1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
AHH what a creepy feeling at first I would think haha. Good day of pampering with the lass mate? Whats crackin today.
In a controlled enviroment maybe, but I've had minnows do that to me in the rivers and it grossed the shit outa me lol. Later man, have a good one!!
kanny day out nice italian had seafood risotto was absolutely drunk as a skunk. thought why not lets have prosecco... downhill from there.
think i'm gonna dangle me toes in my fish tank when i get home lmao. fair play bro seen a few people do that :)
hahah how did you get on?
I wonder what them fish would be like deep fried. Cheesey fish lol yummster lol
not much to them to be honest, and i doubt theyd taste all that if their diet consists of hard skin :(
Morning DOn,
Just stoppin in for a peak...
Off the Booze are ya..LOL...
Nice fish..LOL
yup am off the booze. the mrs told me exactly what i did that night and i just thought what the fuck am i playing at. arguing with our friends stole a spoon from weatherspoons for the novelty. was applying the gypsy grabbing tech with my lass in the taxi, the driver thought i was abducting my lass....

i fell straight over backwards negotiating the ramp to my house, sprained me ankle spent £150 and was in so much pain yesterday. not so much the foot but the stomach and head. poisoned well and truly i was didnt feel right till this morning.

still managed to make a beef curry & some bubble hash / chop 4 livers down. made a load of cannabutter to make peanut butter cookies with on wed. the whole house stinks i mean everything the bathroom the drains the kitchen the wheelie bin. everything. not to mention my clothes and my girls. she went home and dumped her stuff in her bedroom went back up to bed later and aid it was like walking into my grow op.

after a thick ear and a bad gut ive decided to knock the booze on the head.

cant say i want to but needs doing.


Well-Known Member
kanny day out nice italian had seafood risotto was absolutely drunk as a skunk. thought why not lets have prosecco... downhill from there.

hahah how did you get on?

not much to them to be honest, and i doubt theyd taste all that if their diet consists of hard skin :(

yup am off the booze. the mrs told me exactly what i did that night and i just thought what the fuck am i playing at. arguing with our friends stole a spoon from weatherspoons for the novelty. was applying the gypsy grabbing tech with my lass in the taxi, the driver thought i was abducting my lass....

i fell straight over backwards negotiating the ramp to my house, sprained me ankle spent £150 and was in so much pain yesterday. not so much the foot but the stomach and head. poisoned well and truly i was didnt feel right till this morning.

still managed to make a beef curry & some bubble hash / chop 4 livers down. made a load of cannabutter to make peanut butter cookies with on wed. the whole house stinks i mean everything the bathroom the drains the kitchen the wheelie bin. everything. not to mention my clothes and my girls. she went home and dumped her stuff in her bedroom went back up to bed later and aid it was like walking into my grow op.

after a thick ear and a bad gut ive decided to knock the booze on the head.

cant say i want to but needs doing.
And this is the reason I don't drink. It's one of the not uncontrollable drugs.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye good weekend really thankfully i have the kind of mates you can have a blazing row with then be back to normal the next minute. only thing im worried about is i generally overcompensate if i cut something out...


Well-Known Member
Alright man! How you doin? All good I hope, The re-Veg. still doing good? Im just waiting on the first sign of root's on my Livers snip's then going to do a couple Diff. Soil/Coco, ive allway's used soil and had great results, but been looking into the coco and got me a bag and some nute's, so we'll see!


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
aye good weekend really thankfully i have the kind of mates you can have a blazing row with then be back to normal the next minute. only thing im worried about is i generally overcompensate if i cut something out...
sex is a good substutute, but you might wind up like mr. west


did you ever see the movie Cold Turkey?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
"still managed to make a beef curry & some bubble hash / chop 4 livers down. made a load of cannabutter to make peanut butter cookies with on wed."

Howdy bro! Gotta bump anything that makes me laugh lol!!

Lotta layers to the road to the wagon. gl


Well-Known Member
feeling you on the drink Don, was on the Le Chouffe last night, nae dinner and drinking on an empty stomach does ye nae gid! hope the wagons comfy, may be you should save me a space! lol


Well-Known Member
Good for you Don..
Don't look at it as giving something up, but rather getting a monkey off your back.
You will have a lot more money in your pocket. A lot less worries.
Best of Luck

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey bro! The green containers are Livers x Cherry Cheese! The two directly under the light are Black Rose in the round container and the green one to the left of it!! And the other three in the black containers are BLack Sour Bubble!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sex is a good substutute, but you might wind up like mr. west
did you ever see the movie Cold Turkey?
hahaha yeah now thats an idea! i do love a post coitus beer though!? cold turkey ive not seen but ill look it up n have a gander.
"still managed to make a beef curry & some bubble hash / chop 4 livers down. made a load of cannabutter to make peanut butter cookies with on wed."
Howdy bro! Gotta bump anything that makes me laugh lol!!
Lotta layers to the road to the wagon. gl
man first day down i was even in the pub for 2 hours. had 2 cups of tea and a coke. didnt feel the same. ill persevere.
feeling you on the drink Don, was on the Le Chouffe last night, nae dinner and drinking on an empty stomach does ye nae gid! hope the wagons comfy, may be you should save me a space! lol
gotta watch that chouffe man its a touch on the strong side for me. on an empty belly is askin for a heed banger. got a scrabble tournament with the boys the morrow, not drinking there will be more an ask than the boozer:shock:
Good for you Don..
Don't look at it as giving something up, but rather getting a monkey off your back.
You will have a lot more money in your pocket. A lot less worries.
Best of Luck
wise words fella, ive been going at it hammer and tongue since about november, i reckon my body will thank me for a break.
Some cute little babies lol
View attachment 1414157
why hello there!
Hey bro! The green containers are Livers x Cherry Cheese! The two directly under the light are Black Rose in the round container and the green one to the left of it!! And the other three in the black containers are BLack Sour Bubble!!!
should be some dank abound cap'n.

gonna chuff me some dog and forget about drinking.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro! The green containers are Livers x Cherry Cheese! The two directly under the light are Black Rose in the round container and the green one to the left of it!! And the other three in the black containers are BLack Sour Bubble!!!
Black sour bubble sounds crazy what's the parentage of them?
I got 4 cherry cheese x livers on the go myself.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Black sour bubble. Sour Bubble is one of BOGs more potent strains. I will go back and look but the bubble comes partly from a bubba kush of his. I don't know how the fairy knew that Bushey was the next breeder I was going to work with, just been so tapped out lately haven't been able to afford a couple pacs of his beans lol. And Black Rose is the mum...Guy named Heath something, I think Robinson is the breeder. That one is worth googling.

Yeah lets all grow a bunch of L x CC!! Just getting home and getting pretty stoned. Picked up a couple of nice air purifiers and a humidifier. I'm embarressed to say what the rh is in the veg room, its like low 20s. Right! pretty friggen low eh. The fresh air intake for my flower room comes from the veg area and the rh in there is about 20. Damn dry maybe thats why I get so many trics on those girls haha.

Well going to go plug my new gadgets in, catch yall later on : !)