First grow with t-5's. How's my lady look?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
the top fan leaf stems are redding on top. other than that i think she looks pretty good. What could the red-ish tint be?


New Grower 420

Active Member
phosphorus would be the prob if it was on the leaves themselfs but redding on just the stem is ok many plants do the same thing i think its indicative of the indica strain.

New Grower 420

Active Member
plant looks pretty ok i think i see stretching though might just be the pick but the branches dont look like the have more then 1 node

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
looks awsome, t-5s shit. ton of nodes. i cant see any probloms with those ladys. some times as growers i think we all just get to wrapped up in leave damage. like how many times have people have leave damage did nothing, plant grew out of it and harvested nicely.