ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

I will start calling you Matt...Maybe Mr. Ganja is your
Any way... thanks for the advice!
I'm to new at making hash to know what it is I'm really trying to achieve.
I will do more homework on it.
I like the pics by the way.

Take it easy
Ohh.... mr ganja, that's something RIU does, has to do with the rep system. Sorry, super high guy with two thumbs right here. :)
Check my blog out I have it organized so you watch the "how to make hash" video and then follow that to the "how to dry" it pictorial. Any questions please do ask. Happy Hash Making!
Dude! Just followed your link to your blog and it's pretty good shit! Love the "debate" you and Sam S. had/have (?) going. What forum is that on? How often do you update your blog? I noticed the last one was Jan 26 while the one before was wayyy back on Dec. 16 (lol), so I'm guessing once a month or two? I have to say I really didn't see the downside to the Cali. legalization bill until I read thru your and Sam's discussion about it. Really opened up my eyes on the cons of "commercialization"! I noticed Sam mentioned, more than once, the fact that "it's cheaper.......this and it's cheaper that...." well everybody knows 9 times out of 10 cheaper is most def. NOT better. Whether your talking about cheap labor, cheaply made products/shoes/clothes/etc./etc/etc.! And even in that 1 time the only reason cheaper is better is because you've found a "deal" on the well made, hi end product. Not because the "cheaper made"= cheaper price product was the better deal.
I'm rambling/stoned! lol Anyway...props to your blog, and hash making abilities/teaching skills!!!
Dude! Just followed your link to your blog and it's pretty good shit! Love the "debate" you and Sam S. had/have (?) going. What forum is that on? How often do you update your blog? I noticed the last one was Jan 26 while the one before was wayyy back on Dec. 16 (lol), so I'm guessing once a month or two? I have to say I really didn't see the downside to the Cali. legalization bill until I read thru your and Sam's discussion about it. Really opened up my eyes on the cons of "commercialization"! I noticed Sam mentioned, more than once, the fact that "it's cheaper.......this and it's cheaper that...." well everybody knows 9 times out of 10 cheaper is most def. NOT better. Whether your talking about cheap labor, cheaply made products/shoes/clothes/etc./etc/etc.! And even in that 1 time the only reason cheaper is better is because you've found a "deal" on the well made, hi end product. Not because the "cheaper made"= cheaper price product was the better deal.
I'm rambling/stoned! lol Anyway...props to your blog, and hash making abilities/teaching skills!!!

This post might get me in trouble, might fuck up my career. But I am here to spread the truth

Sam the Skunkman is a moderator on ICmag, the largest and most heavily moderated canna forum out there. IC has a ridiculous list of rules that basically say "if they don't pay IC you can't mention their name here.". That is a rule and it is enforced. This list of off-limits topics is huge and includes: dispensaries, high times, reeferman, subcool, tga, kyle kushman, nevil, david watson*, and many more. 'Matt Rize' is banned at IC for linking to my blog, such crap. But I rule debate over there, and administration knows I use Thomkal Vwalaa.

IC is not for Americans but some are there anyways, they hate CA the most.

Sam left here (CA) in the 70s after the only seed bizank at the time here (Cultivators Choice or Sacred Seeds can't remember) was busted. He managed to get 5 lbs of those seeds to amdam and sell them to nevil with the help of ed rosenthal. There are many theories about the details. Many think Sam snitched up to get out of the hot seat, took to opportunity to snag the inventory, and came up big on the bust. This founded the modern amsterdam seed scene, he brought them haze and so much more. It is the single most historic move and is still not detailed. Ed won't talk about it, I asked. Sam has one story, Nevil another, and there are wild criminal accusations on both sides. It's a heated topic.

Sam is loudest authority on all things cannabis. We debate many topics including proper nomenclature (is it called hash or resin?) and much more including politics, the cannabinoids, safe medicine, and all concentrate topics. Sam claims to have invented bubble hash, and is mad he didn't get credit. He gets mad I call it bubble hash, lol. So I wonder... how is this guy the world authority when I read every book on cannabis and don't know his name...

*David Watson and Robert C Clarke dominate the cannabis literature. And you can talk about RCC on IC mag, but not David Watson... Sam Skunkman is David Watson. Joe Petri pulbished this in his book and started a whole drama, which I find fascinating. This David=Sam was revealed somewhat recently and has caused Sam/David some grief. So I don't like to make a big deal about it. But considering David's status in the cannabis world, and Sam's lack of disclosure on IC with regards to promoting David's work... well I think the cat is out of the bag.

David Watson of Hortapharm, aka ‘Magic’ Ed Selezny aka Sam Skunkman is the man behind Sativex. He is the only one allowed to do commercial cannabis in the world and works with top scientists to make Sativex and plant derived pharma-cannabinoids. I'm not really that sure of everything he is involved in and don't really want to go into detail because I don't know what all to believe.

Sam is pro 19 because it means he can sell sativex here, and form centralized commerical pot farms to put us all out of business. He claims this is good because commercial medicine will be cheaper and safer. I think it will be of lesser quality, barely trimmed, and therefore cheaper. And growing anything commercially is not the safest path. Small organic farms working with labs like Steep Hill is ideal imo.

Take it all with a grain of salt. Sam is not a snitch from what I can tell.
Sorry Sam Skunkman by TY mag's Marco Reneda
Marco Renda
Indica Lover
Sorry Skunk Man
I have to say there is NO TRUTH to him ever selling any feminized genetics nor is he a DEA agent / informant. I would personally like to apologize to him for publishing the article by Joe Pietri. I also would like to thank him for showing me that Joe Pietri stated in his book King of Nepal ( Pg. 53) that he himself worked with the DEA to get someone he worked with busted with 500 kilos of hash. Now isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?
I have come to realize that Joe Pietri is nothing but an angry old man who is jealous of others.
I guess that I am now going to be on the recieving end of Joe Pietri as he is pissed off with me. I not only pulled his article from TY # 26 slagging off Skunk Man , Ed Rosenthal , Steve Hagar and the rest of the crew over at High Times but I also informed him that I am no longer going to publish any of his articles.
So again my appologies to Sam Skunk Man.
I also appologize in my editiorial in TY # 26 and in person at the High Times Cannabis Cup
What was apologized for, sorry for bad formatting. This is pretty much garbage should be taken with much skepticism.
28 • Treating Yourself, Issue 26 – 2010On March 20th 1985

David Watson was busted for growing in Santa Cruz, California, Watson a junior member of the Sacred Seed collective. The Sacred Seedbank collective was created in the 1940’s, most originalmembers long gone or well into there 70’s, a generation or more older than I, I’m 63, and have been in Cannabis trade 50 years and I can only speak from my 50 years experience of fighting the drug war.

A month later, Watson, now traveling as Sam Selezny arrived in Amsterdam in the company of EdRosenthal. In his baggage, were the research from the sacred seed collective, and 250,000 cannabis seeds. EdRosenthal introduced Sam Selezny as David Watson to everyone who was anyone at the time on the Dutchscene. Which was very small compared to what it istoday.

Surviving members still question how Watson managed to pull this off? A collective member states that Watson was a junior member, had nothing to do with creating Skunk or`haze strains attributed to Skunkman as he is now known.

Original Skunk had the reals kunk spray smell, impossible to mask.The first time I met Skunk-man at the 2007 cup his first comment to me was that I blew his cover due to achapter in my book King of Nepal The Ice Wars edition? He even put up wanted posters for me at the cup calling me a snitch. On the scenes I came from if I werea snitch I’d be dead long ago.

By the time you finish this article you may realize that Sam Selezny aka David Watson aka Skunk-man started as a DEA undercover agent, whose undercovercareer makes Donnie Brasco pale when compared, since he finally became a DEA licensee and ”privatecontractor” with the power to make the agency moveagainst competitors and anybody in his way and to cutdeals with Bayer, Monsanto, and the Dutch andEnglish Government.

Ed Rosenthal’s duped by Watsonas well? Rosenthal was the cultivation expert at HighTimes at that time. Was Watson/Selezny working undercover to bring Sacred Seed collective down? Then used Ed Rosenthal to develop his Skunk-man cove rand go deeper undercover in Amsterdam? Did Rosenthal make his fortune from selling our scene to the Dutch due to Reagan drug war policy, which shutdown old school, and any High Times competitor upstart? At what point did Ed Rosenthal realize thatSkunk-man was DEA undercover?

Neiderweit went from shit to shineola with the introduction of the sacred seed collective’s seed bank, now renamed Cultivator’s Choice. In 1987 Steven Hager was named the new editor for High Times. Operation Green Merchant was also createdin 1987 the brainchild of DEA agent Jim Stewart.The target being High Times, and Sensimilla Tips, aswell as the blossoming Indoor grow industry. Sensimilla Tips, the all time best grow magazine wasput out of business. In 1989, raids were conducted in 46 states on grow shops and wholesalers. The onlyone to remain unscathed was High Times, amazingly?

Operation Green Merchant worked many angles. Onethat they pulled off in Hawaii was they opened a growstore in Kona, partied, smoked and got to know somegrowers. They offered growers a deal, we will give youseeds, nutrients, what ever you need, you grow theproduct and bring it here where we will ship it to yourpeople, you collect the money and pay us a share. Onlya few went for the deal at first, that went supersmooth, all packages arrived safely, monies paid, andthe share given to grow shop. 2nd year everyonejumped on board, they busted people from Kona toBrooklyn, You can only imagine the numbers, 100’s offolks lost everything, many went to prison.. Nearly allbusted in 46 States came from information seized fromHigh Times and Sensimilla tips, hell all they needed todo was read the magazine, which is how DEA JimStewart came up with the idea for Green Merchant,shooting fish in a barrel.

At this point was High Times compromised? Or? In 1987 Hager went to Amsterdam to interview Nevil of the Seed Bank,while there he meets the Skunk-man, who relates tales to himabout harvest festivals in Santa Cruz and suggests having a CannabisCup in Amsterdam as a yearly event. The Skunkman spins his web and Hager is taken in, from this point on everything stated by either Skunk-man or his partner Robert CClarke is taken as fact, Remember Rosenthal is cultivation editor, and Clarke used to write under R. Connoisseur at High Times as well. Hager being a newbie was enthralled by the lies comingfrom this trio. At this point cannabis history starts to be rewritten by High Times. In 1988 the first Cannabis Cup was held and lo and behold Cultivators Choice wins for Skunk #1. Imagine what an intelligence bonanza the CannabisCup, where every grower comes to judge the beststrains and buy seeds. The database created a DEAagent’s wet dream. Funny things started to happenaround Amsterdam, seems as if a lot of CultivatorsChoice competition were being busted, and evenSkunk-man’s own warehouse grows are busted as well but he remained untouched, took his money to Luxemburg and returned to go on, while everyone elsewent to jail.

In 1990, Nevil Shoenmakers who was also targeted byGreen Merchant for his seed bank, was not extraditedby Holland but was arrested in Australia, where hislawyer in court records noted that the police had dossier on Nevil as well as everyone who was anyoneon the Dutch scene, and that they were complied by Sam Selezny, now known as David Watson AKA Skunk-man. This is public knowledge in Amsterdam, noted by Dutch crime investigator Mario Lap.

Lap investigated Selezny/ Watson as well as Ed Rosenthal. Skunkman according to Hager in High Times articlesold seeds to Nevil..You have to wonder if the Cannabis Cup was an idea the Skunk-man proposed, had been an operation ofGreen Merchant? How best for DEA to get informationon growers than to open a seed bank in Holland,create a cannabis cup, and even win the 1st cupawarded? Every top grower in the world goes to Amsterdam for a bonanza of information for DEAand law enforcement around the globe. One has towonder when Rosenthal and Hager realized thatSkunk-man was DEA undercover? Without a doubtSkunk-man had his claws in High Times, who printedhis every word as if gospel.Everyone busted but High Times, the smell of sulfurcoming to my nose, certainly not true skunk. Had adeal been struck between Government and HighTimes and so they could remain in business? Since thistime much of what has been written by High Times isin fact fantasy made up by the Skunk-man to build uphis mystique as well as his cover. The Haze brothers afigment of Skunk-mans imagination, a play created forstoners in order to hype their products.

Frankly Ishouldn’t blame the Dutch so much for fraud asSkunk-man was the one who taught the Dutch theropes and they fear him, as we fear DEA here.It’s beyond question that the Skunk-man has been asource of information to police agencies around theglobe.

1994 David Watson/ Selezny was issued a cannabisresearch license for Hortapharm R & D along with hispartner Robert C. Clarke aka R. Connisseur, ...legitimate Universities and PHD’s dueto the strong endorsement ofDEA, instead of extraditing himback to Santa Cruz for thatgrow bust in 1985? To thisday he is one of two companiesallowed to importcannabis products into US, and the only supplier licensed by DEA to supply seeds of predictable qualityfor research. In a 1998interview in UK Journal, hestated that Hortapharm only wants to produce sterile females, to protect the genetic copyright? He has sent botanist’s around the globe to contaminate and collect inbred landrace strains, in order to confuse origin in order to claim intellectual copyright. Now he claims to have the largest library ofmedicinal cannabis seeds in the world. In other wordshe patented the munchie effect amongst others. Wherever you go on the planet you will find skunk gene pool, this isa war crime, to contaminate the original medical strains so as to beable to call them yourintellectual property is obscene. Just as the making of MotherNature’s healing plants illegal is a war crime, so is the research Hortapharm is doing.

Instead of extraditingWatson back to SantaCruz for his 1985 growbust, he was praisedand supported by DEA.In 1997 the inventor, Reinhard Delp introduced the IceWater Method at the 97 Cannabis cup and it was offto the races, the most copied and ripped off formula inCannabis history, and who designed and created thefraud? Skunk-man with Clarke, Mel Frank and HighTimes. He did this in order to confuse the origin of thepatent.During the 97 Cup Reinhard had offers promising theworld for an exclusive license for the method patentpending by “an English Pharmaceutical outfit”, he dida comparison test for them with a bigger machine,where he trashed a Pollinator as to quality and quality,but finally refused the “exclusive” and insisted onreal “publishing”, for immediate usefor everybody.At the end of the 97 CupHortapharm set up a meetingwith Reinhard where Clarkedemanded “we can’t publishthat” and asked why,responded “the people cannot handle it, it is toostrong.” Unaware of the“powers” of Hortapharm,the inventor told Clarkethat he was full of it and theyhad a “fall out”. Reinhardnever wanted to play monopolywith characters like Hortapharm,Bayer or Monsanto.The meeting happened at Bill Barth’s place, a muchliked, very outspoken fellow, equally unimpressed byClarke at the meeting. The inventor was later told thatBill passed away in his sleep.

Crazed by their moneyand the power they haddue to their DEA connection,High Times andmost European Cannabispublications in theirpocket, Hortapharm’sWatson and Clarke setout to erase the introductionof the Xtractor 420and the Ice-Water-Method on the 97Cannabis Cup fromCannabis history. Oneyear later Mila, who justbroke a license contractwith Reinhard was nowthe proud owner of the Hemp Hotel, received a governmentgrant to develop her invention and Clarkewas marketing Mila and her new invention: the Ice-Olator.But Mila was stupid enough to sell her “newcreation” with the instructions she received with theXTR 420 .

Another glitch in the scam: some journalistic consciencemanaged to record the event from 1997, simplyexplaining the new Method in High Times May 98issue. In his book Clarke spins the Ice-Water-Methodback to the old unsuccessful “Sadu Sam Secret”Recipe, which Ed Rosenthal did not mention anymorein a 96 High-Times article about Hash, even though he was selling the recipe on a 900 fax years earlier.

Clarkestreamlined the recipe for his book, cold water became ...chilled”, Mila was introduced as theLady Of Hash and the 1997 XTR 420was otherwise blacked out of theMedia. “No limit”- Skunkmanapproaches the inventor in e-mails,boasting about 10 000 square metergrows, claimed to have designed Mila’sand the Canadian “Bubble man’s” ,Mark Richardson’s inventions andthreatens legal action, “prior artwork”and “what have you”.In May 2009 Reinhard’s financial and got busted by theDEA, the company and home vandalized, companyinventory destroyed, all private and company moneytaken. (, issue 19 “Update”) Hedoes not stop to sue them for patent infringement.Also taken was the Cannabis Collective’s seedbank,ten pounds high qualityCannabis seeds from landracestrains – soundsfamiliar? Skunkman stole themethod like the strains hehad stolen, created GWPharmaceuticals on thepromise of the Ice-Water-Method and hoped to control all cannabis based medicines. In fact Sativex was created from Thai genetics,I wonder how the Thai government feels about thatsince cannabis has 8400year history as medicine inThailand? Watson due to his control of information has beenable to pull scam after scam as an endorsement fromHigh Times is all you used to need in this business. Heknows that young stoners and medical patients haveno cannabis knowledge and that he can sell anythinghe wants, the frauds have had a tremendous effect onthe quality of medicine produced.

At the same time hehas been a mentor to the Dutch who now play fromthe same deck of control of information.I know by now you have reached the WTF moment inthis article, how much more stinky is this going to get?Let’s face it no corporation has more at stake thatcannabis continues to be illegal, so that only they canproduce cannabis based medicine than GWPharmaceuticals, now part of Bayer. GW not onlybought strains from Hortapharm but also fundsbotanical research. They paid to collect medicinalstrains around the globe while contaminating themwith skunk strain to confuse origin. By doing this theylegally could shut down all medical grows for infringingon intellectual property of GW and Hortapharm.Does the GW stand for Guy &Watson?When asked now, that GW made it,they inform that Watson and Clarke areno longer with them.WTF, talk about quantumleap, from being wanted fora grow bust in Santa Cruz,to being the CEO ofHortapharm, with 5 DEAlicenses and partners withGW and Bayer.Dude, not only did the the DEA seedbank win the 1stcannabis cup, but last year Danny Don’t Know, thenew cultivation expert at High Times, named the DEAseed-bank Cultivators Choice as the all time greatestseed-bank. Then went on to state that Skunk-man wasthe founder of Sacred seeds, when that collective can betraced back to shortly after prohibition in 1937. Thereis no foundation of truth from Danny Don’t Know norfrom High Times when it comes to Skunk-man, theywere duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led down atrail of tears.

From setting up grow shops to operating seed banks inHolland is no quantum leap in information gatheringduring Operation Green Harvest. Or that some of theirassets from that time, continue to provide informationto this day.Worse thing of all is that for the past 22 years or moreeverything written on cannabis is written in support offrauds these people created. So they have you spendingmore for growing less. That the quality of cannabis andcannabis seed has gone down from what ol skool medicalimports were originally is without doubt. The bestcannabis was grown during the golden age of Cannabis1840-1940, when it was legally farmed for medicinaluse, Sacred Seeds sought to preserve those strains.

September 2010, Danny Don’t Know states that HighTimes has no connection to Skunk-man. Wow has hechanged his tune, but is it the truth? No, Robert CClarke, partner of David Watson – Skunk-man inHortapharm and GW Pharmaceuticals, continues topromote fraud.In a special issue of High Times that basically introducesnew products to consumers. Clarke broughtthe bubble bag fraud full circle again, calling it a newinnovative technique, basically using the same informationthey used when they introduced these fraudsin 1998-2000. They have a new generation of youngstoners and medical patients with no cannabisknowledge to cheat. Here are 3 photographs that show the fraud for what it is:1. Here you see resins glands atbottom of glass, valuable oilsand terpenes floating on top,and on top of that water floating,clear separation seen. Youlose immediately 30-40%using either 25 or 33 microncatch bag. From this point youshould have gone to coffee filter5 micron, but you don’tmake money selling paper coffeefilters. Everything aboutbags works against and retardsthe Ice Water technique, theUS patent was granted in2000, but for Europe andCanada only in 2006 (!). Everytime you add a bag on top ofthe 2 bag system you can adda dilution, in a 9 bag systemyou have diluted formula adozen times. What they neglectedto tell you is thatMother Nature does all thework for you. The ice methodmade sieving and all forms ofprocessing cannabis obsolete. In Clarke’s article he states nylon sieving bags as new innovative technique. Well thank Soumi La Valle for leaving ushis great work on Hashish. Here circa 1979 you see a Lebanese cannabis worker holding her 70- micron sieve. This is thefinal sieve used in making the finest Lebanese hashish, they started with metal window screen to remove seeds and stemsand that material they processed threw 3 sizes of nylon sieves the 1st being 150 micron –120 micron-70 micro being thelast sieve used to make 00 hashish the finest. They attached this Lebanese technique to the Ice Method and called it newinnovative technique, when reality the Ice method made sieving obsolete. They told you to grind up your material, why?As in the ice water environment leaves become flexible, fiber matter stays intact, and resin glands fall off with simpleagitation. What they don’t tell you is that the method releases the oils in trichomes, and that the bags have no way ofcollecting them, flavor, taste, aroma lost. Clarke calls it a new innovative technique, when sieving of Hashish goes backto Alexander the Great in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, and is one of the oldest techniques used by Chinese farmers inAsia going back 1000’s of years, before nylon they used silk, metal sieves were introduced in the 19th century and arestill in use in Afghanistan to this day.

What’s funny is that all the grow gurus never show you the Lebanese technique,as that would expose the fraud.3.This is a photo of the back of a Lebanese hash factory and those mounds are leftover cannabis from the hash makingprocess. I can reprocess that left over material, and give you more and better hashish than you made to begin with,because everything under 70 micron was left behind. I can do the same with any material run threw any bag system,flavor, aroma, taste I will recapture using correct technique All these years the same people have profited enormouslydue to the illegality of cannabis. The very peoplewho claim to be Free Da Weed are actually workingto keep it illegal so only they can profit. The learningcurves and misinformation these people have putout never ceases to amaze me.

My pal Mark Heinrich who recently did a 2 hour interviewwith Nevil, who is now living in Perth. This interviewwill appear in TY. Stated that not only hadSkunkman written a dossier on him for DEA, but wasrecently offered a deal from his bail jumping chargefrom 1990, stemming from Operation GreenMerchant. Auzzies would drop charges if Nevil wouldallow Skunkman access to his genetics, so that he couldget their DNA and track crops around the globe. Herefused.The Cannabis Cup has the stink of Skunkman andoperation Green Merchant, who knows how manyfolks have been arrested and sent to prison due tointelligence gathered at the High Times CannabisCup in Amsterdam.
Wow that's some mind blowing shit! Hightimes involved with Operation Green merchant! I remember hearing about that on the news and reading about it in high times when I was a kid. So what's your take on it? Do you believe High Times was in on it or just used by Watson? Does this mean the "Cup" has been a sham since the beginning?!? If some of that's true then yes it has!
And what, exactly, is the bottom line of the ice hash paragraphs? I mean to say: he says the 'finest Lebanese hash was made using 150-120-and 70 micron screens' but then says that 'the piles os marijuana in the pics could be used to make hash better than what they got w/ the first run'? I got confused there. Was he saying something smaller than a 70 micron should be used first? Help me understand this please.
Wow that's some mind blowing shit! Hightimes involved with Operation Green merchant! I remember hearing about that on the news and reading about it in high times when I was a kid. So what's your take on it? Do you believe High Times was in on it or just used by Watson? Does this mean the "Cup" has been a sham since the beginning?!? If some of that's true then yes it has!
I believe high times was tricked. The cup has been tainted ever since. It is not a competition of quality, but of popularity and "goodie bag" size. The cup here in San Fran CA is much less biased. Watson may not be a narc or informant. But he is a jerk, that's for sure. I had to challenge him on his assertion that California medical Cannabis is not safe... so he needs to take over for us. Laughable.

And what, exactly, is the bottom line of the ice hash paragraphs? I mean to say: he says the 'finest Lebanese hash was made using 150-120-and 70 micron screens' but then says that 'the piles os marijuana in the pics could be used to make hash better than what they got w/ the first run'? I got confused there. Was he saying something smaller than a 70 micron should be used first? Help me understand this please.

I got confused too. Some words disappeared with the paste and editing. That sentence about mounds of hashed weed... is just shit talking. What he is saying is that the Lebanese did gentle separations, and that's why their A-grade hash was so good. Then they would do a B-grade separation for commercial export to folks like us.
QUOTE Matt Rize":I believe high times was tricked. The cup has been tainted ever since."

Since the very beginning then:-(. It's like finding out there is no Santa!:o lmao. I mean I kinda started figuring it out several years ago, but most of the time I hold onto lofty notions for far too long!:dunce:

"The cup here in San Fran CA is much less biased."

Would love to attend that someday!What's the dates on that? I assume sometime in April? lol. I'll google it NM lol.

"Watson may not be a narc or informant. But he is a jerk, that's for sure. I had to challenge him on his assertion that California medical Cannabis is not safe... so he needs to take over for us. Laughable."

So is it just luck and or co-incidence then that he has got away like he has in so many instances? (as described in the quote in your post) This shit is almost big enough to be scary. This guy is obviously affiliated w/ some shady people in the upper echelon of various governments; hence his ability to get 'Sativex' pushed straight into "late stage trails" by the U.S. FDA! Be careful messing w/ this dude Matt!:evil:

"I got confused too. Some words disappeared with the paste and editing. That sentence about mounds of hashed weed... is just shit talking. What he is saying is that the Lebanese did gentle separations, and that's why their A-grade hash was so good. Then they would do a B-grade separation for commercial export to folks like us."

That's those damn Lebanese for ya! Always keeping the good shit for themselves!
J/K....I don't know any Lebanese people and hope I haven't offended any of our Middle-Eastern members! :bigjoint:
Since the very beginning then:-(. It's like finding out there is no Santa!:o lmao. I mean I kinda started figuring it out several years ago, but most of the time I hold onto lofty notions for far too long!:dunce:

So is it just luck and or co-incidence then that he has got away like he has in so many instances? (as described in the quote in your post) This shit is almost big enough to be scary. This guy is obviously affiliated w/ some shady people in the upper echelon of various governments; hence his ability to get 'Sativex' pushed straight into "late stage trails" by the U.S. FDA! Be careful messing w/ this dude Matt!:evil:

Thanks for the concern, story of my life. There are others attacking Sam in much more serious, elaborate, and malicious ways. I just want truth. I don't need anyone to be Matt Rize. There are folks like you, real people, those who do not care who I am affiliated with, or my political opinions. I voted yes on 19, even though it was deeply flawed. I support every one of you out there, but in reality have to recommend moving to a MMj state.

Sam said to me: "you expect me to give away my hash secrets for free????" like I wanted his first born son as my own. He obviously hasn't checked out my threads... to be greedy with knowledge, then belittle others for not being on the same level, is vile.
matt i appreciate you taking the time to share knowledge with the masses, is there an organic or veganic section at the cali cup?
Wow man thats all i can say. i read all the pages so far and damn if i didnt learn damned near everything i ever need to know about Bubble.
Im generally a BHO guy but im thinking after my next harvest i might have to invest in some bubble bags!

Never knew about all that drama surrounding sam and ed and the others i always pictured the founders of the ganja movement as a big family. but guess they are jealous petty people like everyone else high up in the ranks of the world.

your an inspiration matt! i hope i can GROW up to be like you! haha

as for the cannabis cup definately just who can stuff the judges pockets the most.
~ Macgyver
(my names matt too lol)
next hash run matt... BHO from bubble :D gonna get a nice bag set and split the yeild one will dry as bubble the other becomes my fav goop :D
Alright, so, dry sift vs. bubble? Why do you prefer bubble, and what's the difference?

I only prefer bubble because I try to represent the medical cannabis community, and imo bubble is slighlty "cleaner" than dry sift. But both are great, and dry sift is actually preferred by the majority I have found. The idea is that some of the terpenes are on the outside of the trichomes and gets washed off in bubble. I love both. Bubble made from fresh/frozen trim is equal in potency to dry sift.

I only prefer bubble because I try to represent the medical cannabis community, and imo bubble is slighlty "cleaner" than dry sift. But both are great, and dry sift is actually preferred by the majority I have found. The idea is that some of the terpenes are on the outside of the trichomes and gets washed off in bubble. I love both. Bubble made from fresh/frozen trim is equal in potency to dry sift.


Good question.... depends on the day for me. Some days I'd rather rock the dry sift. Sometimes the bubble. I think the dry sift has a better all around taste. Closer to the actual flower. I think bubble can be a little more potent. More "straight to the head".

So my vote is: always have both on hand!
I only prefer bubble because I try to represent the medical cannabis community, and imo bubble is slighlty "cleaner" than dry sift. But both are great, and dry sift is actually preferred by the majority I have found. The idea is that some of the terpenes are on the outside of the trichomes and gets washed off in bubble. I love both. Bubble made from fresh/frozen trim is equal in potency to dry sift.


Okay, so why is it preferred by the majority?

Bubble made from fresh frozen trim is equal to dry sift in potency, what about bubble made from dried/cured trim vs dry sift?

What are your guy's thoughts as per convenience? I want to get a Tumble Now machine because it seems like it's more simple for someone who's looking for a headstash, and isn't using that much material.
Okay, so why is it preferred by the majority?

Bubble made from fresh frozen trim is equal to dry sift in potency, what about bubble made from dried/cured trim vs dry sift?

What are your guy's thoughts as per convenience? I want to get a Tumble Now machine because it seems like it's more simple for someone who's looking for a headstash, and isn't using that much material.

I would say it is preferred, based mostly on taste or flavor. Dry sift generally has better terpene profile. Better smell/taste. Easier to "sprinkle" on your bud. Some people complain about effecient ways of smoking bubble. Most dispensaries prefer pressed, and many patients are unsure of how to smoke the pressed hash. That what I have found anyway.

I would say bubble has the ability to be high potency, due to less "filler" or plant material. Matt posted results of 51% THC IIRC. I do not think dry sift could get that high, but I could be wrong. I think there is also much more to it, then a simple THC level, so maybe the terpenes in the dry sift make up for it? Not sure.

Some people like making dry sift, then taking those buds and using them for edibles after getting the kif. Dry sift wont get all the resin, so you have some left to work with.

As a casual run, I'd say dry sift is more convenient. If you have a tumbler, throw it it, tumble for a short while, collect. Bubble has a couple extra steps due to water. Still super easy and chill.

Maybe get the tumbler this time around. Later on, grab a couple bubblebags. Then you can go back and forth depending on your stash, and preference. Just a thought.
I only prefer bubble because I try to represent the medical cannabis community, and imo bubble is slighlty "cleaner" than dry sift. But both are great, and dry sift is actually preferred by the majority I have found. The idea is that some of the terpenes are on the outside of the trichomes and gets washed off in bubble. I love both. Bubble made from fresh/frozen trim is equal in potency to dry sift.

Whats up brotha? Remember helpin me with the organics? Well harvest is here and ive tried some early samples and i have to say! I am never goin back to synthetic ferts, unless i am growing hydro. But never for a personal stock!

I decided to go with Earth juice lineup which i am happy with. A friend of mine gave me the General organics lineup, the bloom and grow are both vegan...ill give that lineup a try next round. How you been?