What the hell is this!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
THey all aren't the same...

Tell us what nutes ppms and PH and soil type you use
A lockout is when a plant can't take up a certain nute..
i use eco grow, instead of using 1 table spoon i only use 1 tea spoon per gallon, thats it.

ph is betwqeen 6.5 and 7.0

for the top 69 i mix eco grow with eco bloom and molasses


Well-Known Member
DO NOT raise your lights... keep them as close as possible without burning your plant. And by the way those are buds. If there's been no interruption in the light then it's an autoflower.
Doesn't matter if it an auto or not thats light stress..You don't raise the light forever just for a few days..till it starts reaching for the light.
Like I said I use CFL and have been growing for sometime, I think I know what I'm talking about


Well-Known Member
i use eco grow, instead of using 1 table spoon i only use 1 tea spoon per gallon, thats it.

ph is betwqeen 6.5 and 7.0

for the top 69 i mix eco grow with eco bloom and molasses
PH maybe a bit high for my liking. i usually stay bwt 6.2-6.6. Might help. But I would flush with water and get a clean slate to work with.
Looks like a male, My plants will preflower under 18/6, and when I had a male white widow in my room for a month he actually started opening pollen sacks and pollenated one of the pre-flowers on my Island Sweet Skunk mother! :D I really hope that seed is a girl cause I've only got 1 (but I did flower and collect the pollen from the male widow)


Well-Known Member
You have it backwards. The plant becomes stressed due to a lack of light.
No you have it backwards if its lack of light the plant will strech to the light, not droop with ridged leaves. that plant has not streched any. So that means he has the light not to far away from the plant. really don't want to disagree with you but maybe you could be a little nicer when expressing your point we are all just tryin to help each other here.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help everyone. im pretty sure its a male. will keep you all updated though. hopefully it will open up in time to pollenate the autoflower then i can have some auto seeds. if not ill save pollen for next time


No you have it backwards if its lack of light the plant will strech to the light, not droop with ridged leaves. that plant has not streched any. So that means he has the light not to far away from the plant. really don't want to disagree with you but maybe you could be a little nicer when expressing your point we are all just tryin to help each other here.
Dude don't get offended because I said nothing offensive. I've never heard of "light stress". I'm interested in this now are there any articles on it you can send me or Tragik92?


like dirt bike said.. major growth bout to happen, wouldn't worry bout flushn ur good jus sit back amin watch the foileage


New Member
What the fuck did you do to this plant? I thought it was impossible to mess up a plant this bad. Guess can't expect more from foil man here ;)


Well-Known Member
What the fuck did you do to this plant? I thought it was impossible to mess up a plant this bad. Guess can't expect more from foil man here ;)
there is nothing wrong with the plant it needed to be transplanted and now its growing perfectly again, and by the way everyone it is a male there is pollen sacs everywhere, does anyone know when they are ready to pollenate?


Active Member
80mg, what's the point of the two posts you made? you're absolutely worthless.

they'll be ready to pollinate anywhere from 2-4 weeks from 12/12.


Well-Known Member
.....male plants show preflowers earlier than females do....
true ive never grown a male before i always gotten femenized seeds and this is my 1st bagseed and it turned out to be a male im happy though because i want to breed.

question for ya though... do these preflowers still carry pollen? and if so when will they be ready?


Active Member
I shouldveguessed someone like you would LOVE seeing sacs everywhere.
did anyone mention a love for sacks? other than you? i'll take an educated guess and say 80mg is dreaming of sacks so he just HAD to mention it. kind of gay bro, you should just come out of the closet, people here, for the most part (so basically that doesn't include you) are understanding and friendly.


Well-Known Member
did anyone mention a love for sacks? other than you? i'll take an educated guess and say 80mg is dreaming of sacks so he just HAD to mention it. kind of gay bro, you should just come out of the closet, people here, for the most (so basically that doesn't include you) are understanding and friendly.

lol he should just hop off our sacks right?