whats your tallest plant ever


Well-Known Member
biggest i have had indoor was purp in a 5gal bucket got about five foot when i burnt her with purple maxx, lesson learned. ..biggest outdoor(my pic) will be done soon, six ft now


Active Member
My tallest (And my first, up to now) is an inside, that's getting on 1 foot tall now.
But because of height restirctions, I'll have to flower it at MAX 1.5 feet.

SHould still be ample enough for me, though. I'm not much of a smoker nor a dealer. more of a casual grower! :p


Well-Known Member
Tallest was about 9 feet outdoors. The thing was not planned to be that tall, but was hidden well so we never topped it. Most of our outdoor stuff grew to about 5-6 foot...the 9 footer was a true mutant to us.

I really wish this area was not so populated. The last 25 years has seen huge growth and now there is no place where I could let a plant get that tall. Indoors, I have harvested 4 footers. Usually do not veg that long as my cab is small.


Well-Known Member
That is what our tall lady looked like. What strain? Ours what supposed to be like "Chocolate Thai", but who knew back then.

Love the bushes! Makes me jealous of people who have safe places to grow outdoors.
that was "dream goddess". kinda a haze type smoke. :)


Active Member
my tallest plants ever were ghs big bang a few grows back...they reached just at/over/under 6ft each....i had 6 of them in 5gal pots.

vegged 6-7 weeks.

Brick Top

New Member
I didn't measure but I would say no less than 15 feet, but not all that much over that, maybe 16 feet tops. My brother in law said while in Vietnam he saw plants that were 20 feet and taller and I read a piece from a Vietnam vet who claimed he saw plants that were 30 feet tall, but I of course have no way of knowing how accurate or honest he was.


Active Member
my biggest was 4 1/2 ft first grow was accident i didnt know when to put outdoors and out her to early


Well-Known Member
my tallest outdoor Indica plant was ~6'. my tallest sativa was around ~8'. (outdoor). My tallest plant indoor ever is 2' Indica, 3' Sativa.

i dont like growing Sativa though, just because their sheer size. they can easily get 6'+ outdoors which i prefer my plants to stay under. so i choose Indica strains, or hybrids.