Re: Distinguishing 'Hate': JESUS' Hate Compared To Satan's Hate.

First time stumbling on this thread. I see it is just a slight variation of the others. As usual crackerboy just opens his mouth and lets what ever stupid shit that happens to be sitting there fall out. He just says things with no apparent interest if they are true, factual, or just a string of words his sorry sack of shit brain put together. He has no external or internal logical consistency, and guess what, hes proud of it! In fact that's what makes him better than you. And if you disagree, well he'll just spew a bunch of mindless bullshit and maybe you'll forget that he's mentally derelict.

Maybe it's worse, maybe he believes his own borderline schizophrenic logic. Maybe he really doesn't see all the contradictions his posts contain. Maybe he really does think an argument is invalid because it came from a Jew. Maybe he intentionally uses the same tricks and tactics to argue no matter what the subject, big or small. It's the same song and dance over and over. Jumping from topic to topic, one failed point after another; a true celebration of ignorance. In the end he serves as a great example of why natural selection should be allowed to take it's course.

Why do you have to flame him for the way he types? That's just pointless. You just made yourself look like a douche by trying to undermine someones intelligence according to the way they type.. Who cares how people type or what they think? Why don't you worry about yourself? Oh wait.. you're too busy trying to make everyone else look stupid to make up for your lack of intelligence.. you can't just accept that others are smarter then you can you? Sorry buddy, but the truth hurts.

He simply asked a question, and you are a hypocrite. I've seen several of your posts which illustrate the very behavior you are condemning here, including this one.
First time stumbling on this thread. I see it is just a slight variation of the others. As usual crackerboy just opens his mouth and lets what ever stupid shit that happens to be sitting there fall out. He just says things with no apparent interest if they are true, factual, or just a string of words his sorry sack of shit brain put together. He has no external or internal logical consistency, and guess what, hes proud of it! In fact that's what makes him better than you. And if you disagree, well he'll just spew a bunch of mindless bullshit and maybe you'll forget that he's mentally derelict.

Maybe it's worse, maybe he believes his own borderline schizophrenic logic. Maybe he really doesn't see all the contradictions his posts contain. Maybe he really does think an argument is invalid because it came from a Jew. Maybe he intentionally uses the same tricks and tactics to argue no matter what the subject, big or small. It's the same song and dance over and over. Jumping from topic to topic, one failed point after another; a true celebration of ignorance. In the end he serves as a great example of why natural selection should be allowed to take it's course.

He simply asked a question, and you are a hypocrite. I've seen several of your posts which illustrate the very behavior you are condemning here, including this one.

Wow man you really brought some insight to the subject. I'm so glad that you put together that great argument. As usual Hies does not have any real information to add to the argument so he results to childish insults. You just show how ignorant you are when you make statements like that. You insult my intelligence but you have no knowledge to add to the subject. And no I did not say that Mindphuk arguments are wrong because they are Jewish. I simply pointed out that for someone that claims to have no religious affiliation he sure does take a lot of Jewish stances.
Wow man you really brought some insight to the subject. I'm so glad that you put together that great argument. As usual Hies does not have any real information to add to the argument so he results to childish insults. You just show how ignorant you are when you make statements like that. You insult my intelligence but you have no knowledge to add to the subject. And no I did not say that Mindphuk arguments are wrong because they are Jewish. I simply pointed out that for someone that claims to have no religious affiliation he sure does take a lot of Jewish stances.

So insight and good arguments are criteria you suddenly find valuable? Insults are about the only thing your posts inspire. At one time I tried to point out the value in correctly evaluating evidence, correctly arguing without using tricks, and the dangers of not recognizing logical mistakes. You responded as you always do, and as you did here. You refuse to ever acknowledge a single point and do not hesitate to change your logic to suit your beliefs. You pick through posts to find the points you have been taught to argue against, and ignore anything that doesn't fit into your view. When it's pointed out the arguments you do have use bad logic, misrepresent history, ect, you move on to the next argument, or simply post a site that restates your point. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is labeled inferior, ignorant, or a child. You do a great job of dancing around, deflecting, and basically just wearing your ignorance like a badge of honor. Being a good god fearing citizen I suppose you will forgive me when I see this behavior and decide you are a sack of shit.
And no I did not say that Mindphuk arguments are wrong because they are Jewish. I simply pointed out that for someone that claims to have no religious affiliation he sure does take a lot of Jewish stances.
Did you ever think that maybe I was brought up Jewish, so the arguments are familiar to me? You should realize the Jews can be wrong about the existence of a god and still destroy the claim that Jesus was the promised Messiah as foretold in their own holy book.

Protip: Someone that knows Hebrew usually is Jewish.
So insight and good arguments are criteria you suddenly find valuable? Insults are about the only thing your posts inspire. At one time I tried to point out the value in correctly evaluating evidence, correctly arguing without using tricks, and the dangers of not recognizing logical mistakes. You responded as you always do, and as you did here. You refuse to ever acknowledge a single point and do not hesitate to change your logic to suit your beliefs. You pick through posts to find the points you have been taught to argue against, and ignore anything that doesn't fit into your view. When it's pointed out the arguments you do have use bad logic, misrepresent history, ect, you move on to the next argument, or simply post a site that restates your point. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is labeled inferior, ignorant, or a child. You do a great job of dancing around, deflecting, and basically just wearing your ignorance like a badge of honor. Being a good god fearing citizen I suppose you will forgive me when I see this behavior and decide you are a sack of shit.

Aww did your mom not hug you enough. Your so angry. Does it anger you that I can actually make an argument on this subject. Meanwhile you are left sitting dumbfounded with nothing to add. So again, you just throw insults. It's just sad to see you stoop to these levels.
Did you ever think that maybe I was brought up Jewish, so the arguments are familiar to me? You should realize the Jews can be wrong about the existence of a god and still destroy the claim that Jesus was the promised Messiah as foretold in their own holy book.

Protip: Someone that knows Hebrew usually is Jewish.

I already figured that you where raised Jewish. The Bible says that Jesus was a stumbling block for the Jews. And now I understand your bias towards Christians.

oh and by the way, you don't have to be a Jew to understand Hebrew. They still teach it at universities all across the nation. As a matter of fact I have two different concordances and three different dictionaries. Anyone that wants to studying the Bible can get one.
I already figured that you where raised Jewish. The Bible says that Jesus was a stumbling block for the Jews. And now I understand your bias towards Christians.

oh and by the way, you don't have to be a Jew to understand Hebrew. They still teach it at universities all across the nation. As a matter of fact I have two different concordances and three different dictionaries. Anyone that wants to studying the Bible can get one.
Dude, why do you nit pick every post? Do you understand the word "usually"?
Also just because you can get a Hebrew-English translation doesn't mean you know and understand the Hebrew language. Those do nothing to teach the grammar and idiosyncrasies of a language.
Also just because you can get a Hebrew-English translation doesn't mean you know and understand the Hebrew language. Those do nothing to teach the grammar and idiosyncrasies of a language.

Like I said they teach it in universities all across the nation. So it's not that difficult to get good commentaries on the intricate details that are well documented. I have also found it helpful to study the history as well. Because contrary to popular belief, these things really happened and are well documented in history.
Like I said they teach it in universities all across the nation. So it's not that difficult to get good commentaries on the intricate details that are well documented. I have also found it helpful to study the history as well. Because contrary to popular belief, these things really happened and are well documented in history.
Yet the consensus among biblical scholars, secular and religious alike, is that Isaiah 7 was mistranslated in LXX.
Yet the consensus among biblical scholars, secular and religious alike, is that Isaiah 7 was mistranslated in LXX.

It's funny how that translation was perfectly acceptable by the Jews until the Christians stared using it. Then they had to try and find a way to discredit them so they tried discrediting the translation they used.
It's funny how that translation was perfectly acceptable by the Jews until the Christians stared using it. Then they had to try and find a way to discredit them so they tried discrediting the translation they used.
You keep insisting that parthenos means virgin and ONLY virgin. As I said not all words in other languages have equivalents in the English language. A better English word to describe both h'almah and parthenos is 'maiden' which to many English speakers would imply virgin although can refer to any young woman. Looking up online Greek dictionary for parthenos I get:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Geneva]a virgin
  1. a marriageable maiden
  2. a woman who has never had sexual intercourse with a man
  3. one's marriageable daughter
[/FONT]Therefore the Greek word parthenos can mean either a young woman or a virgin; for this reason the Greek word parthenos can be found in the Septuagint referring to someone who is not a virgin. For example, in Genesis 34:2-4, Shechem raped Dinah, the daughter of the patriarch Jacob, yet the Septuagint refers to her as a parthenos after she had been defiled.

Moreover, the Septuagint in our hands is not a Jewish document, but rather a Christian one. The original Septuagint, created 2,200 years ago by 72 Jewish translators, was a Greek translation of the Five Books of Moses alone. It therefore did not contain prophetic Books of the Bible such as Isaiah, which you asserted that Matthew quoted from. The Septuagint as we have it today, which includes the Prophets and Writings as well, is a product of the church, not the Jewish people. In fact, the Septuagint remains the official Old Testament of the Greek Orthodox Church, and the manuscripts that consist of our Septuagint today date to the third century C.E. The fact that additional books known as the Apocrypha, which are uniquely sacred to the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church, are found in the Septuagint should raise a red flag to those inquiring into the Jewishness of the Septuagint.
Link? How many scholarly papers have you read on the subject?

While I could just jump on Google like everyone else and post a bunch of links, I prefer to go to classes and read books. I also study under a former seminary professor that has spent his whole life studying these subjects. We go through each book phrase by phrase and break it down. I usually end up with several pages of notes just on a single chapter. I spent the better part of a year just going through Genesis. So scholarly papers, I have read plenty. Anyone can use Google, just try and I'm sure you will find a whole bunch of Scholarly Papers as you put it. lol
Aww did your mom not hug you enough. Your so angry. Does it anger you that I can actually make an argument on this subject. Meanwhile you are left sitting dumbfounded with nothing to add. So again, you just throw insults. It's just sad to see you stoop to these levels.

Another step in your dance. Ignore the spirit of the post and attack the easy stuff. Easy, in this case, was an ad hominem attack. If my mother hugged me more would it make your senseless babble any more compelling? It would appear when you feel threatened you fall back on all your old tricks. Point the finger and say "Um well, hes off topic!! He used insults!". Or is it that you are above criticism, especially if it contains a cuss word. Cuss words and insults provide you with an easy distraction and a way out. You can just pretend outrage and avoid any real points. If you sense anger in my posts then you are projecting, and mistaking what is really contempt. The subject, or anything I might add, is irrelevant as you use the same tactics to argue any subject. Just look at how you responded here. Insults, arrogance, sarcasm, all while condemning me for the same things and all while not making any valid points yourself. When presented with a subject for which you haven't been taught a diatribe you are unable to formulate your own arguments. You must run to a webpage and have someone else tell you your opinion, an opinion to which you apply no critical thought provided it agrees with you. If you are too lazy to summarize that opinion, you simply post a link. And when you are too lazy to use Google suddenly it becomes silly and inferior to your personal training.

oh and by the way, you don't have to be a Jew to understand Hebrew. They still teach it at universities all across the nation. As a matter of fact I have two different concordances and three different dictionaries. Anyone that wants to studying the Bible can get one.
Strawman - He never said you have to be jewish to understand Hebrew. I only had to look at your next post to catch you using another trick. One so subtle that apparently it fools even you. It's easy to argue against a position you made up and assigned the opposition yourself. Is it really a big deal in this particular case, maybe not, but it is an example of the tactics you use no matter what the subject. Bombard, confuse, twist, and hope you sound smart at the end.

While I could just jump on Google like everyone else and post a bunch of links, I prefer to go to classes and read books. I also study under a former seminary professor that has spent his whole life studying these subjects.
Translation - I am too lazy to find sources for the things I regurgitate, so I will pretend it's silly to do so. I was taught to accept bad logic and reasoning mistakes by someone who was really good at it.

And no I did not say that Mindphuk arguments are wrong because they are Jewish. I simply pointed out that for someone that claims to have no religious affiliation he sure does take a lot of Jewish stances.
But why did you point it out? If you didn't mean to imply anything then it is an irrelevant point. Seems like a case of poisoning the well to me, and done in such a way as to maintain deniability.

I don't need to be educated on the subject you are arguing to see that one side is being forthright and using sound logic, while the other is using tricks and has all the earmarks of someone ignorant to the dynamics of debate. I don't suspect you do these things on purpose, you are just using the same tricks that fooled your brain. You pretend to be a messenger of truth while at the same time you show no interest in truth if it can't be contorted to fit your belief, and that is what makes you a sack of shit. And to clarify my insult, I mean that you have about as much intellectual worth as a sack that someone shit in.
Another step in your dance. Ignore the spirit of the post and attack the easy stuff. Easy, in this case, was an ad hominem attack. If my mother hugged me more would it make your senseless babble any more compelling? It would appear when you feel threatened you fall back on all your old tricks. Point the finger and say "Um well, hes off topic!! He used insults!". Or is it that you are above criticism, especially if it contains a cuss word. Cuss words and insults provide you with an easy distraction and a way out. You can just pretend outrage and avoid any real points. If you sense anger in my posts then you are projecting, and mistaking what is really contempt. The subject, or anything I might add, is irrelevant as you use the same tactics to argue any subject. Just look at how you responded here. Insults, arrogance, sarcasm, all while condemning me for the same things and all while not making any valid points yourself. When presented with a subject for which you haven't been taught a diatribe you are unable to formulate your own arguments. You must run to a webpage and have someone else tell you your opinion, an opinion to which you apply no critical thought provided it agrees with you. If you are too lazy to summarize that opinion, you simply post a link. And when you are too lazy to use Google suddenly it becomes silly and inferior to your personal training.

Strawman - He never said you have to be jewish to understand Hebrew. I only had to look at your next post to catch you using another trick. One so subtle that apparently it fools even you. It's easy to argue against a position you made up and assigned the opposition yourself. Is it really a big deal in this particular case, maybe not, but it is an example of the tactics you use no matter what the subject. Bombard, confuse, twist, and hope you sound smart at the end.

Translation - I am too lazy to find sources for the things I regurgitate, so I will pretend it's silly to do so. I was taught to accept bad logic and reasoning mistakes by someone who was really good at it.

But why did you point it out? If you didn't mean to imply anything then it is an irrelevant point. Seems like a case of poisoning the well to me, and done in such a way as to maintain deniability.

I don't need to be educated on the subject you are arguing to see that one side is being forthright and using sound logic, while the other is using tricks and has all the earmarks of someone ignorant to the dynamics of debate. I don't suspect you do these things on purpose, you are just using the same tricks that fooled your brain. You pretend to be a messenger of truth while at the same time you show no interest in truth if it can't be contorted to fit your belief, and that is what makes you a sack of shit. And to clarify my insult, I mean that you have about as much intellectual worth as a sack that someone shit in.

And this is just your lame attempt at getting around the fact that you don't have anything to add to this argument. And of course you still try to jump in and defend the position that mindphuk is taking without ever understanding the subject. That is just ignorance my friend. The article I posted earlier in this thread was to show that this is a long debated subject by much more scholarly people than what is found in this thread. It is not a new subject just discovered by mindphuk. So the arguments that I am making are all completely legitimate arguments, because they are the same ones that have been being discussed for thousands of years. Once again I ask, why are you even bothering to post about a subject you are obviously clueless about?
And this is just your lame attempt at getting around the fact that you don't have anything to add to this argument. And of course you still try to jump in and defend the position that mindphuk is taking without ever understanding the subject. That is just ignorance my friend. The article I posted earlier in this thread was to show that this is a long debated subject by much more scholarly people than what is found in this thread. It is not a new subject just discovered by mindphuk. So the arguments that I am making are all completely legitimate arguments, because they are the same ones that have been being discussed for thousands of years. Once again I ask, why are you even bothering to post about a subject you are obviously clueless about?

Not knowing the subject would be relevant if I had posted any comments on it. My comments are about you and the style with which you defend your bad arguments. Once again your post is full of them. Mindphuck is capable of defending his own position without the need for someone else to step in. Your implication that I agree with him simply because hes not you is another form of ad hominem attack; my points must be invalid because I am an atheist just like mindphuck. I also don't recall mindphuck claiming that the subject had just been discovered by him, so another strawman. You then state that your arguments are valid because they have been around for a long time. That statement alone illustrates the terrible logic you let rule your life. People have been arguing that the earth is flat for a long time, does that give any more credit to the idea? So once again while attempting to discredit me you simply show us more of the deceit that comes so naturally to you. These things might fool your brain; they do not fool mine.

I explained that I post out of contempt for your promotion of ignorance and pretense that you are a hero of truth. You are only able to regurgitate the positions you have been taught while not being able to defend them without resorting to tricks. My comments could be plugged into any post you make on any subject, because every post i've ever read by you indicates you are a sack of shit, so it really doesn't matter where I call you on it. I can see how it would be annoying though.
Not knowing the subject would be relevant if I had posted any comments on it. My comments are about you and the style with which you defend your bad arguments. Once again your post is full of them. Mindphuck is capable of defending his own position without the need for someone else to step in. Your implication that I agree with him simply because hes not you is another form of ad hominem attack; my points must be invalid because I am an atheist just like mindphuck. I also don't recall mindphuck claiming that the subject had just been discovered by him, so another strawman. You then state that your arguments are valid because they have been around for a long time. That statement alone illustrates the terrible logic you let rule your life. People have been arguing that the earth is flat for a long time, does that give any more credit to the idea? So once again while attempting to discredit me you simply show us more of the deceit that comes so naturally to you. These things might fool your brain; they do not fool mine.

I explained that I post out of contempt for your promotion of ignorance and pretense that you are a hero of truth. You are only able to regurgitate the positions you have been taught while not being able to defend them without resorting to tricks. My comments could be plugged into any post you make on any subject, because every post i've ever read by you indicates you are a sack of shit, so it really doesn't matter where I call you on it. I can see how it would be annoying though.

So actually having information to add to a subject is what you call ignorance. What I call ignorance is when some one never has any real knowledge to add to any subject and has to resort in personal attacks and feeble attempts at discrediting every one else arguments. My fancy trickery of providing facts is just amazing. On the subject of old testament translations, what did I get wrong in your opinion? You can't answer because your clueless. You can try and pick apart my sarcasm with your logic all you want, but it does not change the fact that everyone can see that you still don't know what your talking about.
So actually having information to add to a subject is what you call ignorance.
Ignorance is not something to be ashamed of unless it's willful. I do not ever point out someone's ignorance as a negative quality. It is not your ignorance I despise, but your willingness to defend it, revel in it, rather than have truth conflict with your belief system. What I point out is your lack of understanding the need for correctly evaluating evidence, correctly arguing without using tricks, and the dangers of not recognizing logical mistakes. Those things are elemental in exploring any claim. I have said nothing about the subject except to say it is irrelevant to my points. I have pointed this out already. Do you not read my posts, not understand them, or choose to ignore them for the sake of having ammo for your next response?

What I call ignorance is when some one never has any real knowledge to add to any subject and has to resort in personal attacks and feeble attempts at discrediting every one else arguments.
I am not trying to discredit your arguments, but your argument style and ability to judge evidence and recognize bias. And it's not 'everyone else', just you; more deceptive language designed to poison the well. I attack you personally because your logic and attitude inspire it. You attack me and others personally in an attempt to undermine arguments. That is the difference between personal abuse and an ad hominem attack. You subtly attack others personally in hopes the idle reader will ignore or discredit evidence. I have so far not commented on any evidence, just your inability to argue evidence fairly.

My fancy trickery of providing facts is just amazing. On the subject of old testament translations, what did I get wrong in your opinion? You can't answer because your clueless.
There is nothing amazing about your trickery; it's in fact quite bland. You are using well understood and well documented tactics. Your trickery lies in disguising misinformation as facts, and subtle suggestions attempting to unfairly discredit the opposition. I've pointed out several of those tricks in this thread, and your attempts to steer the attention away from those are futile. The way you argue the topic is just as relevant as the topic itself.

You can try and pick apart my sarcasm with your logic all you want, but it does not change the fact that everyone can see that you still don't know what your talking about.
Difference is, sarcasm has no place in a debate, or in evaluating a claim. Logic is the very foundation of truth. I have confidence that those able to think clearly will see the things I point out and decide for themselves. I link to an explanation of each trick you use. Anyone who cares can read the definition and decide if you are indeed using that trick or not, those who don't care can ignore my posts. Deceit requires tricks, the truth does not. Judging from the lack of support for your ideas in this thread and others, either people don't care or don't agree.

So i've basically restated myself 4 times now. Your brain keeps coming up with excuses so it doesn't have to feel inferior. Oh hes just angry, his mom didn't love him, he doesn't understand the topic; it all amounts to cognitive dissonance. Your brains attempt to distance itself from the shit pile it lives in.