Lottery And State Treasuries


New Member
I'm a little pissed of at the state of Nevada. They have decided to cut salaries and jobs instead of looking for new funds, The Gaming industry has for years put the Kybash on any attempt to have a lottery in this state, wouldn't want those little old ladies that play nickle slots untill all their SS money is gone to take 2.00 anywhere else. I really don't know how much the state would make off of the lottery, but it sure as hell would be more than they are making right now. I have proposed this to the governator and my state representatives, also my federal representative, the honorable Shelly Berkley. I'm pretty sure this voice in the wind will be swept away by the Gaming influence, (Election funds you know), but it is worth a few words on a computer. May be way more productive than trying to poke common sense to players on a Marijuana site, LOL, But I find it incredible what the players (in state government) will do to protect their asses and assets, again, fuck the people.
Bump: I was wondering what you folks thought about state lotteries, benefit or ripoff? Also, with Ca. being so broke, what happened to all the lottery money? Did the schools get their fair share? I'd like to be able to drop a couple a bucks on the powerball without driving 180 miles round trip to Az.
Lotteries are just license to fantasize about what it would be like to do everything you wanted with no worry of having enough to pay for it all. Its no wonder that the poorest amongst us are the most regular purchasers of a ticket to riches and fame.

As far as schools getting their fair share. IMO the more money a school receives the more stupid the child turns out. The more government involvement the more ill educated our children become. China kicks our asses in any kind of academic measurement.
Lotteries are a ripoff. Florida said all funds would go to schools...and they did, but they reduced the budget for schools equally.

I was wondering what you folks thought about state lotteries, benefit or ripoff? Also, with Ca. being so broke, what happened to all the lottery money? Did the schools get their fair share?
for the people, lotteries are a rip-off. they feed off of and into the something for nothing dreams that drive our entitlement mentality. for the state, they are a windfall. millions of poor folks plunking down their dollar here, dollar there and not even asking for anything in return. they don't even get the entertainment afforded by games of chance, just a slight twinge when they go to check their numbers and realize they've lost again. as for the schools that were supposed to benefit from the lottery, that was a sad little joke. lottery income was used as an excuse to rape the schools' other funding. aside from the occasional big winner, whose life is often ruined by the sudden influx of unearned wealth, the only ones who profit from these lotteries are the politicians. they gain a new slush fund to raid for their pet projects.
lotteries are not a ripoff.

lotteries are a good way to raise money that doesn't involve taxing goods or income. there are TINY chances of winning, but the buyer of the ticket is informed each and every time of the odds of winning (all you have to do is read the freaking ticket further than the numbers)...

there's no deceit, there's nothing shady.... if you get the numbers right, you win... it's a simple and effective way for the govt to raise money....
They prey on the one thing you can count on humans to never give up...hope.

Governments with the ability to create money become too powerful, even a state lottery really only adds more power to the state. De-fund the state and maybe we will start to see some REAL change for once.
They prey on the one thing you can count on humans to never give up...hope.

Governments with the ability to create money become too powerful, even a state lottery really only adds more power to the state. De-fund the state and maybe we will start to see some REAL change for once.

I guess hope is what every gambler has. From the little old ladies that play the nickle and penny slots to the guy that lays down a million dollar bet on sports or Farrow. I am not a gambler. The Casinos get zero bucks from me. That is probably because I grew up in Vegas and have seen the devastation gambling causes to families and individuals. Lottery on the other hand, is something you do by entering a quick mart and buying a few tickets, then leaving. You have to wait untill the drawing to find out what you've won, so you're not in a casino where you can get hooked and give them your paycheck and go home broke. Casinos usually give you 5-10 bucks in chips or, a 10.00 ticket to put into a slot for cashing your check, just to get you to the tables or slots. Evil and greedy Casino owners make megabucks. they make so much money, that they will not tell anyone how much they make. They talk about profits in percentages of previous months, not totals of cash. The Casino owners in Vegas have nixed the lottery in Nevada since it became legal. The state legislature is basically on their payroll. They pay way less in taxes than any other business in the state, And let's be honest, there are still ways to skim, those cameras everywhere have blind spots where management can grab a handful of cash, There are cameras in the counting rooms, but not everywhere.
BTW, I thought you righties were for more state government and less federal. I guess the truth is you want to do away with all government, what a frickin joke.
BTW, I thought you righties were for more state government and less federal. I guess the truth is you want to do away with all government, what a frickin joke.
Sure, anyone who doesn't agree with you is a righty. But im a libertarian and Im for LIMITED government, not less federal and more state, that is absurd, you don't even know what all the major political views even stand for do you? If anyone doesn't adhere to your "tax the rich 99.9% of their money until they have to live on 50k a year" mantra, then you automatically assume they must be part of the right side political establishment, because in your mind's eye every issue is black or white, republican or democrat, right vs left, good vs evil , dark vs light.

BTW your spelling was much better, did you download Mozilla Firefox or are you actually editing your posts?
Sure, anyone who doesn't agree with you is a righty. But im a libertarian and Im for LIMITED government, not less federal and more state, that is absurd, you don't even know what all the major political views even stand for do you? If anyone doesn't adhere to your "tax the rich 99.9% of their money until they have to live on 50k a year" mantra, then you automatically assume they must be part of the right side political establishment, because in your mind's eye every issue is black or white, republican or democrat, right vs left, good vs evil , dark vs light.

BTW your spelling was much better, did you download Mozilla Firefox or are you actually editing your posts?

Edit: Now as for what the political affiliations stand for, I'm pretty sure I'm as educated as you, probably more. And my "friend", it is actually black and white, no fucking shades of gray. It is just how little or how much one trends to either side. And, BTW, 99.9% to taxes is a little much I'd say for the ultra rich, 80% would be cordial. You are the one that despises my views, I just try and let some light into yours. Actually you have no fucking clue what I'm all about. You seem to think I'm some sponge slacker that has been "sucking" on the governments tit all my life, you are so fucking wroooooong.
But here I go thinking you might have a brain, wow, No fucking chance.
LOL, Iowa has a lottery and the new governor wants to raise the taxes on the casinos to help fix the states deficient. Now of course the casino people are against that but now counties that have casinos are upset. Higher taxes on the casinos means less money for them that is given by the casinos. They figure in casino donations (calculated by after tax profit) into their budgets.
LOL, Iowa has a lottery and the new governor wants to raise the taxes on the casinos to help fix the states deficient. Now of course the casino people are against that but now counties that have casinos are upset. Higher taxes on the casinos means less money for them that is given by the casinos. They figure in casino donations (calculated by after tax profit) into their budgets.

Of course they are, profit trumps all. The almighty profit takes precedent over any and all other concerns. Profit is good, but to what extent does it supercede everything known to man. Profit should be responsible. Responsible to their workers, their community, their tax burdens, the environment, etc, not slash and burn profit as in corporate profit, Capitalism is an evil entity, not in and of itself, but gy the greed inherent in men. If capitalism were operated with a conscience, it would be a wonderful thing. The problem with corporate profits, are the stockholders that demand ever more and more dividends and stock price increases. The whole theory of money making money is flawed. It leaves the best of things to those that have the capital. Capitalism needs reform. I have some Ideas on that.
Of course they are, profit trumps all. The almighty profit takes precedent over any and all other concerns. Profit is good, but to what extent does it supercede everything known to man. Profit should be responsible. Responsible to their workers, their community, their tax burdens, the environment, etc, not slash and burn profit as in corporate profit, Capitalism is an evil entity, not in and of itself, but gy the greed inherent in men. If capitalism were operated with a conscience, it would be a wonderful thing. The problem with corporate profits, are the stockholders that demand ever more and more dividends and stock price increases. The whole theory of money making money is flawed. It leaves the best of things to those that have the capital. Capitalism needs reform. I have some Ideas on that.
about 70% of the nation workers participate in the 401K plan, that 70% of workers ( 100 million souls+) are the ones you need to spew your message to. They and the companies that manage their accounts need to be taught that they should never expect their money to grow, becasue the companies they invest in are so responsible that they don't make a profit. Now everyone's 401K is pretty much just a savings account that draws NO interest. If you had it your way the best way to invest money would be to put it in your mattress. Oh but wait, inflation will eat away at your savings that by the time you get old enough to need it it will only buy you a year or two. So you HAVE to find a investment that out performs the yearly 7-8% inflation we have in the US, if you want to have any chance at all in your retirement years that is.
about 70% of the nation workers participate in the 401K plan, that 70% of workers ( 100 million souls+) are the ones you need to spew your message to. They and the companies that manage their accounts need to be taught that they should never expect their money to grow, becasue the companies they invest in are so responsible that they don't make a profit. Now everyone's 401K is pretty much just a savings account that draws NO interest. If you had it your way the best way to invest money would be to put it in your mattress. Oh but wait, inflation will eat away at your savings that by the time you get old enough to need it it will only buy you a year or two. So you HAVE to find a investment that out performs the yearly 7-8% inflation we have in the US, if you want to have any chance at all in your retirement years that is.

The great recession/depression of 2008-2010, the stock market debacle, and the banksters, wiped out many 401Ks. Why, greed by the corporate masters, CEOs, banksters and slush fund managers, all making tons of profit while shorting the markets while it fell through the floor. Like I said, capitalism could be a good thing, but the inherent greed in Man makes it evil. Let us say that capitalism could be good if the employees were the ones making profits rather than outside investors. The corporations could borrow start up money from investors at a low fixed rate, or from the government at the same low rates, pay back the loans before they started making profit, then share the profits with the employees, the communities, and other non profit entities. There is really no need for the mega rich. They think they rule and because of the system in place, they do. Lets re-instate, Government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Nothing is stopping an employee from buying its employers stock medman. The 401K is a giant scam that is regularly fleeced by the giant conglomerate banksters. I would suggest anyone to take the penalty, pay the taxes and do something else with the money.
Nothing is stopping an employee from buying its employers stock medman. The 401K is a giant scam that is regularly fleeced by the giant conglomerate banksters. I would suggest anyone to take the penalty, pay the taxes and do something else with the money.

Wow, Did I read you are advising people to pay taxes. No, what I'm saying is employees would be the shareholders, apportioned in some fair way, along with the owners and maybe the original investors. If the company wanted to go public, then the employees would benefit from the sale of stocks as well as the owners and investors. Like when Google went public, the original employees with stock shares were instant millionaires. For existing companies, stock sharing would be a whole different ballgame, but should be apportioned fairly. I know it's complicated and would take a great deal more brainstorming to meke it equitable.
Wow, Did I read you are advising people to pay taxes. . I know it's complicated and would take a great deal more brainstorming to meke it equitable.
I don't have a problem with taxes, just the income tax. Why should it be equitable? The employees aren't the ones taking a risk, they aren't putting up any capital to make the business successful. Why should they get part ownership? They already get a paycheck and perhaps some benefits for their labor and they didn't risk anything. But you think they should get part ownership.