Can Blue Water Make my Ph read incorrectly?

d Weezy

I am growing with aeroponics, but I use GH Liquid PH tester, the drops. The solution I use turns the water a light blue color. Can that mess with the color reading on the PH meter/chart? Heard mixed things online and I know you vets will shoot straight, roll'm fat and pass to the left ;-) :lol:

d Weezy

Do you recommend a good digital one. I dont want to pay a lot at first. But if I like it I will invest in a very good one. Can you recommend, 1. A decent affordable one & 2. A high quality nice one
Thank you greatly, Keep raising hell! ;-) Cheers


Well-Known Member
Do you recommend a good digital one. I dont want to pay a lot at first. But if I like it I will invest in a very good one. Can you recommend, 1. A decent affordable one & 2. A high quality nice one
Thank you greatly, Keep raising hell! ;-) Cheers
Shop around, but yes dude a PH meter is VERY VERY important in Hydroponics try and find a affordable one that does both PH & PPM..

d Weezy

I know Ph is important that why the drops were the first thing I bought, but is it not cheaper to buy one for PH and one for PPM? Thanks for all the info
Sunleaves testers are good about 100 for the PH and 75 for The EC/TDS meter. The Hannas are also nice.
I like individual testers because if you break one your only out one tester not both. I used to use strip testers for PH and had lock out last run. I found out my PH was really running around 7.0 not the 5.5-6 the strip said it was.
A digital PH meter in hydro is a must have tool.


Well-Known Member
you must have some fucked up water. I have been using the PH drops for about 20 years. ( plants and fish ) . My water has NEVER come out blue from using the drops.


Well-Known Member
I bought a cheap Milwaukee pH meter for 30$ from my local hydro store, this is only used by me daily so i dont have to bust out my hannah all in one meter and clean it everyday, i only use that when setting ppm/ec on res changes

here is same one i have that i paid a lot more for Lol
9$ cant beat that and it works great... i have some calibrating solution and the pH meter has stayed perfectly accurate for over two weeks now

d Weezy

@ dadio, LMAO, The water is not blue from using the drops man. The nutrients that I use turn the water in the tank blue. Was wondering if that can throw off the testers that use drops. Glad the other guys knew what I meant

d Weezy

Too everyone else, thanks for the input. I got a Hannah digital, but just like my luck the storage solution got shipped separately. So I should be set in a day or so. Thanks a gain for the fast reply. But whatever you do dadio, dont drink the blue water unless a friend gives it too you ;-)