first grow white widow 400w


Active Member
jus went in to my flock and they were back to droopy fuckers.

as crack baby pointed out they were thirst so i split a 2L of water between them is that enuf tho?????

that is a sorry state for a white widow to be in,im ashamed.............and also stonded:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
I always water mine till you see water coming through the drainholes then I stop. But they really shouldnt need a lot of water just to perk back up.


Well-Known Member
jus went in to my flock and they were back to droopy fuckers.

as crack baby pointed out they were thirst so i split a 2L of water between them is that enuf tho?????

that is a sorry state for a white widow to be in,im ashamed.............and also stonded:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
droopy leaves can also mean over watering. How often do you water and how much water do you use approximately ?


Active Member
yeah my guess would be under watering
doubt it could be over watering with only 2l every 2 to 3 days for 3 plants


Well-Known Member
are the pots lite when you water them? i pick my pots up to see how heavy they are every other day, to see if they need to be watered.


Well-Known Member
That sounds good. Well, if it was under-watering they should recover in a few hours. If so, you can increase the water you give them but keep doing it every 2-3 days.


Active Member
when i turned the light off this mornin they had returned to their beautifull selves,will update tonight when the lights come on


Active Member
fed them today with 6ml of bio bloom and 1 teaspoon of mollases in a 2L Bottle of phd water,i cut the ties on all of them so now they are free to grow whatever way they want.cut all small growth off (late i kno)
temps when the lights jus went on were 19.6
Rh was 42%

when eveything was up n runnin temps were 26.9% and Rh was 34%

whats the ideal humidity for flowerin? i read between 40 and 55 but den also that you shoould try keep it as low a possible?? opinions please

pics below and happy smokin:joint:




Well-Known Member
i keep my humidity around 20 when flowering.. more like 75-80% when vegging.
i see you have a green thumb. the girls look great.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a Autotimer for your lights you should get one...there super cheap & that's one less thing you have to Worry about and you can be assured there gonna wake up & fall asleep at the exact same time everyday....If you want bigger plant's get more light wattage....600W is great.


Active Member
humidity contains moisture which is good for veg but u want to keep the humidity down in flower as the moisture in the air from the humidity will create mold
if ya cant get ya humidity down for some reason make sure u got a few fans blowing in there to keep the air moving


Well-Known Member
Glad to see your plants recovered, they are looking great.

The humidity for flowering should be around 40% (35% to 45% is fine) and the ph of the water has to be measured after you add the nutes, molases etc, never before ;)