Advanced Nutes Vs the competition


just wanted to know what everyone thinks about advanced nutes. People that use them rave about it but i dont know if i want to make the switch. I'm currently using fox farm and get around 3oz per plant


Well-Known Member
just wanted to know what everyone thinks about advanced nutes. People that use them rave about it but i dont know if i want to make the switch. I'm currently using fox farm and get around 3oz per plant
I would them as supplament... To me just to expensive to run the whole Line
Tranchula/pirannha for roots
B-52 for clones and transplant.
I like bud Candy I cut in in half with molasses. 70 bucks a gallon..Cut in half 35 per gallon
I did use Big Bud Powder but I found better results with monster bloom.
And I did use overdrive but monster bloom is better than overdrive IMO


Well-Known Member
just wanted to know what everyone thinks about advanced nutes. People that use them rave about it but i dont know if i want to make the switch. I'm currently using fox farm and get around 3oz per plant
I would suggest you learn a little about proper NPK ratios, plant nutrition, and the essential elements. Only then will you be able to make a good decision about what your plants need. There aren't that many 'good' growers on here so be aware of where your advice and recommendations are coming from.


Well-Known Member
Home brewer does not use AN as far as I can remember. But he does make an excellent point about many members not really knowing fuck all and just parroting things that they read from some other poster.

It seems to me that people either love or hate AN. People do get good results with them, but I am totally convinced that you can get equal results with other products if you know what the hell your doing. After doing a fair amount of research, I came to the conclusion that there are just as good of products out there for much much cheaper prices. I highly doubt that many very experienced growers are using the AN line simply because they are soo god damned expensive. I mean, they are REALLY fucking expensive.


@legallyflying. thats what i was thinking when i added it all up i was coming up with around $1500 a cycle using AN. If i can increase yield by 30% it makes sense if not then i'd just be wasting my money. I currently use 4 1000watt bulbs with 4 plants under each one. I veg for two months and use exactly how much is directed to use for fox farm nutes through out the whole process.


I just looked at your SCROG journal and it looks amazing. Just wondering how much that yielded you cause i'm starting to think i'm doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Home brewer does not use AN as far as I can remember. But he does make an excellent point about many members not really knowing fuck all and just parroting things that they read from some other poster.

It seems to me that people either love or hate AN. People do get good results with them, but I am totally convinced that you can get equal results with other products if you know what the hell your doing. After doing a fair amount of research, I came to the conclusion that there are just as good of products out there for much much cheaper prices. I highly doubt that many very experienced growers are using the AN line simply because they are soo god damned expensive. I mean, they are REALLY fucking expensive.

Basically those are my feelings. $100 dollars a gallon for fucking bloom nutes is insane and you can get very comparable results with brands that cost 1/2 the price. I run a few of their additives, big bud and bud candy namely. And I NEVER pay full price for them. I feel most of the other shit in their line is a rip and there are better replacement products made by other manufacturers that are more cost effective.


Well-Known Member
do you use advanced?
Legal is correct, I do not, nor will I ever, use AN. They have purposely split up additives and base nutes which requires you as a consumer to spend more money. They prey on the beginner who doesn't know any better, making them think that spending top dollar will get you better results than a competitor who sells for a lower price. They're not the only company to do this either which is why I can't stand a handful of snake oil brands out there. Learn a little about proper NPK ratios, plant nutrition, and the essential elements and then buy the plant food that contains what your plants need at a more reasonable price.


Howdy guys, new to the board, old to the game.

I don't use any "advanced nutes" at all. Like Homebrewer says, they are all just packaging and marketing scams to make as much money as possible from growers with no measurable benefit over anything you can find at Home Depot.

Plants have pretty simple nutritional requirements that are easily satisfied by common fertilizer brands that have been around for decades.

I have no difficulty at all achieving great quality and yields from generic organic soils (Lambert's Organic currently...the cheapest organic soil you can get at Home Depot) and plain old fertilizers. I use Espoma Plant Tone pretty much exclusively these days as my only nutrient from seed to finish.

I just follow the pkg directions, mix it 1 part to 25 parts soil, and then for every 2 cu/ft I toss in a cup of Espoma garden lime, a cup of diatomaceous earth (25 pounds for $20 at Home Depot), a coffee can full of composted steer manure, and I'm done. Never fertilize again after that I just use purified water, it's all in the dirt.

I mix that up real good in a big plastic bin, and let it sit for a month before I use it so the microbes and stuff can get growing really good in there. I grow in 3 gallon pots and rarely veg longer than two weeks after the seeds sprout, so there's plenty of nutrition for the whole grow in there.

All that other rot is for beginners who think this is rocket science, and the sort of folks who just want to be doing what it seems like everyone else is doing so they can "look cool".


Well-Known Member
Legal is correct, I do not, nor will I ever, use AN. They have purposely split up additives and base nutes which requires you as a consumer to spend more money. They prey on the beginner who doesn't know any better, making them think that spending top dollar will get you better results than a competitor who sells for a lower price. They're not the only company to do this either which is why I can't stand a handful of snake oil brands out there. Learn a little about proper NPK ratios, plant nutrition, and the essential elements and then buy the plant food that contains what your plants need at a more reasonable price.
I didn't wanna say that. But this Man speaks the truth!!!!
They have changed/diluted all of there line more and more over the years. Its sad really they did have some great products that were worth the money.
One that comes to mind is colsollial Bud Blast. 1ml per gallon. AWSOME stuff. Gone. came back as something else, 5ml per quart. It just goes on and on with these folks.


Well-Known Member
AN is just all marketing hype. they used to be good but now its gone to shit, especially for that kidna price