Feeling Something Big Is Going To Happen.


Well-Known Member
It was a joke. I don't know anything about astrology. Maybe the other guy will give you a real horoscope or something. Don't worry, uranus isn't really out of alignment... at least not as far as I know. Haven't actually checked. You'd probably feel it if it was though.


Well-Known Member
well I did some research and I found out that unfortunately your gonna need to have Uranus professionally examined.... actually im j/k, sometimes you gotta take advantage of planets with comical names. but ya as far as secondary progression goes you progressed into Taurus at around the age of 15. so basically secondary progression has nothing to do with the way your feeling right now. sorry i tried.


Well-Known Member
I feel something big is going to happen soon too. I feel like its in motion now. If you really think about this one fact, we are all either very special, or very screwed. Humans have been around with out a doubt, for thousands of years, i think even longer. The fact is, humans have advanced more in the past 5 years than we have in the past 5,000 years, or more. Something HUGE is bound to happen very soon.


Well-Known Member
its amazing when reality starts setting in your not crazy ur just realizing everything is bull shit


Well-Known Member
its amazing when reality starts setting in your not crazy ur just realizing everything is bull shit
Haha thats so true. But yeah, that whole singularity thing is pretty trippy to think about, which is what made me post a new thread. Think being stoned doesn't help me in this stage of life, things seem more depressing more then they used to. Used to be able to smoke a bowl, get on the piss, get rowdy, have a good time not thinking about any problems... now I get high and think too much about life and shit, whats it all about? really? knowing that we can't really predict shit, is scary. Definately I think people are getting weird feelings lately though, I just notice people talking about how fucked up the world is right now, shit keeps happening, instead of not thinking about any of that crap and just enjoying the moment and thinking your going to live forever. (so high right now)