Wardrobe Box Grow


Well-Known Member
Since I took photos of my new growcab for another thread, thought I'd start a grow journal while I'm at it. Unfortunately, this won't be a journal from clones to harvest, since these plants have already been in flower for three to four weeks now. Didn't plan to post until the next grow, but...what the heck.

I currently have seven plants in a UHaul cardboard wardrobe box. The box was originally built to house my mother plants...but work on a new flowering cab (also in a wardrobe box) has been painfully slow, and I had a few extra plants and clones sitting around, so I thought I'd try flowering with CFLs (3 ea 42w 2700K) for the first time (just to see how it compares to my 150 HPS). The strains are Maui Waui, Sweet Tai and Early Widow. Three of the plants were going to be kept as moms, but I decided I didn't need them (already have one of each), so I set them to 12/12 on Jan 1. These are in 5" black square pots, and they were about a foot tall when they went in the cab.

I also added four clones (in various pot sizes) a week later. These clones were put in after only about a week of potting, so they had minimal veg time. They were about 4 or 5 inches tall. This is really just an experiment to see how feasible it'll be to grow in a 24" x 21" x 48" cab. Trying to determine optimal number of plants, veg time, etc, while I work on a new flowering cab. So far, I like the looks of the clones in the tall, narrow pots (the manufacturer calls them "short treepots")...my current design would accommodate twelve of these in the new cab. My main concern is the 4' height restriction...that would give me probably a max of two feet for the height of the plants. I'm used to growing in closets, so I've always had more height than this...therefore, I'd usually let them veg for a month or so before 12/12. Not sure I could get away with that in a 4' cab.

Anyways, I added some pics of the cab here...and some of my ladies. The plants are in Roots Organic coco mix (+added perlite), and I'm feeding them with Pureblend Pro Soil Bloom + Liquid Karma + CalMag (pH'd to about 6) every ten days or so. Four weeks in so far for the larger plants, and three weeks for the smaller. I'm not sure exactly how long I'll be flowering these for, since my last (closet) grow of these same strains had to be shut down due to a severe spider mite infestation. Still got some pretty good smoke out of it, but I chopped all of the plants after seven weeks and had to water cure most of that harvest just to get rid of the bugs. So far, I've had no problems with mites on this grow. I have a small humidifier (on a timer) in the cab to keep the humidity around 40%. I might have to turn that off as flowering progresses, but for now, I feel like it might be helping to keep the mites away.:clap:

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I pulled the two in "treepots" out in the yard to snap a pic. I was surprised how fast these clones settled in to these pots. I saw roots coming out the bottom after only a few days. I thought for sure it would take a few weeks for that to happen. Anyways, they're looking good at the three week point. Sure, they're small, but I'm not going for massive yields here...it's just an experiment to learn how feasible it'll be to grow in this small of a space. They're starting to smell pretty good already.


Biggest issue I anticipate having with this grow is the smell. This cab wasn't intended to be used for flowering, so I only have three pc fans for (exhaust) ventilation. I don't intend to attach any carbon filter to the cab at this point. I have a S&P TD-100x fan attached to a phat filter sitting on top of the cab right now, and odors are pretty well controlled. I'm a little worried about how bad it'll be at seven or eight weeks flowering...but I guess I'll deal with that when I get there. It's in my garage, so I don't expect the smell to get into the house. If it does, I may have to shut it down and finish building the new flowering cab. I intend to exhaust that cab only through a carbon scrubber.

So far, I'm surprised at how good the plants are looking under the CFLs. Of course, it's still early, so the final results won't be in for another 5-6 weeks. So far so good, though.


Well-Known Member
Nothing much to update today...it's only been four days since I started this thread, LOL. Plants look good so far...no surprises. Smell in the garage is hardly noticeable with the Phat filter running on top of the cab. Kinda lost some of the stealth factor, though, with the fan running (at about 70% power) right out in the open like that. Fortunately, no one else really goes in the garage, so I should be OK for another month or so. The master bedroom is right above the garage, though, so smell could very well be an issue in the future. If I have to chop early, so be it...it's just a CFL experiment anyways, and I'm sure I'll get some smokeable product, which is always good.

I'm germinating a couple of fem beans right now...California Orange and White Rhino. I'm still planning on using the three strains I have now to experiment with while I build my new flowering cab, but I REALLY wanted some California Orange since it was one of the first strains that I grew (about eight years ago) and I really LOVED the high from that strain. It's supposedly not very high in THC content, but man when I smoked a decent amount of it the high was kinda trippy. My bro noticed the same thing. I grew a total of six plants that time (3 ea of Buddha and Calif Orange) and got about 6 oz using two 150w HPS (in two separate closets) and ordinary household potting soil and Miracle Gro ferts (yeah, that's right, the cheap blue stuff). For a first grow, though, I was very satisfied...and hooked on growing! :weed: The Buddha was just OK, but, as I said, the Cali Orange was fantastic. I haven't yet found a strain (out of nine others that I've grown so far) that I liked as much...so I decided to just buy a few beans and grow some new moms for when my cab setup is up and running. Set one seed of each in wet paper towels on Fri...both are popped this morning, so I'll be potting them up today, hopefully. Only bought one WR seed (and three Cali Orange), so this'll be my one shot at White Rhino. I'll post some updated pics later in the week...hopefully with my new baby girls as well as.

FWIW, I've had pretty good success with Herbie's pick and mix for bean ordering. I've placed three separate orders in the last few months, and each one arrived safely here in SoCAl within about two weeks. Seeing as I've placed orders at other sites in the past and never got ANYTHING, I'm pretty happy with them. :clap:
Just placed an order yesterday with Attitude (Blue Mystic and Papaya)...we'll see how that works out. I do intend to start making my own seeds soon, since I'm not sure I'll be able to keep a mom plant for each strain that I'd like to have around. Couldn't find any "regular" Cali Orange seeds, online, though...just feminized.:wall:


Active Member
nice girls good job im at the same place where you are now 3-4 weeks in check out my grow when you have time,peace and + rep for the wardrobe :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a brief update on the grow. Not much to report, as it's been pretty uneventful. The ladies are moving along and looking good. Had one Maui Waui plant way in the back of the cab that was pretty parched by Wed, so watered all of them on Wed, then fed the usual nutes yesterday. I have a tendency to neglect the plants in the back of my space since it's pretty crowded and I usually only look at those in the front...so it's not the first time I've had a sad-looking plant in my grow. She looks fine today, so probably not a huge setback. So far the smell in the garage is still pretty well contained, so I'm hopeful I'll be able to go the distance with this batch. No probs with mites so far, either...even though it's gotten pretty dry here in SoCal lately. Humidity's been lower than 40% for the last few days, and no problems with the ladies.

Also got my two newborns (Cali Orange and White Rhino) resting comfortably in their solo party cups. I'll wait and post some pics when they're further along.

Anyhoo...here are some pics at week five. Doesn't look hugely different from last week, lol.



Well-Known Member
nice girls good job im at the same place where you are now 3-4 weeks in check out my grow when you have time,peace and + rep for the wardrobe :)
Thanks, I checked out your grow, looking good. I grew some white widow in my closet a few years back and it was a very nice buzz I got from those ladies. Wish I still had some of THAT smoke. I think you'll really enjoy it when you're done. Just gotta keep up the watering, lol :lol: We're on the same schedule, so we'll probably be harvesting at around the same time bongsmilie As long as my wife and I don't move into a new house before then, that is...we've got offers out on a short sale and a foreclosure, so if one goes thru, I may have to pack up a little early. Meanwhile, I'm just letting my girls do their thing as long as I can.


Well-Known Member
nice girls good job im at the same place where you are now 3-4 weeks in check out my grow when you have time,peace and + rep for the wardrobe :)
Oh, btw, we have an orange cat here at home that looks A LOT like that picture on you profile, LOL. He helps me out in the garden sometimes. Doesn't like mary jane all that much, though...catnip is his drug of choice for sure.


Well-Known Member
Update: Treated all my plants (including twelve clones that I'm not sure what I'll do with yet, lol) with a rhizo tea today. Brewed about a tbsp of Roots Organic Oregonism in 1.5 gal rainwater with a half cup of earthworm castings, half cup of GH ancient forest soil amendment, 2 tbsp of blackstrap molasses and Cal-Mag 5mL/gal (added a little bit of fish powder and kelp somewhere in there too) for 48h. Diluted to 5 gal and adjusted to Ph 6.1 with pH down (about 6 mL). Ended up at 580 ppm. Treated all my babies (supplemented with some hi P bat guano for the seven flowering plants) AND the outdoor plants as well.

Humidity is a little higher than I'd like in the cab at the moment. Turned off the humidifer on Mon, but RH is still near 50% (54% in the garage AND the house). It's usually drier here... not sure what's going on, but I'll have to keep an eye on that since I'm almost six weeks into flowering.

Cut a small lower branch off the largest Maui Waui the other day, and I'm drying the buds on that for a taste test in the next few days. All the plants are smelling pretty good right now...although not as potent as they did when I grew the same strains in the house last year. That time, the skunky smell really picked up in the sixth and seventh weeks (before I had to chop). It'll be interesting to see if they get much stinkier this time around...since this is my first CFL grow and last time I used HPS. I have to say that I'm still impressed with the size of the buds so far under just these three CFLs, but they don't look to me like they're gaining much weight these last few weeks. They seemed to get bigger faster under the HPS...which I guess might be expected.

Anyhoo, no need to update with pics of my ladies, since there's been little change lately - but here's a few of the clones that I have (all the same three strains I have growing now)...and of the two new additions to the family (California Orange and White Rhino, both fem). Since I only had one WR seed, I'll have to hope that I get a good phenotype since I plan to use it as a mother. Not so worried about the Cali Orange (since I believe it's an older, fairly stable strain), but I've no experience with Green House White Rhino...we'll see how it turns out.

Clones_6 days.jpgBabies_8 days.jpg

I noticed the clones are looking a little pale lately...which leads me to believe that the Roots coco mix doesn't have whole lot of nutrients in it. I'll probably feed them a light grow formula in a few days if they don't start looking better. Since I don't have any actual plans for them at this point, I can afford to experiment on 'em a little.

Decided to germ the other two Cali Orange seeds that I bought - just for the heck of it. Since I plan on growing several batches very soon, I figure it couldn't hurt to have a choice of moms for cloning. In retrospect, I wish I had bought a few more WR beans at the time...but I'll make do with what I have at the moment. I plan to veg all of these in this wardrobe box cab once the current grow is done....since it was built for that purpose and not for flowering. I'll probably put them into one gallon pots in a few weeks, and go from there. With any luck, I should be able to complete the build on a new flowering cab in the next few months. Otherwise, I'll just have to make the current crop last a little longer than usual bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
OK, fed all the flowering ladies today (possibly for the last time) w/ Pureblend Pro Soil Bloom (20 mL) + Liquid Karma (10 mL) + Cal-Mag (5 mL) in 1 gal RO water, pH down (4 mL) to pH 6.1 (1280 ppm). Fed clones and moms with same mixture except replaced PBP Bloom with PBP Grow (12 mL), pH 6, (480 ppm).

Plants are all looking good, no probs with temps or anything, really, and the smell in the garage is just a little skunky but not out of control or anything. I am a little concerned that their leaves are all still pretty green, even though it's near the end of week six and the advertised flowering times for these strains are 7-8 wks for Sativa SeedBank Maui Waui (strange, since it's advertised as a sativa), 9 weeks for Sweet Seeds Sweet Tai (so still three weeks to go, OK by me) and "
short, medium" recommended flowering period for Advanced Seeds Early Widow (mostly indica, so should be relatively short). I have a feeling that the 7-8 weeks recommended for MW might be a misprint, not real sure, seems like a sativa should take longer than 7-8 weeks. The first time I grew these strains I had to shut it down early (at 6-7 weeks), and the MW still was a decent smoke, but didn't seem especially strong to me (and I have a fairly low tolerance level), so I expected it to get stronger when it's fully "mature." No worries, though, since I smoked a small bud from one of my MW ladies today and it's a very pleasant "up" high, not "stoney" at all, but again not overwhelmingly strong, but quite nice. None of the strains looks to be even near completion yet so I'll just wait and observe the trichs and maybe chop one MW early in a few weeks just to preserve the "flavor" of the high, and let the other go longer -- not really sure yet, I'll decide later.

Also, they dont look like they're really packing on much weight under these fluoros, under my HPS they seemed to bulk up faster...but hey, maybe that's just what to expect under three CFLs, lol, this is my first time flowering with CFLs. We shall see, I still have at least two weeks left I would think, so no more feeding for these girls (except maybe the Sweet Tai) until harvest. Will be interesting to see what kind of final weight I get from using these fluoros.:roll:

The rest of the ladies are doing well, no pics today... I'll wait until Mon or Tues so it'll be the full six weeks. Fed the two newborns today with half-strength nutes...might have been too soon but the soil was dry and they looked hungry to me, but we shall see if it was a mistake. So far they're fine.


Well-Known Member
Well, I THINK I'm finally seeing some weight gain on the buds here. For a while there I thought these CFLs weren't gonna cut it, but I believe the girls definitely fattened up a little since last week. It might not that noticeable in the pics, but they definitely look and feel heavier to me. They're smelling stronger, too...although still not badly enough to have to harvest early. I do believe I'll be able to carry it through for another few weeks. So far, I'm not seeing any signs of maturity yet, but there's AT LEAST one more week to go on all three strains...so my plan atm is to chop one plant from each at around the eight week point and let the others go "full term" and see if there's any difference in the quality of the smoke.


And some random bud porn:


Sadly, one of my 42w CFLs died on me yesterday, so I had to replace it with a smaller wattage (23w) bulb, since it was the only one I had in the same color temp. Damn, it was brand new only six weeks ago! I thought these bulbs were supposed to last thousands of hours, lol.

I suspect that the heat buildup from these aluminum reflectors I have them in probably contributed to its early demise. There are a few holes in the upper part of the reflector for heat dissipation, but the ballasts on these CFLs just barely fit and so the holes are pretty much covered up. Wouldn't be surprised to see the other two crap out before this grow is finished.

Anyhoo....here's an updated pic of the new baby girls: White Rhino on the left and California Orange on the right. I thought I might have overfed them last week, but they seem to be doing fine now. I have them on a garage workbench under a single 26w 6500K bulb right now - until I can find (or make) a permanent veg area for 'em. When they're ready, I'll probably take a couple or three cuttings of each and use them for the next grow journal. It's gonna be a while, though.

Happy growing! :mrgreen:

1 week veg.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey man, love the wardrobe box setup! +rep. i'm using a "shorty wardrobe", only 34" in height for two plants, almost 2 weeks into 12/12. if you're still battling odor, i might recommend a true air filter. it's a plug-in thing with carbon filter and fan, not super powerful, but might be able to help you mask the smell. they have it on sale for $15 at target right now.


Well-Known Member
hey man, love the wardrobe box setup! +rep. i'm using a "shorty wardrobe", only 34" in height for two plants, almost 2 weeks into 12/12. if you're still battling odor, i might recommend a true air filter. it's a plug-in thing with carbon filter and fan, not super powerful, but might be able to help you mask the smell. they have it on sale for $15 at target right now.
LOL, yeah, these wardrobe boxes are great. Very stealthy. I got one of those “Shorty” boxes delivered at the same time. Was thinking of converting it to a small veg box for clones and seedlings. I have my mother plants in a plastic cabinet I got from Home Depot a while back right now…it’s about the same dimensions as the Shorty box. I was thinking maybe six 26w CFLs (6500K). Not sure about that yet, since I won't be vegging 'em for too long if I'm gonna continue using this Grand Wardrobe box for flowering. The plants I have in there now were vegged for maybe 3 weeks at most...the ones in front for less than two. Might not be worth the time to build...but I might do it anyways just for the fun of it, lol. You got any pics of your "Shorty" setup?

Thanks for the recommendation for odor control. I’m not sure exactly what kind of air filter you’re referring to. Is it this? http://www.target.com/Filtrete-Carbon-Cleaning-Filter-FAPF00C-4/dp/B003FWNDWM/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&searchView=grid5&keywords=air%20filter&fromGsearch=true&sr=1-15&qid=1298100012&rh=price%3A1500-2499&searchRank=target104545&id=Filtrete%20Carbon%20Cleaning%20Filter%20FAPF00C-4&node=1038576|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0
[FONT=&quot]I ordered some Ona gel today. Figured I'd try leaving an open jar or two in the upper compartment where the exhaust fans are located. [/FONT]The smell is definitely getting stronger every day, but I really wanna allow this crop to go all the way, so I'll try just about anything to keep it contained.

Checked out you last grow. Nice job.

Hows that Sour D treating you these days? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I am loving these wardrobe box grows dude... + rep
Thanks man. Just checked out your ghetto growbox, I'm very interested in seeing if you can get it to work this time with your new clones. I'll pop in from time to time to check on your progress. Best of luck with it.

Oh, btw, bubble cloners really DO rock! I made one a while back and now its so easy to make more MJ plants, muahahahahaha :mrgreen: Actually Rapid Rooter plugs are super easy too and I get roots in almost the exact same amount of time as with the cloner, fyi, both great ways to clone.

Happy growing :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yea the ghetto growbox has been on pause till just earlier today honestly. My main focus has been on the plant in the speaker box I have flowering that I got in there last week, but I forgot to look at my charts and realized it has a longer flowering period than I thought so I will be transplanting it to a 3 gallon smart pot pretty quick here before flowering gets more than 2 weeks in. I just need perlite for the FFOF I bought. I haven't been up on updates honestly because of two factors 1 I have been busy 2 and I am ashamed to show my growth at this point with such masters of ghetto growing around me. I have been growing for years but I am always learning some days more than others but always learning. Right now the 3 new clones plus the a few of the old clones that are doing much better after intensive adapation to the soil (which I will never buy again) there are tiny as hell but sativa dominant so long flowering period so put them on 12/12 this morning there are 6 in there for a many SOG if I can turn it around and show something prosperous I'll update but until then my shame shall stay my own. :P

(Oh wow sorry dude I just read what all I typed and found mass typo's... I do apologize for the semi coherency it is 2 am as I write this.)