Interview with the President Obama 1-27-11 on youtube

Mr. Bear

President Obama is going to be having a interview with youtube on 1-27-11 and they are asking for the public to submit or vote on questions they would like the president to answer. Just thought I would share with everybody so we can all ask Obama why the failed war on drug continues or anything else you might have on your mind. :peace:


lol thats just funny. read loads of questions and like you said mostly are MJ related, cant wait to see if the U.k will follow suit =]


Active Member
Finally people are realizing the benefits of hemp. If someone is against the legalization of marijuana I do not understand, but when they're against hemp it fucking pisses me off, god damn lumber jacking and cotton farmer lobbyist at the turn of the past century simply paid congress to outlaw hemp so they wouldn't go out of business. I mean if it was a harvested crop at Mount Vernon under the direction of George Washington, its a damn American legacy that got fucked over, theres my short rant

EDIT: I got like 7 thumbs up on my weed legalization question in less then a minute, fuck I guess us stoners just need to stop being too high and actually go vote on election day lol


Well-Known Member
i just voted 200 times all on pot related questions, all of the highest rated questions involve our beloved plant, to bad he will just snicker at teh questions and ingore the american people like most other politiions


Well-Known Member
my questions i've asked have been steadily going UP^^^ in rating since I asked them. the highest rated questions only have about 800 + votes if you have a youtube account you should vote and ask your own questions. so that your questions can be ignored by the president to!!


Wow thats insane 99% of the questions under "Others" is about weed and the other 1% is about why is the DEA still ALIVE!!! thats 100,000 questions about legalizing cannabis and over 1million votes for this idea! Thanks Youtube you are such a good a thing, if only u dint have millions of my searches hidden away to be used against me in a future bananna court. I'd almost have to like you.


Ive been looking online for any feed back on this speech to see if Obama addressed the American peoples issues regarding Hemp? Did anyone find any feed back or did he fail to notice the support on the questions page?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
if you click the 'other' section you will see the questions cryptkeeper.
That was in a screenshot from the 'others' section. I actually thought about mentioning that it was from the others section but I had already clicked 'post' and was to lazy to edit it. :)


ah ok, well i was watching it over the space of a few days and the top questions varied because of people voting on them. at some points MJ was at the top.


New Member
really? What makes you think that? I think he thinks hes president.
No other president in US history has appeared on as many TV shows, nor allocated the time to voicing an opinion on things that are decidedly non-presidential, while simultaneously flushing the country down the shitter. Now he's doing an interview with Youtube? Get serious. I'm not going to continue this discussion though, talking to people that still support brObama is like talking to a brick.


Well-Known Member
No other president in US history has appeared on as many TV shows, nor allocated the time to voicing an opinion on things that are decidedly non-presidential, while simultaneously flushing the country down the shitter. Now he's doing an interview with Youtube? Get serious. I'm not going to continue this discussion though, talking to people that still support brObama is like talking to a brick.
LOL @ brObama. Racist much? By all means don't continue 'this discussion'.


New Member
Yeah, bro is racist, bro. Idiot much? The difference between you and a brick is that bricks don't regurgitate what CNN/MSNBC tells them.