How can i stop smoking everyday ...............please help.....=)


Active Member
bloomfields, sorry to hear your trouble man. i gotta agree with lostdove, a psychologist may be able to help you find ways to cope with whats bugging you. i would also like to suggest you look into lucid dreaming and learn to take control of your dreams. i have had intense, vivid dreams since i was a child, not really nightmares just intense. it got to the point that i was so stressed by the dreams that i had anxiety about going to sleep. i studied up on lucid dreaming techniques and became able to recognize these dreams when they started. now i am able to sleep through the night and even do some really interesting things while im dreaming, the whole time aware that it is a dream and i am in control.
i am very interested in what you say , gonna do some research so i no a little about what your saying so i dont look a fool , i will get back to you if thats ok :)i hate going to sleep unstoned , or the re occuring nightmare just takes me right in that day again, somewhere i dont wanna be .....i'd love to learn to control it , loud bellows at night are not nice for all involved


Well-Known Member
i am very interested in what you say , gonna do some research so i no a little about what your saying so i dont look a fool , i will get back to you if thats ok :)i hate going to sleep unstoned , or the re occuring nightmare just takes me right in that day again, somewhere i dont wanna be .....i'd love to learn to control it , loud bellows at night are not nice for all involved
I need marijuana myself to get to sleep, but it isn't because of nightmares (haven't had any since puberty I guess). Ever since puberty its always taken me between 1-2 hours to fall asleep no matter what I did that day. Laying awake in bed trying to get to sleep every night like that got really depressing and was a waste of time. Like many teens I ended up trying marijuana a few times and slowly learned the truth about the plant. A year after graduating I started using more regularly (before graduating I had only tried it maybe 3 times ever) and found that it I was able to fall asleep in a half an hour or less.

Should you give lucid dreaming a try, there are ways you can teach yourself (learned about it in Psychology classes) or you can buy special versions of those night guard things people put over their eyes when they sleep that have lights that work while your sleeping but are only bright enough to make you lucid and not wake you up.

Using too much pot or using too soon (within half an hour) before I go to bed definitely makes it tougher to remember dreams once I wake up. But I do still get AMAZINGLY lucid dreams once in awhile.


Active Member
Cool, good luck bloom! feel free to send me a pm if you want. its kinda hard to wade through all the new age semi-spiritual stuff that is generally associated with lucid dreaming, but studying the techniques and reading the more scientific literature will give you a good basis. its something you need to develop on your own, it cant really be taught. what triggers one person may not trigger someone else. there are some basic guidelines and tricks, try these one by one eventually you will find what works for you. you will quickly notice that clocks don't work right in dreams


Active Member
ok , something a few years ago happened to me and my family, that causes me really bad nightmares that really stop me sleeping, when i smoke weed, i dont have these nightmares, plus when i dont smoke , i wake up covered in sweat from head to toe, i dont know if this is relative to the nightmares or not , i have tried my doc , who gave me sleepers that didnt work , any ideas welcomed , i was not going to post this , so please no piss taking but help would be welcomed ty....:idea:
Hypnosis. Simplest thing to try. You may need to see a psych first though for a refferal, not sure how it is in your country. Worked for me. And i have a very troubled past and experience nightmares everynight... over and over again. Try it dude. I still smoke, but my reasons are pain releif and i only smoke every 3 or 4 days.

But if you are not susceptable to hypnosis.... try this.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY - It is the best cure for nightmares. Work like a dog, Play with your kids untill THEY are exhausted, Fuck your wife/girlfreind or just wank like crazy everyday so at the end of the day your are absolutely fucked. And trust me when you hit that pillow at the end of the day your brain desnt have time to imagine all the things that scare you in your sleep. You will sleep like a baby.


Oh I totally agree wit lucid dreaming, I never quite worked out the kinks but it really helped me when I was younger. I'd have bad dreams and it helped me to recognize and control them (now when I have a bad dream starting I make myself think of a white canvas and I paint myself a new dream)

It sounds to me like you ARE seeing some sort of professional, but I think it also sounds like maybe you should try a different one? I don't know about hypnosis and I think that falls into the same category as acupuncture in my mind (possible, but not logical)

Sput is right too, physical activity could really help, maybe take up jogging with your wife (or without) I know when I did the renovations on my husbands apartments we hardly had the energy to eat dinner Zzz..


Well-Known Member
ok , something a few years ago happened to me and my family, that causes me really bad nightmares that really stop me sleeping, when i smoke weed, i dont have these nightmares, plus when i dont smoke , i wake up covered in sweat from head to toe, i dont know if this is relative to the nightmares or not , i have tried my doc , who gave me sleepers that didnt work , any ideas welcomed , i was not going to post this , so please no piss taking but help would be welcomed ty....:idea:
Hear you bro, I am a TBI survivor and weed helps me to get better sleep also. I know the cold night sweat thing, drenched and scared when I wake up. You are not alone, only help I can give, we shoulder these things over time, but it doesn't get easier, we just get more used to it.


Well-Known Member
just keep smoking weed bro cause its not a drug its a herbal supplement or you can move to eddibles,keif,tincture,hash,full melt hash,earwax,budder(not butter) or vaporizor
I stopped smoking 2 weeks ago and let me tell you I have been having some crazy scary dreams (nightmares) I have been smoking for the last 16 years everyday 2 - 3 blunts a day. About a week before I quit I started to cut back to just smoking at night and then I just quit. I dont think I dreamed before or at least I didnt remember it and wasnt like what I am going through now. I still get the urge to smoke sometimes and it doesnt help that my husband still smokes everyday in front of me. He is so use to passing it to me and still tries too, lol.. I am also having trouble sleeping, i cant fall asleep but I dont want to start any new habbits so I am just dealing with.....Maybe your nightmares are like mine and part of the withdrawl...I have not experienced any other affects...Maybe you should considering talking to a therapist so u can deal with what happened to you and your family and start your healing process..


Active Member
the exact same thing happened to me when i stopped smoking, for the first 3 to 4 weeks i had nightmares and trouble sleeping. you have to put up with it i assure you after a couple weeks you will get back into a normal sleeping pattern, however you might suffer from night terrors and smoking may have nothing to do with what you are experiencing in fact if you smoke more it should help you with night terrors. if you are having problems getting to sleep you should tire yourself out physically before trying to go to sleep try sex ;-) or exercise or even better both lol


Well-Known Member
um well i dontk mary jane is a good medice and does have tonz of medical benifits why dont you get a med card and they can tell you what to take


Active Member
My dear I am so sorry to hear about your too-much-to-dream problem, I am also that way and hate it!
Please remember that when you quit smoking your dreams seem more intense and frequent at first but hold on! This too will pass after a couple of weeks. THC effects our short term memory so it's not that we don't dream, but that we don't remember them. And when we quit it's like a memory booster and we remember all the little details in our dreams. As mentioned this will subside but the meantime is a b*tch. The best thing is to have some ambient noise while you sleep (a fan, talk radio [music is a stimulant], nature sounds soundtrack) and a lamp within reach. If you wake up from a nightmare hit the light and try to "snap out of it." Try to focus on the subject on the radio or possibly even fall asleep to the t.v. - t.v. has certain wavelengths that can put you into a sort of trance. Before falling alseep run a nice fantasy through your head (don't take that sexually riu!), think good thoughts and think them over-and-ver until you fall asleep. Tell yourself "I am going to dream about puppies and marigols (or whatever) tonight." Then imagine puppies and marigolds (or whatever) until you fall asleep. Eventually you will find that you can program your dreams. But it takes work and time, like anything worth doing. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
sounds like that might work give it a shot , there is a sympton called Nightmares pretty simple to understand what it is but they do have a way of controlling it