Trinity Supercloset

What's up with the "real cross airflow" design? How it set up? I have a 2 sided cab I'm gonna use that's almost as big as the trinity and I. Want to incorperate some of its design into mine. where's the intake port enter the cab proper?does it enter both sides? Same for exhaust. How's the clone chamber ventilated? I would like to see pics as well espically of last day of flower and the space it ocupied it cab. I only have a smart phone so thumbs in the thread would be nice.


Well-Known Member
IF you buy that YOU MUST have SPACE restrictions OR you have OCD and want it to Look preety. other than that. 3grand, Get a Big Tent. Big Lights, Big Pots. and have Money left over for all your Nutes,Fans,Meters,Equip.

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
I agree with bigv and raw, you must be out of your mind to spend close to 4 grand on that. if you add up everything it comes with your paying WAY over $1000 for someone to just put it together. The guys who made this got a good thing going and are making some big dollars on ignorant people who spend money first and research later
Forget the cab itself I have a cab I want to know about the superponics and the interior design. I have to grow in a bedroom still live in the room and not let the 3 non smokers know what I'm doing. If u can fit those requirement and still grow pounds then by all means tell us wise ones
Dan and Dez what number of plants did u each start with?end with? Did u have enough room at the end of flowering? Could your yield be improved by less plants for more room?
Also guys did y'all like the nutes they provided with the cabs? I'm kinda stuck on what to do in that department I need to do more reading on that subject. I wouldn't say no to any good advice
Also guys did y'all like the nutes they provided with the cabs? I'm kinda stuck on what to do in that department I need to do more reading on that subject. I wouldn't say no to any good advice

Dan Grow

I yielded 3/4 of an lbs. on this harvest.
I didn't use their nutes. I used my friends.
Most of the weight came from only 3 plants. I started with eleven and there was definitely crowding.
I had canopy issues and didn't control the height of my plants well enough.
This time I went with 8 in staggered locations. I will let you know what happens.
Thanks dan I look forward to seeing how that go's . I'm also interested n how ur ventalation works between the three grow areas.into and out of the box also. Not for the lights I got that figured out. Also what's the inside measurements of the cab? These things would b very helpfull 2 know. Thanks for any help


I yielded 3/4 of an lbs. on this harvest.
I didn't use their nutes. I used my friends.
Most of the weight came from only 3 plants. I started with eleven and there was definitely crowding.
I had canopy issues and didn't control the height of my plants well enough.
This time I went with 8 in staggered locations. I will let you know what happens.

My 1st run I had 4 plants and got 10.5 OZ's,,,,,,,,, rite now im trying 3 plants and see what I get,,,,,,,,no I didnt use the Nuts they sent, I used my own !!!! and for MR know it all up above, Im in an Apartment, I needed sumthing I could lock !!! I walk into your tent room, I know what it is the sec I see it,,,,,, Ive had people in the same room with these, and they HAVE NO IDEA !!! I would love to show pictures, I just dont know how to post em!


I love how people just call others names , when they dont understand sumthing ! Oh and yes I can grow that with this BS!

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
no body said you cant grow with that setup obviously you can because thats what its built for. Just saying its a huge waste of money, if you wanted something u can lock up buy your own metal cabinet with locks and buy a light some mylar a inline fan some nutes a carbon filter some soil or a dro system if thats what you prefer and tada i just saved u over $1500, you can thank me later.
I am having a good ole time with my Trinity. I am just about to turn the lights down and flower these girls in the pic. Deznuts is right one knows what is going on until bangos..I open the doors to their shocking surprise. It's one of the best things about it..watching peoples faces when they see what's going on inside. SuperCloset Trinity1.jpg

Dan Grow

Dank, I am really sorry, bro, but you just do not know what you are talking about. In order to take a metal cabinet and fabricate it in the way that these cabinets are done, you would need A LOT of equipment. There are all kinds of built in fans, welding, drilled circular and oblong holes of 2", 3", 4".....rivets, etc.....i guarantee you don't have a 4" metal drill bit laying around next to your oxyacetylene blow is one thing to set up a tent, but to have it all in a light sealed cabinet, that doesn't stink and regulates its own temperature.....I think you are giving yourself a little TOO much credit.

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
After reading what i said again I'm sorry if i came off as a dick as that wasnt what i was trying to do. But I didnt mean I myself have the equipment to build it because yes your right it would require alot of it, My point was your throwing alot of money at somebody to do it for you when you could get a better set up for the money you would be paying, tent or whatever you prefer . Thats all I was trying to say and again if I came off as a dick my bad.


After reading what i said again I'm sorry if i came off as a dick as that wasnt what i was trying to do. But I didnt mean I myself have the equipment to build it because yes your right it would require alot of it, My point was your throwing alot of money at somebody to do it for you when you could get a better set up for the money you would be paying, tent or whatever you prefer . Thats all I was trying to say and again if I came off as a dick my bad.

Props to Dank for checkin himself,,,,,,, Every point you made is true,,,,But your wrong these are very well put together and I do love the fact I didnt know shit bout growning and this has made it so eaasy it keeps the temps a hum just perfect !! Stuff I just COULD NOT HAVE DONE MYSELF! (After Bone Cancer in my hip ) are they alot FUCK YEA, Could I have done it for cheaper with a tent system,,,sure but didnt wanna go that way!!! heck I just say If its workin for YOU and YOURS, THEN FUCK THE BULLSHIT, I SUPPORT YOU AND THE CAUSE ! GROW THAT SHIT THE BEST WAY YOU CAN, and if I can help anyone shit its a good day !bongsmilie


Eric Mad props to man,,,,,,,,,,,and how many girls is in the picture ???? im running one now with 3 plants ( oh how they love the extra room ) I topped em and I super cropped em !! I really think I'll get more outta 3 over the 4 plants! one month we shall see !!! AND OH WOULD SUM1 TELL THIS DUMB MUTHER FUCKER HOW TO START A TREAD AND POST MY PICTURES!!!

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
Eric Mad props to man,,,,,,,,,,,and how many girls is in the picture ???? im running one now with 3 plants ( oh how they love the extra room ) I topped em and I super cropped em !! I really think I'll get more outta 3 over the 4 plants! one month we shall see !!! AND OH WOULD SUM1 TELL THIS DUMB MUTHER FUCKER HOW TO START A TREAD AND POST MY PICTURES!!!
go to whichever part of the forum your thread belongs such as indoor growing or grow journals or something. then in the top left corner it will say post new thread in bold. as for pictures upload them to your computer and once you figured out how to make your own thread hit advanced reply then scroll down and click manage attachments then there you are. hope that helped

Dan Grow

Click "Reply to Thread"
Click "Go Advanced" (in the lower right corner)
Click on the paperclip above the two earth is the attachment link
Click "Add Files"
Click "Select Files"
Find it on your computer and select it
Click "Upload Photos"
Make sure "Insert Inline" is Checked
Click "done"
Ta Da!!
Hope this helps....I want to see your girls. :0)