1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Lush as my friend, got me going all over! lol Not much more i can say on this DOG run mate! Respect DST.
aye, even the Hi-bee's want us to win tonight and split the old firm, well some of them hahaha. Should be a good game to sit and watch, but not too baked or i'll be looking at the screen but taking none of the game in! lol.

hahah yup im inclined to agree she's a lush lookin gal, and yeah props to DST for the hookup. the 600 owes a great deal to the man! ill be watching the brum vs west ham or the liverpool fulham game not sure yet probs watch liverpool more chance of some good play/goals. gonna bake myself into oblivian with the DOG.


Well-Known Member
Make me blush Donny!! thanks bru, as spud would say, My pleasure is in your leisure.....

Well Liverpool scraped a win last night, thank fek. Wasn't the greatest of games but at least we are in the top 10 now.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Make me blush Donny!! thanks bru, as spud would say, My pleasure is in your leisure.....

Well Liverpool scraped a win last night, thank fek. Wasn't the greatest of games but at least we are in the top 10 now.
king kenny is doing it int he lol


Well-Known Member
Morning don (or evening) have you popped any of the CC x L yet? Mine are just catching up from the cold they should be ready to go in flower in a few weeks. I'll throw some pics up if you like, unless you would like to reserve the honour for ones self lol.


Well-Known Member
Alright fella' just to say i hope you did'nt lose to much on that bet lastnight. Thats about all i want to talk about that game lol.
Hope your good man!

Stay Safe


Well-Known Member
^^^ossibly, you feelin allreet Donny, lol. What about Dirty? you can't forget about him.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn i was pickled last night..... yeah the dirty harry series is pretty awesome but i reckon of his westerns the unforgiven is probably the best. cant wait to see clints new one, looks bleak.


Well-Known Member
Morning friend! Have a few lastnight? I did'nt even understand that first post about clint. lol
How's things, all good i hope man. Got another bush day ahead, so catch up with you soom Pal.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
damn i was pickled last night..... yeah the dirty harry series is pretty awesome but i reckon of his westerns the unforgiven is probably the best. cant wait to see clints new one, looks bleak.
Hey buddy what say! I always liked the sphagetti westerns. Man he got old didnt he. I guess it happens to the best of us

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning friend! Have a few lastnight? I did'nt even understand that first post about clint. lol
How's things, all good i hope man. Got another bush day ahead, so catch up with you soom Pal.
easy bro, yeah i was a little sozzled by the looks of it so was the keyboard!? catch ya dafter lad!
Hey buddy what say! I always liked the sphagetti westerns. Man he got old didnt he. I guess it happens to the best of us
fuzzy this morgan, but champ now, gonna leave off the booze today, got shiz to do this evening. mainly the mrs.... hah bit of gardening and sorting some peeps.

i think clint was actually born old and wrinkly. and possibly wearing a stetson....

heres the trailer for the new one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XvJwTYnKww

doesnt look one of his best to be honest. but its hard to pick his best really, million dollar baby? gran tourino? def one of my favourites but then as D says the dirty harry series is great. did he fire 5 shots or 6?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin all! rough as a badgers nadgers this morning, so much so that im actually considering giving up the drink. i know i know famous last words.

prior to falling down and twisting me ankle me n her indoors went for garra rufa fish spa treatment, which was one hell of an experience.

the fish eat the hard skin off your feet, my feet are like a babbies arse i tell ya!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
AHH what a creepy feeling at first I would think haha. Good day of pampering with the lass mate? Whats crackin today.

In a controlled enviroment maybe, but I've had minnows do that to me in the rivers and it grossed the shit outa me lol. Later man, have a good one!!