Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner


Well-Known Member
hey howard with in the first 3 weeks to you progressivly remove the bottom 1/3 of the node sites and fan leafs, or do you just let them do there thing.

Im just curious im thinking about trimming a lot more than i usually do, well i usually dont cut anything at all

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
hey howard with in the first 3 weeks to you progressivly remove the bottom 1/3 of the node sites and fan leafs, or do you just let them do there thing.

Im just curious im thinking about trimming a lot more than i usually do, well i usually dont cut anything at all
as of yet I don't but I was talking to another grower and he does. His idea was why leave the lower branches on there when they don't put out shit for bud! The plant waists energy on those lower branches so if you cut them off the plant has more energy to put into the upper part of the plant.


Well-Known Member
ya thats what i was thinking just dont know if i should do the short branches or just all of the nodes from the lower 1/3 of the plant. i think im going to do it though.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
ya thats what i was thinking just dont know if i should do the short branches or just all of the nodes from the lower 1/3 of the plant. i think im going to do it though.
yeah but you LST all your plants so it kinda doesn't count for you. I grow my plants normaly so my lower leaves/branches don't get light but when you LST your whole plant gets the same ammount of light so I would leave them alone if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Ya thats what i thought also but i see guys that LST trim the bottom 1/3 also, since there are so many branches they get rid of the lower stuff so focus energy on the main colas but hell i don't know bro, lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ya thats what i thought also but i see guys that LST trim the bottom 1/3 also, since there are so many branches they get rid of the lower stuff so focus energy on the main colas but hell i don't know bro, lol.
Yeah give it a shot I guess. But my Cat Kush that I LST'd a lil bit all the branches stretched up to the canopy so they were all in the light. Like I said I could see the logic in doing it if you were growing like I am but I don't see the point in LST if you are going to trim up the lower growth. The whole point of LST is to make sure the lower growth gets light just as the top of the plant would!


Well-Known Member
Ya we will see how it turns out, some I won't have to but some are very bushy and you can only see the top 5 inches or so, but there are 3 plants that won't need it to node spacing and strain char.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I am getting cramped in my veg room right now! I have a few plants that are ready to flower but I have no room in my flower room! So it is getting cramped in the veg room due to having to pot up plants. Maybe I will fire up my CFL veg box and make some room. I was trying to cut my power bill down but it is either that or sell off my plants.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ya I don't like selling my plants, it's like selling a baby, lol.
Yeah in the past I was giving them away once in a while when they were getting too big and I didn't have space in the flower room. But now I am tired of putting in all that time and getting nothing back. I also sell "take donation" whatever the fuck you want to call it to MMJ paitents. We will see though. I have my veg box that I am not using so maybe I will just put that one on a 12/12 schedule to pre-flower them with CFL's till there is room in the big flower rooms. No worries I will figure something out.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
pre-flowering sound like a sound plan to use and get a jump start on the plants you will replace.
Yeah I may have to do that. I smoked some of that Sour Kush and it was suprisingly pretty good. Still a little green still so I think if I gave it a good cure it would be good. Nothing to write home to mom about but I took one hit and I was good to go but I am a light smoker. My paitent tried some and he took 4 big ass rips and he was stoned off his ass and he is a heavy ass smoker! I ended up getting just under two oz's off that pig so I am happy with that Sour Kush. I can't wait for the Cateract Kush to be done!
Yeah I may have to do that. I smoked some of that Sour Kush and it was suprisingly pretty good. Still a little green still so I think if I gave it a good cure it would be good. Nothing to write home to mom about but I took one hit and I was good to go but I am a light smoker. My paitent tried some and he took 4 big ass rips and he was stoned off his ass and he is a heavy ass smoker! I ended up getting just under two oz's off that pig so I am happy with that Sour Kush. I can't wait for the Cateract Kush to be done!
yeah mine was damn good wit a nice cure..The cat k should be some good stuff aswell

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
yeah mine was damn good wit a nice cure..The cat k should be some good stuff aswell
The funny/good thing is that I don't have time to cure it out. Most of it is gone! ;) I am super excited about the Cat Kush bro! I want to try and hold onto it but who fucking knows! If my "paitent" wants it then I will get rid of it! I may keep a lil over 1/4 of it out and give it a nice 1 month cure and see how bad ass that Cat can get.


Life with comcast died, but now i'm with Qwest. Came home today and found my internet wasnt working. Tried everything then had to call them. Turns out NBC sent them some notices of what i been dl'n. gonna have to find another way around not having cable :)


Active Member
Glad to hear the sour turned out so good for you. How did it taste? Prop a little soon to judge that but let us know what you thought of that. I might look into to growing cocoa husks. That shit is light, easy to move around, I can order it over the internet and not have to pay a small fortune to do it.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Glad to hear the sour turned out so good for you. How did it taste? Prop a little soon to judge that but let us know what you thought of that. I might look into to growing cocoa husks. That shit is light, easy to move around, I can order it over the internet and not have to pay a small fortune to do it.
That sounds cool brotha! I would go with that for sure if I were you. The only thing is that I think you have to water every day but that is no big deal. It does make it impossible to over water your plants though. I have two of those herc beans germed they are just breaking dirt right now! ;)

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well here are some pic's of my hermi Cateract Kush! LOL another hermie in my room! I am pissed cus I have 5 other plants in there and I am wondering how many of them got pollenated. I can't tell if the ones in there were there when this bitch released pollen or not. we will see though. the first pic's are of the bitch I took down and the last pics are of my current Kush plants. The ones in the back are almost 4 ft tall from the top of the soil so they are going to be some huge plants when done. They are clones from the hermi so..... Keeping an eye on them. I am hopeing that it was stress of some sort that made her hermie on me, but I can't really think of what stressed that pig out. No worries it's all part of growing I guess. Even if I get seedy bud it is better than no bud at all. If I had plants to replace them I would just tear them all down and start again.
