• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Well-Known Member
Yes immigrants add to our economy=our G.D.P. and total tax revenue. but do you care about the G.D.P.? or about how much food is in your fridge? Immigration lowers the standard of living for Americans so doesn't imports and free trade. Immigrants take your housing, your jobs, your water, your doctors, your bus seat....

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
fist off u think i believe the people who wrote that report. u can go ahead and try to school me buck, because all your going to tell me is some shit u read, and they probobly didnt lower wages of all the construction jobs right ? your right im not that educated in education, 8th grade drop out. and worked all jobs, while u were still pussy footin around not knowing what the fuck your going to do with your college educated only life. go ahead and school me.


Well-Known Member
Yes immigrants add to our economy=our G.D.P. and total tax revenue. but do you care about the G.D.P.? or about how much food is in your fridge? Immigration lowers the standard of living for Americans so doesn't imports and free trade. Immigrants take your housing, your jobs, your water, your doctors, your bus seat....
ah, now i see why you started this thread.

you wanted to make sure the people were fearful that the 'others', the 'foreigners', the 'strange ones' are coming to take what's yours: your house, your job, your water, your doctor, your bus seat.

you had no interest in the intent you originally expressed in your op. it is clear. this is just the weekly anti-immigrant or anti-gay or anti-whatever thread on toke n talk.

it's getting old.

quit the fear mongering.

i've said this before, but i know illegal immigrants who don't slaughter the english language as badly as you do.


Well-Known Member
ok most of you know me on here. I have fun and make wise ass jokes and try my hand at humor. I rarely get into politic threads.......But since this has come up a couple of times. heres my throw at it........The USA was established by immigrants.........we took a land that didnt belong to us and Claim it by sheer Brute force and Technology. Now that we have built it up to a Country that enjoys way more freedom than most countries in the world we are becomeing snobs........Everyone is worried about mexicans porta ricans.....brizilans what ever other race you want to name. then say they are a burdon on us............I CALL BULLSHIT..................Our government does way more harm to the world and to our own citizens than all the imigrants in the world..............we are so far in debt to to bankers and big CEOs and Wasted spending on Wars rather than Health care or Ways to get a new energy source or take care of our own starveing ppl..........We sit here with our grow rooms and Internet and roof over our head and and PLEANTY of food yet we have ppl righ here in the US that cant get a decent meal so they can work..........but oh yea its all Mexicans fault..........they workd hard.....so what if they send it home.........how many lie on thier taxes............we live in a fucked up world and trust me we are so far gone I see it comeing down around our ears soon...........and not one illigal alien is a member of congress that caused all this.........I say welcome to america and good luck.....you are going to need it.............why not worry about all the rights we are looseing dayly and spend less time hateing ppl........ok off soap box.....just tired of seeing same old shit ppl throwing facts and figures out there that they got frp, wiki that dont mean shit..............If I dont like you its becuase you are a fucking idiot not becuase you work and send money home or even dont work.....I take ppl around me on an individual bases you nice Im nice you ugly Im ugly back................I say lets work together to change our government not fight each other and let the government win..........Now back ot my stoner life................Oh and to really piss everyone off.....we deserved and NEEDED 911....Im glad it happened.......now you see how otheres live in fear every fucking day of thier lives while americans go about with no worries....fucking 911 was wake up call........see how it feels to losse love ones due to radical violence..........we enjoy way to much and are greedy as hell and WORRY about a Mexican makeing a few bucks an hour............Way more criminals that are Americans than there are imigrant crooks........steal my car fuck I got insurance............


Well-Known Member
fist off u think i believe the people who wrote that report. u can go ahead and try to school me buck, because all your going to tell me is some shit u read, and they probobly didnt lower wages of all the construction jobs right ? your right im not that educated in education, 8th grade drop out. and worked all jobs, while u were still pussy footin around not knowing what the fuck your going to do with your college educated only life. go ahead and school me.
i have a college education but did not graduate. i worked two jobs in high school, including a night audit job. i worked my way through college.

i will concede that the competition that has been introduced to our economy and exploited by employers does drive down wages, but i thought competition was a good thing.

can i regale you with the story of my father, who resides in arizona and is a carpenter? even though he has not made great strides forward with his business for a while now, mostly thanks to the state of the economy (not illegal immigration), he still makes the same living he has for a while now. probably because he is a skilled carpenter and does not just hang drywall all day.

you can go ahead and blame illegal immigrants as to why you don't get paid as much for doing the same shit job (likely unskileld, that is where their impact is), but look inward as well. have you done anything to improve your knowledge base an skill set in the face of stiffer competition?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
again u know what i do for a living. look at my page photos. i can buy your shit education and u know this. and with all that i respect your father, i also do the same thing. been a certified welder since 18. young people wont be able to work in the trades any more, ask your father. theres no money in it any more.


Well-Known Member
again u know what i do for a living. look at my page photos. i can buy your shit education and u know this. and with all that i respect your father, i also do the same thing. been a certified welder since 18. young people wont be able to work in the trades any more, ask your father. theres no money in it any more.
my education is for shit, i dropped out to work because i realized i wasn't learning anything wothwhile anymore. there is money in thetrades, but it is not as easy as it was for my dad when he joined the local carpenter union at age 18. but i don't really think this isdue to illegal immigants.

i do believe illegal immigrants have made the most negative impact on lower wage earners, sadly. this is a product of competition and employer exploitation.

what is the solution? i don't really know. stonedpony had some wise things to say but no solutions. there are solutions but they are discussion fodder for the politics section rather than toke n talk.

back to the OP, i love immigrants legal or not, for the delicious foods they introduce to us. colita de pavo? don't mind if i do. i'll take mine with a shiner beer.


Well-Known Member
If your in north America and are not native, than your an immigrant but your really an alien. The Indians and Eskimos own the country so get the fuck out! Give them respect.

Immigrants are like sperm: there's million's of them , but only one works.

How do you drive an Indian crazy? Hide his check under his work boots.

What do you call a Polish truck?? A wheelbarrow.

What do you call a good looking girl on the arm of a bass player?? A tattoo LMFAO

So anyhow if we did not have immigrants who would do the shit we don't want to??

I love spell check...:blsmoke:

Peace. Love and Hari Krishana

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
they could start by finning employers for hiring undocumented people. 10 grand a head. i bet that would make employers think twice. start going to high schools find kids who might not grasp college. show them theres money in buiilding this country. bring the troops back home and protect the border. get a hold on the cartels and make sure that all of the prostitutes in this country have papers. thats another lost trade.


Well-Known Member
kinda gamy flavor...often very stringy....a decent gravy covers all though

i feel i am somewhat neutral on the whole thing


Well-Known Member
I think we should stop immigration not take any more people and deport all illegal imigrants plus any legal immigrants who are hear before the immigration freese who get in trouble or cause problems. I think we should begin taxing imports 20% a year...this year it's 20% next it's 40%, then 60% ...untill its eliminated imports. Americans would be paid excellent wadges, you could have a good job and a nice house they would be building factories and housing would be cheaper and more plentiful...with all the abortions they do and all the chemicals that reduce our fertility that we are exposed to we would see a population reduction that would lead to less polution and reforestation

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
did stoned poney say hes glad we had 911? fuck u stoned poney. and fuck your mother. that bumb bitch had u. wow.
u should be sotimized by your mother with a strap on u fuckin creep

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i read the post your a dip shit. u said your glad 911 happened. u must not live in this country. tell your mom im sorry and to quit fuckin. cuz people like u shouldnt be here.


Well-Known Member
they could start by finning employers for hiring undocumented people. 10 grand a head. i bet that would make employers think twice. start going to high schools find kids who might not grasp college. show them theres money in buiilding this country. bring the troops back home and protect the border. get a hold on the cartels and make sure that all of the prostitutes in this country have papers. thats another lost trade.
i agree with you on fining employers for ignoring american labor foces while exploiting foreign labor forces.

i agree with you on vocational training and education for children who opt out of college. not only is there money in building, it is great exercise, mentally and physically. and we need better infrastructure.

troops can protect the border way better than the fence does, but you only get partial agreement from me here. about half of illegal immigrants got here legally and overstayed. a fence or troops can't stop that. plus, the $4 million per mile fence we are building can be scaled by a woman of average build in about 15 seconds. also, no matter how high we build the fence, one can build a ladder that is one foot taller without any problem.

legalizing prostitution would be good from a public health concern perspective; also it would probably raise money or waste less of it. but that trade is not for everyone or even a lot of people...i'd rather see us encourage our people to do better than that. but like you i would like to see it legal.

i think we should make it insanely easy to obtain a temporary worker permit so that businesses that need the labor can get it legally. it would also sharply reduce the number of illegals and keep them from being exploited by these businesses. it is too tough right now to get legal for those that really need it and are willing to work for it.


Well-Known Member
i read the post your a dip shit. u said your glad 911 happened. u must not live in this country. tell your mom im sorry and to quit fuckin. cuz people like u shouldnt be here.
take time to read and you will notice Im a viet Nam vet.........Texan white male............Yep said it ...........its a wake up call...........we take to much for granite now maybe ppl will get off thier ass and worry about real issues of terrorist and see how vunalrable we are.......one little attacik and we fall to pieces.......more die everyday Hell that many die in DWI wrecks every year........tons of deaths for various reasons...........am I sad for the families not really..........they arent kin to me........where does it state I have to cry when something bad happens.......sheep cry.........wolves survive and take action.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i think your right buck u win. let them all here fuck it. but do they have to drive around with that loud music like a fuckin circus is driving by.