotonic or something along those lines. if the plant is healthy where you can't see it (roots) then it will become healthy up top. also be patient plants can take a couple days sometimes to recover from shock.