Revolutionising the traditional light cycles and photo periods


I like the idea extended light too and hereby bump this post in the hope that it will be further discussed.


Well-Known Member
So the better plants to use for such growing techniques are ones that tend to flower early? Well Im willing to give it a shot. I'm wondering if White Widow would do ok or an early flowering hybrid?


Well-Known Member
I have read about such light cycles a number of times over the years and one question always popped into my head more than any others. That is, since light degrades THC and most THC is produced during hours of darkness when plants run on stored energy and they shut down most plant functions and allocate increased amounts of energy for THC production and for growth, IF the additional amount of THC that is lost through light degradation during the increased length periods of light can be made up for in a normal 12-hour period of darkness on top of the amounts that can and would normally be made?

Someone might get increased growth and yields but they might also end up with a lower quality herb than they would otherwise have. In a normal light cycle they might end up with a lesser amount but what they have might be more potent.

Until someone other than someone doing this sort of thing in a basement says it is the bee's knees I will stick to the conventional light cycles.
Is there any information on the rate of degradation or maybe the point in a day that is too much light and would cause said degradation? I could easily see this working in something like a 18/6 >18/12 cycle but the there is the inconvenience of the lights being off at a different time everyday (off 12am-6am then 6am-12pm, etc)...

I'll stick to 20/4 and 12/12 bongsmilie


nobody has any more to say on that hu!! i bet theres a few quietly doin the maths. without a digital timer forget about it......


so i thought this may have been discussed a bit more i guess change can be scarey i think there are more than one dutch commercial grower using this method and was originally explained to me by a little known dutch grower, it originally blew my mind and 15 years ago i could not find a digital timer so i had one made.


Active Member
i like the idea, but i have to agree with brick top that the plant wouldn't be able to produce enough hormones and growth during the night cycle. this same thinking is why i dont use more than a 18hr day in my veg room. plants do more at night than people give them credit for. i would love to see this done in side by side experiment. if i get some funds i might build a cabinet in the next couple months to test this.


Well-Known Member
so i thought this may have been discussed a bit more i guess change can be scarey i think there are more than one dutch commercial grower using this method and was originally explained to me by a little known dutch grower, it originally blew my mind and 15 years ago i could not find a digital timer so i had one made.
have you done this yet?


Well-Known Member
so i thought this may have been discussed a bit more i guess change can be scarey i think there are more than one dutch commercial grower using this method and was originally explained to me by a little known dutch grower,it originally blew my mind and 15 years ago i could not find a digital timer so i had one made.
Had the technique worked, perhaps he would be a "well known" dutch grower. Just saying....:D


You have me very interested... +rep for the thread...
I believe "any new ideas" are always worth thinking and weighing.. Doing the math.. :idea:

I think I'm going to try this in a controlled environment..
2 small identical cabs.. CFLs, same air,coco, nutes, lights, etc, only difference would be the light cycles for both..
20/4 for veg. Is what I like to do anyways.. Then the 12/12 and the 20/12 for flower...

If one finishes first,, I'll weigh it, and SMOKE IT... :fire:
When the other finishes,, I'LL weigh it, and SMOKE IT TOO~!!! :fire:

Then I'll know if the potency is different enough to worry about and of course, the time factor and weight "will" make a difference..
And the electricity of course, if this worked with good results, then do it again with 600 HPS's..

Is very interesting, and I'm happy I found this thread..

Smoke On...


Well-Known Member
very interesting subject. i have a spare cabinet that i keep my males in. after i get the pollen i need i think i may set up a light schedule test.

would there be any benefits to extending the night cycle too? for example, in flowering, run a cycle of 18 hours of light on and then 14 hours of darkness. like bricktop said, thc degrades during the day (so ive read anyway), so couldnt you compensate for that by making the night longer?


I like this idea and the thought has crossed my mind. Yes change is hard at times, sometimes impossible if you don't have the space to do ALL of the things that sound fun. I would be interested to see what if any diff the extended dark period with the extended light would do to overall Q&Q (quantity and quality)


Well-Known Member
Yeah very interesting. Ive heard of extending the light period for an hour or two 13-14 hours in a 24hr cycle during the last two weeks of flower to increase yeild. I my self have increased the dark period to 14 hours a few times in a 24hr cycle. My buds finished quicker but with smaller yeild. That being said I'm surprised to hear that increasing your light hrs may shorten flowering time. I'm hoping to give this a try. I too will make a 2x2 cab with some floros & see what happens. I'm a couple of months away from giving it a shot + rep


thanks for the rep, play with the idea guys thats what new ideas are for someone may find an improved version of this concept, i have had to go back to the traditional 12/12 for now because of the very hot summer where having. also the light hour periods dont have to change only the dark, so eg. 20/4 - 20/12 because she requires more light during flowering not less only longer nights. i will be going back to this method in winter and will run a grow post with pics and let the non beleivers have a revelation. also i dont know much about the auto flower strains but isnt the idea with them that they flower automatic regardless of the light hour period.


So, what's up with this? Anybody testing cerealkilla's method? Sounds plausible as plants could very well live on another planet that (most certainly) won't have the same light/dark hours as Earth does.


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantis metions this method in the medical growers bible. Never tried it...too hard to fuck with the timers and everyting else.


Active Member
want to see results, spent a big 30 buck on a digital timer and try for ya self......
I didn't realize that you were holier than thou; I figured if you were going to make an entire post about it you would probably be reporting the results. Anyway, thanks for wasting both of our time...



Well-Known Member
I didn't realize that you were holier than thou; I figured if you were going to make an entire post about it you would probably be reporting the results. Anyway, thanks for wasting both of our time...

Check out post #17 by the guy who can't back up his 'experiment' with pictures and compare it to mine below. Day 22 of 12/12 as nature intended.

Oh, and if you've ever been to Amsterdam, you'd know the 'Dutch' don't produce anything special.
