Let's Meet Up For Some Casual Sex!


Well-Known Member
Relative humidity: The sweat between your sisters breast while you are banging the shit out of her against the wall.


Well-Known Member
Lets meet up for some casual sex!
JJ: o_O
10 minutes later
what's wrong?
JJ:That's not funny.

Then this one was to a dude.
lets meet up for some casual sex!
WB:Only if you have a girl there, and rum if she's fat.


Well-Known Member
Lets meet up for some casual sex!
JJ: o_O
10 minutes later
what's wrong?
JJ:That's not funny.

Then this one was to a dude.
lets meet up for some casual sex!
WB:Only if you have a girl there, and rum if she's fat.
Holy effin shit. Hilarious.


Well-Known Member
got it all straightened out now.Had to explain it was a joke lol.
my cousins girl took it serious hahaha and told my cousin.He was mad until I explained it.

My mom and sister just called me a dumbass.Same thing happened with my brother but he also got the message so he laughed about it.

I think some guy thought I was serious and said my place or yours lol.always thought he was a weirdo.


Well-Known Member
My aunt also got it.
She said she should of beat me more with the extension cord when I was a kid.fucking bitch lol.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
My aunt also got it.
She said she should of beat me more with the extension cord when I was a kid.fucking bitch lol.
You got the extension cord?!? Harsh. I got the Hot Wheels tracks. Stung, but at least it didn't leave bruises that bad like the extension cord. o_O

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
yea,my cousin got it way more though lol.He got the track to.
luckily I never got that one.I knew some kid who got his eye taken out with one.They do damage.

lol im lost on this^^^
Now select difficulty level;
Hard - Skip step 1a, move directly to step 2
Bitch Mode - Read step 1a, continue living life like a bitch

1a - Take out your family members and or boy/girl-friend / spouse
harrrd mode man