Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
wow LAS - I hope after all the shit we have given you it's not actually seriouse.... hope you get a good report from the doc.
I don't want to worry you but that doesn't sound good at all. The good thing is that you can still straighten it out. When ligaments tear they tighten up a lot and you lose range of motion right away. If that starts to happen, it's important to slowly work your knee a little farther in each direction to keep as much range of motion as possible. Just stretch it out a little at a time, a few times a day and ice it after every time.

This advice is if you can't get in to see the dr tomorrow. If you get in to see one, just stay off of it until you see them but ice it down when you can.

I've had to do these stretching exercises every time I tore something in one of my knees and it never changed over the ten years I've been dealing with my knees. It's a physical therapy process that you can do at home and you will most likely be told to do this anyway.

Hope it goes well for you. Knee injuries suck...
sounds like real good advise. get well my dude
Keep that leg elevated as well Las. Best wishes for the Doc appointment.
sounds like the perfect excuse for some feet up in front of the xbos time man!
Morning las how ya doing brudder. Lets us know the prognosis

Have a good one!
hehe thanks for all the nice comments :) i tried to reply to this earlier but it messed up lmao.

got down the docs, saw a car crash on the way down lol not to major but the front was smashed in and the radiatior had popped and was pissing rusty colored water over the road.

anyway the prognosis is that i've torn my muscle near the ligaments and maby damaged the ligaments themselves. she said about 4-6 weeks to heal propely. i'm going to see my actual doctor next friday so i'll get him to check it out again then to make sure its healing ok.

intial reports are indicating to me that my timewarp is a boy :) looks like my "stud" cabinet was built in time. just need another carbon filter and i'm str8 :)

binned off a cj that wasnt doing so well as the others. late to sprout, and wasnt even trying to catch up. down to 3x healthy ladies :) should get a keeper from them so i'll be happy :)

Las :leaf:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey las. Could of been worse could have been better I suppose lol. Rice therapy for las,,,,,rest, ice, compress and elevate. Substitute ibuprofren for ice at this point. Oh and then in a few weeks the fun starts,,,strengthen!!

Later man hope things are going well in your neck of the woods


Well-Known Member
intial reports are indicating to me that my timewarp is a boy :) looks like my "stud" cabinet was built in time.:[/QUOTE]

I bought 3 querkle seeds 2 died and the last one is a big hairy man. So I got some querkle jizz too mess with but never got to smoke the bud. I'm thinking of some funky cross's tho querkle x livers or maybe cross it into the cc x l Or my rhinopunch......


Well-Known Member
intial reports are indicating to me that my timewarp is a boy :) looks like my "stud" cabinet was built in time.:
I bought 3 querkle seeds 2 died and the last one is a big hairy man. So I got some querkle jizz too mess with but never got to smoke the bud. I'm thinking of some funky cross's tho querkle x livers or maybe cross it into the cc x l Or my rhinopunch......[/QUOTE]

i have a male querkle too. by smell its more urkel dom.. what about yours? I am crossing it with my headbang kush and the shishkaberry right now. i should have some beans in like 2 weeks. i was gonna place another order but screw that i gotta get these crosses tested so i can bless my riu peeps.


Well-Known Member
Not got mine in flower fully yet matem. I just did a quick clone to sex it but when I sussed it was a male I killed the clone. Didn't have anything in flower that I wanna breed into it. Soon tho I'll be breeding with it. Querkle should be a good base for breeding I think

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
intial reports are indicating to me that my timewarp is a boy :) looks like my "stud" cabinet was built in time.:
I bought 3 querkle seeds 2 died and the last one is a big hairy man. So I got some querkle jizz too mess with but never got to smoke the bud. I'm thinking of some funky cross's tho querkle x livers or maybe cross it into the cc x l Or my rhinopunch......[/QUOTE]

ooooh errr mrs a timewarp stud eh. everyones on this ting now! my psychkiller has started busting a nut so its time for a little action!

querkle livers would be awesome

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i need 2 get hold of the uk exodus and i've got a mean cross i'd like to do, top secret though. well not really, pm me and i'll tell you so long as you can keep a secret lmao hehehe


Well-Known Member
i need 2 get hold of the uk exodus and i've got a mean cross i'd like to do, top secret though. well not really, pm me and i'll tell you so long as you can keep a secret lmao hehehe
if i could get an exo clone i would complete the cubing process and make cheese 99. bx3's. in those seeds would be some winners.


Well-Known Member
You're right about the aussies las, got a few friends travelling over there at the minute as well, they all survived the storm though. Must've been the good vibes we sent over there :D

Looking forward to seeing that LSD and Dog las, bet they're massive.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah those poor bastards, must be miseable as hell. The eastern half has been under water for over a month now and then getting hit with a cyclone with 190 mph winds. Must seem like armageddon for some of them

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks for the visits ladies and gents, and for the kind words and vibes for australia :)

12.12 Girls, oh and boy lol. HB 7.5 weeks 12.12, the rest under a week.

hot hot hot ;) not that i can eat these badboys lmao. i was making an organic pestaside but forgot to take half the pictures. 4x bad boy chillis, the hotter the better, i had some thinner smaller ones that went into the cup behind. mix that with a 3L of warm water and 3x table spoons of cold pressed neem oil. spray on plants :) i'll let u know if its worked, got this kinda method from my mate

Casey Jones bubbas

Headband test clone, wasnt very big on entering 12.12 but she's starting to bulk out now and frost up. I'll be happy with a Q :) look at the length of the trich lol

Timewarp male?? looks that way to me but i'm no expert. this be my 1st breading stock :)

Veggie girls, Hazey Train front and healthy Lemon Haze at back overwatered? what u guys and girls think? fucking flat mate but i cant complain to much. although i'll be moaning again in a min.....

Ahhh here we have a burnt girl who has just entered flowering, cheers flat mate :( asked him to feed at 1.1-1.2 and u know he's bumped it up thinking he's clever. synthetic nutes in compost have a habit of burning from my experience if ur not careful :(

LSD back left. Headband back right. DOG Kush front left. G-Bomb front right. lets see if he fucks them up shall we. simple instructions, spray twice a day with tap water. if he dont they will probs not make it as i only took them 2 days ago. i'm quite a placid chap but dont mess with my weed man, Las starts to get mad like Bruce Banner start switchin lmao ;)

bit of cheese, an imitation but not to bad for free ;) cheers mr F.B. lmao u joker ;)

tired now time 4 bed

las :leaf:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn man nice frost on the HB and yup that warp is a boy man, congrats.... line them bitches up. studs and hoes tricks in rows!!!