• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I'm thinkin', "just leave the CapDaddy420 alone". I agree with everything Bricktop says. But, they are Cap's plants and HIS light schedule!
It's totally fucked up and doomed to be less productive than a normal 12/12 light pattern. But again, it's HIS grow and he's entitled to do it HIS way, and certainly no skin off our collective butt's. As long as he is only telling the story of HIS grow and rather odd light schedule, and NOT advocating to nube's that THIS is the way of the future, then leave him alone; cuz he'll figure it out on his own soon enough.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top Do you believe that because your plant had the misfortune of ending up in your little indoor Gilligan's Island where you; "play god" that your playing will be able to alter thousands and thousands of years of evolution or what a REAL God might have created?

never said that? wut the.. lol
i just like to have my own way instead of following thousands of years of evolution..
not saying its goin to change anything outside my capdaddy island .

So you like to have your own way .. now isn't that special?

Do you believe that your plants are Burger King and you can have it your way or do you think it is possible that thousands and thousands of years of evolution or through the act of intelligent design your plants might not go along with you having it your way and instead insist on having it their way, the way that thousands and thousands of years of evolution or an act of intelligent design has genetically coded into them?

Maybe you really like to believe that you are the professor on your own little Gilligan's Island and can build a car out of bamboo, palm leaves and that it will run off of coconut milk and that you can force your plants to ignore their genetic coding and bend to your wishes. If so I am sure that you must be one very amusing and entertaining person to know ... sort of like the 'kid' below would have to be amusing and entertaining to know.

If no one told anyone to alter thousands and thousands of years of evolution then why do people use 24/0 as the preferred method. There is no place on earth except the poles that get 24 hrs of daylight. He said at the beginning he was trying something new, and you got the haters going on about evolution. Shut the hell up about evolution until you can find me a place on the planet with 24hrs of daylight....That's OK I'll wait....Didn't think so. Especially Brick Top, you remind me of the biology teacher that used to put me to sleep going on and on about nothing relevant to the matter at hand the only thing you have contributed to this post is negativity. Are you smoking it umm...NO. Big up CapDaddy for not walking the line and trying something new +REP for the idea, and I really want to see the end result


Well-Known Member
for a second i thought you you talking to me.
The medicine must be kicking in cause that fit me to a "T".

I would literally never realize the coconuts are edible and starve to death.

I take it you are not a fan of hydroponics...or separating males from females...or growing inside of artificial caves in general?
They do bend to our whims even despite their genetic codes and wants...just some techniques are more easily applied than others is all...

this is the very spirit of growing...the personal journeys and lessons that can only be had only by direct experience.
I wish the grower luck....perhaps in 30 years of careful breeding we will all be eating crow.

Brick Top

New Member
If no one told anyone to alter thousands and thousands of years of evolution then why do people use 24/0 as the preferred method.

People do it because they lack any horticultural education and do not realize that plants have certain functions they perform during hours of light and others they perform during hours of darkness and each are important.

Just because someone has a; "preferred method" of doing something does not make it the right thing to do or what is best for their plants. It is not as if nature has to be mimicked perfectly, but closer is better, and when someone does something that is way out of the norm for how plants are genetically coded to grow then doing so is not a judicious thing for them to do.

Brick Top

New Member
for a second i thought you you talking to me.
The medicine must be kicking in cause that fit me to a "T".

I would literally never realize the coconuts are edible and starve to death.

I take it you are not a fan of hydroponics...or separating males from females...or growing inside of artificial caves in general?
They do bend to our whims even despite their genetic codes and wants...just some techniques are more easily applied than others is all...

I wish the grower luck....perhaps in 30 years of careful breeding we will all be eating crow.

There is a vast difference between giving plants what they need in a way that is unnatural and attempting to totally alter the type of conditions they are genetically coded to exist and thrive in.

this is the very spirit of growing...the personal journeys and lessons that can only be had only by direct experience.

That is where you are incorrect. It was like that decades ago when there was little to no actual proven facts, any scientific research, for growers to find and rely on. But those days are long gone, there is much scientifically proven knowledge out there that virtually anyone can find if they are willing to look for it. Sadly many growers are what I call education-phobic. They refuse to do real research and instead rely on sites like this where opinions and myths etc. are accepted as being factual and when someone who knows actual facts offers them, the facts are refused and then normally someone will point to how some people do things, that is as far as the plants are 'concerned' totally incorrect and attempt to use that as justification for their refusal to accept facts and validation for doing as they imagine might be a good way to grow, just as other people made the same errors decades before when there were no facts to rely on.

If someone really wanted to become very good at growing the best thing they could do is stay off sites like this for a good while. Take a few horticulture classes at a local college or Jr. college, hit the local library and read as many horticultural books as possible, do online research on actual horticultural sites, if they have to pay on a site or two to access scientifically proven facts about plants, but first just learn about plants in general because cannabis plants are just plants that happen to produce cannabinoids. If someone would first learn about plants and only after that then learn the few things that are cannabis plant specific they could be among the very best growers in the world.

Highly educated people with PhDs and scientists have performed research on cannabis plants and other types for plants for many many years and now their findings are out there, they are available to anyone and everyone who wants to learn scientifically proven facts. With all that proven knowledge available why would anyone prefer to listen to and accept myths and urban legends and half-truths and misconceptions and personal opinions and baseless beliefs and old hippie folklore instead?

For some inexplicable reason many growers refuse to accept that there is a massive amount of proven factual knowledge out there and that they do not need to attempt to discover things. The things left to be discovered about cannabis plants will only be discovered by highly educated professional researchers using the latest highest tech equipment. Nothing new will be learned in a basement or a closet or a store room or a spare room or an attic or a garage or a backyard greenhouse or in a backyard.

It makes no sense to me to ignore the vast amount of proven facts that are available to growers. Doing so is like attempting to walk through a strange house in the middle of the night when it is pitch black, stumbling and bumping into things when all you had to do before stumbling around and bumping into things is flip the light switch that was on the wall where you started at so everything would then be easily and clearly seen.


Well-Known Member
The professor couldn't patch a hole in a boat. Come now.

indoor growing is easy to prove. Don't do anything, and it dies, because the genetics doesn't let it grow there.
That isn't even remotely natural for it to grow in what amounts to a cave.

Hydro? I demand proof of a wild bud growing in water with out any dirt. Naturally.
I've never seen one. I wasn't looking either though, so i'm willing to listen.

taking males away from females is NOT WAY out of the norm, given the genetics as well?
I thought propagation was the primary goal for a plant. What gives?

growers do what they will. They succeed or fail.
you already know the answers, but the let the rest of us have our fun you grumpy old dude.


You depress me.
Nothing will ever come from an ignorant savage cobbling together random bits in a hole somewhere?
I call bullshit. To hell with your lab monkeys and periodicals.
You sir, are no friend of science, innovation, nor of adventure.

Time has most assuredly stolen your youth and zeal.
Make way while we pick your nursing home i say!

Brick Top

New Member
The professor couldn't patch a hole in a boat.
If you remember the show the storm that stranded them washed the wreck off the shore, the ship was gone, it was not sitting there for ages waiting to be repaired.

Come now indoor growing is easy to prove. Don't do anything, and it dies, because the genetics doesn't let it grow there.
That isn't even remotely natural for it to grow in what amounts to a cave.
I do have to repeat myself and say; "There is a vast difference between giving plants what they need in a way that is unnatural and attempting to totally alter the type of conditions they are genetically coded to exist and thrive in."

Hydro? I demand proof of a wild bud growing in water with out any dirt. Naturally. I've never seen one. I wasn't looking either though, so i'm willing to listen.
See the reply above, it also answers that question.

taking males away from females is NOT WAY out of the norm, given the genetics as well?
If you are talking about propagation, the continuing of the species, the perpetuating of the species, than yes removing males would be way out of the norm, but we do not grow to perpetuate the species and females do not need males in their presence to survive or even to thrive.

I thought propagation was the primary goal for a plant. What gives?
Do female plants that do not become pollinated die? Is pollination of a female plant vital to it's survival? No, not at all.

growers do what they will. They succeed or fail.
On that you are correct, but only to a point. There is not only success or failure, as in if plants survive to harvest or not. Genetics do not guarantee quality. The very best genetics in the hands of an unskilled grower who manages to keep them alive long enough to harvest them will not result in anywhere near as high of quality of herb as the same genetics in the hands of a skilled experienced grower. Someone can keep their plants alive long enough to harvest, dry and cure them and still fail.

you already know the answers,
I wish there were many more people here who knew the answers so it would not be just a small handful of members who have to keep giving answers to people who do not know their asshole from their ear-hole when it comes to growing.

but the let the rest of us have our fun you grumpy old dude.

What? Where do I press 1 for English? I am sorry but my magic decoder ring was incapable of deciphering the portion of your statement above that is bold and underlined. Would you care to attempt to translate that into English?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
If no one told anyone to alter thousands and thousands of years of evolution then why do people use 24/0 as the preferred method. There is no place on earth except the poles that get 24 hrs of daylight. He said at the beginning he was trying something new, and you got the haters going on about evolution. Shut the hell up about evolution until you can find me a place on the planet with 24hrs of daylight....That's OK I'll wait....Didn't think so. Especially Brick Top, you remind me of the biology teacher that used to put me to sleep going on and on about nothing relevant to the matter at hand the only thing you have contributed to this post is negativity. Are you smoking it umm...NO. Big up CapDaddy for not walking the line and trying something new +REP for the idea, and I really want to see the end result
Well Lucki, as you pointed out, there is 24 hours of light in the polar regions. Alaska comes to mind........seems they DO grow some pretty fair smoke in "America's Icebox". The plants will take as long a light period as you can throw at them, it's the "12 hours of dark" thing that they're genetically predisposed to. Attacking Brick Top will not improve CapDaddy's production. And I DO agree, can't wait to see Cap's result, I'm sure he's eager share pix with us......................BB
Brick Top why are even on here you have all the answers or what I would call "A fuckin know-it-all. Where are your pics of your plants since you are the almighty Dr. Greenthumb. In case you are having a case of Alzheimers like most people your age has, this site is for people to share THEIR experiences growing and to assist and be assisted when needed. You sound about as smart as a dumb ass. Just because you can use all these big scientific words and can read the large print science journal doesn't mean you know anything it just means you can quote from a magazine, show me some of your grows. You have posts on here about Obama and Rock songs who gives a fuck about that on here other than you. You should find local bingo night and let us know nothings continue to successfully grow our stressed out fucked up plants (which Capdaddy has already made you eat those words with his pics). You can quote baseball stats to me all day long but can you actually play the game or are you a bench rider. You ride the pine and tell the starters what they are doing wrong. In so many words people need help and encouragement, not a old codger tearing them down all the time. WOW you have too much time on your hands.
Well Lucki, as you pointed out, there is 24 hours of light in the polar regions. Alaska comes to mind........seems they DO grow some pretty fair smoke in "America's Icebox". The plants will take as long a light period as you can throw at them, it's the "12 hours of dark" thing that they're genetically predisposed to. Attacking Brick Top will not improve CapDaddy's production. And I DO agree, can't wait to see Cap's result, I'm sure he's eager share pix with us......................BB
I'm not trying to attack anybody but he has had nothing positive to say about this guys grow. It already says a lot because most people wouldn't even try. That's like when grandma would say get off the phone while its raining because lightening will strike the house. I'll be the first to say I have very little knowledge about the in's and out's that is why I read these types of posts, to see what people like me and you come up with in their grows, not in a scientific book, I can know the whole theory of cannabinoid production in a book that doesn't mean I can actually produce the best plant in the known weed world, all I'm saying is ease up on the blah blah blah, and contribute some info he can actually use

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to attack anybody but he has had nothing positive to say about this guys grow. It already says a lot because most people wouldn't even try. That's like when grandma would say get off the phone while its raining because lightening will strike the house. I'll be the first to say I have very little knowledge about the in's and out's that is why I read these types of posts, to see what people like me and you come up with in their grows, not in a scientific book, I can know the whole theory of cannabinoid production in a book that doesn't mean I can actually produce the best plant in the known weed world, all I'm saying is ease up on the blah blah blah, and contribute some info he can actually use
First, I will refer you to MY post #61 in this thread. Second, what you posted to Brick was a blatant, gloves off Attack. And for damn sure, he's not the only one who has nothing positive to say re: Cap's grow.

This whole damn thread is just another "tafbang" drama, contributing nothing to MJ culture, and worthy of NO further thought or comment.

With that I bid you all, good luck & good grow.......BB.......unsubbed
First, I will refer you to MY post #61 in this thread. Second, what you posted to Brick was a blatant, gloves off Attack. And for damn sure, he's not the only one who has nothing positive to say re: Cap's grow.

This whole damn thread is just another "tafbang" drama, contributing nothing to MJ culture, and worthy of NO further thought or comment.

With that I bid you all, good luck & good grow.......BB.......unsubbed
I'm not saying that he was the only one that came negative. Most people said their opinion and left it alone he just keeps going on and on and on about how it won't work. OK we heard you the first 20 times, no need to keep going. Say something a little positive for a change.
I'm thinkin', "just leave the CapDaddy420 alone". I agree with everything Bricktop says. But, they are Cap's plants and HIS light schedule!
It's totally fucked up and doomed to be less productive than a normal 12/12 light pattern. But again, it's HIS grow and he's entitled to do it HIS way, and certainly no skin off our collective butt's. As long as he is only telling the story of HIS grow and rather odd light schedule, and NOT advocating to nube's that THIS is the way of the future, then leave him alone; cuz he'll figure it out on his own soon enough.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
Exactly you stated your opinion and left it at that. My point exactly

Brick Top

New Member
Brick Top why are even on here you have all the answers or what I would call "A fuckin know-it-all.

I hate having to explain certain things roughly every six months but here goes. I retired at the age of 49. I get bored, growing is a cross between being a hobby and a passion. I have grown since 1972. I enjoy helping people, and in particular attempting to save them from being mislead and taught incorrect things and bad growing habits. I picked this site because it had the largest amount of totally clueless members and I felt I would be of more help here than on sites were most members know a great deal about growing.

Where are your pics of your plants since you are the almighty Dr. Greenthumb.

I have explained that numerous times before but I will do so again. Like so many others at a time I would post pictures but then after a few of busts of members of sites I was on, and one that happened local I decided that it was not a smart thing to do. On one board a member who grew in his basement posted a handful of pictures of his plants. In one picture you could see the corner of his furnace with what looked like a stick of some sort on it. Since he had a high resolution camera when enlarged you could clearly read the name, address and telephone number of the heat- a/c company that installed and serviced the furnace. Some cop monitoring the site passed the info to the guys local cops who then went to the heat-a/c business and managed to get enough information to track the guy down and he was busted .... because he posted pictures and managed to slip up in just one of them.

On another site a member posted pictures of their outdoor/backyard grow. They took one picture from high up, maybe a second story window or deck or maybe they got on their roof, but it showed their entire back yard with the various plots of plants. But being that it was taken from the height and angle it was you could see a line of power lines and a single road and the coast not far behind the home. Again some cop saw the pictures and managed to use the what was there, the power lines, the single road and the coastline and the member was busted.

A local guy was busted when he posted a single picture. He had a plant that was about to be harvested and he wanted a good clear picture of it away from his other plants and in a nice setting. He moved the plant to his living room or maybe it was his den to take the picture.

Now I have heard two versions from the locals just how the next part went but either a local cop was checking out the site and on the wall behind the plant he spotted a picture of a little girl that he recognized. The girl was in his daughter's class and they were friends and the guy was busted .. or his ex-wife spotted the pictures and ratted him out to the cops and the cop that checked out the report spotted the pictures of the girl who was a friend of his daughter and the guy was busted. Which is exactly how it happened I am unsure, but the picture and the cop's daughter being friends with the guys daughter were involved. To make it worse for him when he had been divorced he managed to get custody of his daughter. Due to the bust the court gave custody of his daughter to his ex-wife.

The final nail in the picture posting coffin for me was several years back, maybe 4 or 5 now now actually, and several boards back, I was having problems with someone stealing my newspaper. One day I came home and saw a car pull up to my newspaper box and take my newspaper. I got their license plate number and the next day I stopped by the County Sheriff's Office and ended up talking to the Sheriff himself. When I told him where I lived and gave my address his eyes lit up and asked, wasn't that Joe Blow's house? I said it was and he went on and on about how he and Joe Blow were old pals and how many hours he had spent in my house shooting pool and watching sports and attending parties. He described my house as well as I could have at the time. After those three busts, all in roughly one year's time, and knowing my local Sheriff knew the interior of my house like the back of his hand I stopped posting pictures. I decided that it was too easy to slip up and post actual evidence and hard clues to use to track you down.

You can add two more things to that. If I ever do have a problem I do not need to post pictures and ask a bunch of Beavis and Buttheads what they think the problem might be. If I ever do have a question about something I have never experienced and cannot find the answers to through actual true research and it is cannabis specific so my four family members with degrees in horticulture cannot help me there is only one member here I will ask for advice and that is Uncle Ben and I it has not happened much and when I did it I did it through PMs.

The second thing is I may seem egotistical but I am not some little bubblegummer whose main achievement in life has been to grow plants that would impress people. I do not need to have my ego stroked by posting pictures so people can go all Lady Gaga over them and my pictures basically just say, hey everyone look at this, look at what I did, aren't I good, aren't I impressive, I sure am cool, aren't I? I am not one of you little puppies who need to do that to make myself feel good about myself or to cheer me up. If I want to put a smile on my face I just look at my most recent financial statement and it puts a big grin on my face and gives me all the feeling of accomplishment that I need.

In case you are having a case of Alzheimers like most people your age has,
Actually the percentage of people that are 55, well nearly 56 years old now, that have Alzheimer's is very low. When you get about another 10 years older, in the 65 to 69 age group, roughly 1.6 males out of every 1000 will have it and by the time you hit the age of 85-plus it is roughly 35 males out of every 1000.
this site is for people to share THEIR experiences growing and to assist and be assisted when needed. You sound about as smart as a dumb ass.
You were partially correct. Sites like this are supposed to be for learning and to assist those who need assistance, but they are not intended for you little puppies to show off what you believe to be impressive in life only because you have never done anything in life that is actually something important and something impressive.

But sadly thanks to sites like this being filled with people like you, rather than the sites being storehouses of scientifically proven facts and knowledge they are mostly universities of ignorance where the blind lead the blind and where people like you who are horrified of actual facts, and of those who present them, you do all you can to fight against them, to discredit the proven facts and those who present them because they are proof that people like you do not know anywhere near what you want and need to believe you know, that people like you do not possess the skills they want and need to believe they posses, and worse yet, it points that out to everyone else here and that is an ego crusher for people like you.

Just because you can use all these big scientific words and can read the large print science journal doesn't mean you know anything it just means you can quote from a magazine.
That is a typical response of the uneducated. What you fail to understand, or just refuse to allow yourself to accept, is that when someone reads, they learn. When that is combined with decades of hands on experience, I will be entering by 39th year of growing very shortly, that equates to knowledge.

Another sign of the uneducated is they believe that a large piece of highly technical information can be rewritten and condensed into several lines and not lose anything important, not leave anything out that would explain things, that would give the causes and reasons why this or that are important or occur. The uneducated love to claim, if he knew it himself he would not need to C&P it. What your ignorance fails to allow you to understand is lacking the detail the educational portion of what is posted it lost. Including the detail means C&Ping or risk making errors in attempting to rewrite some research finding and if that happens then what is said becomes inaccurate, so what then would be the purpose of posting it? If inaccuracies are what are wanted there are far more than enough people like you here to supply more inaccuracies than any site would ever want, so why should anyone else add even more?

Then when it comes to certain words, well I do not use them often enough to be sure of how to spell them and the spell checker here does not cover them so when I mention things like hemiterpenes, sesquiterpenes, alloaromadendrene, cis-epoxy-ocimene, caryophyllene oxide, β-sesquiphellandrene and others I much prefer to C&P them rather than butcher the spelling.

People like you are incapable of understanding much of what I post so too you it is a waste of time and as I already said, it draw attention to and clearly points out your degree of ignorance, which hurts your fragile ego. No one like their intelligence being questioned and every time I post something that is way over your head that is precisely what happens, your intelligence is questioned, and you hate it. You cannot reply factually to anything I post so you call me old and make Alzheimer's jokes and call me a know it all in hope of people not clearly seeing that you are a 'know it less.'
show me some of your grows.

Nope ... I have explained that already. The only way I will ever be posting any pictures again is if I do what I have been considering doing for some time, that being moving to a Med. State where I would at least me legal on the State level. I have grown since 1972 and I have never been busted and you can say I am paranoid or taking things to the extreme, or even lie and say I do not really grow or are poor at growing, so that is why I do not post pictures if that is what you want to say and do, but I plan on keeping my not being busted streak going for as long as I continue to grow.

You have posts on here about Obama and Rock songs who gives a fuck about that on here other than you.
Yes I do throw in a few things like that now to both entertain myself and also a few others. It actually seems to work because I do tend to get a number of PMs from people who say they enjoyed the little analogy or comparison or whatever I threw in and even though I hate the whole rep system and wish it had never been created I do get +rep with short messages saying what I tossed in was good or funny or interesting etc.

So while it might only be a small percentage of members that enjoy what I add to certain messages, clearly some do like it and enjoy it.

You should find local bingo night

Ahhh .. how clever, another old joke. That one really stung me too.

and let us know nothings continue to successfully grow our stressed out fucked up plants (which Capdaddy has already made you eat those words with his pics).

I have not eaten any words so far and it will not be happening.

You can quote baseball stats to me all day long but can you actually play the game or are you a bench rider. You ride the pine and tell the starters what they are doing wrong. In so many words people need help and encouragement, not a old codger tearing them down all the time.
You are delusional. You are a Billy Mummy, you are Lost In Space.

WOW you have too much time on your hands
I have been retired now for almost 7 years. When you have been retired for about the same amount of time, that is IF you ever get to retire and do not end up spending what should be your retirement years as a Wal-Mart Greeter, you will find that you do have a lot of time on your hands to fill.

It is Winter here now, the water in the lake behind my home is too cold to enjoy so, my boat is winterized and stored until spring so I will not be passing time on or in the lake, other than the occasional warm day a time or three per month I will not be on a golf course for months, I live in a rural area where there is little else too do. Thanks to my last two relationships turning out so painful that I would happily pass a dozen kidney stones without any pain medication than risk repeating them, when I want a woman I visit www.erosguide.com and 'order takeout,' so I do not waste all the bullshit time with women, so that frees up a great amount of time. But it all not only works for me, but I happen to like it very much.

If you don't like it, that is just too bad. And as I have said before, if you do not like seeing my messages then by all means, use the ignore function so you do not have to see them. It would be far better than you having your fragile ego shattered by what I post that you do not know, that you will never know and what you could never be capable of understanding even if you made the attempt, and it would be better for threads like this so they would not be filled with you whining like a young girl experiencing her first period.

So just go ahead and put me on ignore and save yourself and the rest of us from having to put up with any more of your crybaby routine and me needing to explain reality to you.


Well-Known Member
If you remember the show the storm that stranded them washed the wreck off the shore, the ship was gone, it was not sitting there for ages waiting to be repaired.
I do not recall this.

looks like a boat with a hole in it to me....did you miss Episode #8 "Good Bye Island", when the good Professor decided to repair the S.S. Minnow with the nails he made from ferrous oxide found on the island, and the nails either shattered like glass or exploded when hit?

I must have dreamed it. My apologies.
The rest I shall write off to differences in opinions. we are allowed.

What? Where do I press 1 for English? I am sorry but my magic decoder ring was incapable of deciphering the portion of your statement above that is bold and underlined. Would you care to attempt to translate that into English?
sorry again. As an uneducated rock clapping ape, I obviously do not have a solid grasp on proper grammar or sentance structure.
I shall attempt to clarify myself.

You suck all the fun out of growing. You are a buzz kill of the worst kind, and it's not just a simple matter of intelligence/knowledge difference.
(though you are correct in your own way on that matter imo)

You have basically said all the info is already out there gathered by high class academic types with hordes of money to throw at it.

That equates to us simple minded poor folk, such as myself as, "this whole site is pointless, let me repeatedly rant about it. Why does no one listen? "
I'll tell you why...Frankly, it's insulting.
I don't care about all the nerds of academic stature or their periodicals.
I refuse to read their lengthy 200 page essays that equate to "oh yes, give the plant water, it does better."

We sure as hell aren't going to sit still and read up on an evaluation of the DNA damaging potential of cannabis smoke by the determination of acetaldehyde derived N2-Ethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine to glean tid-bits relevent to our grow or personal safety.

We are not retired yet. Worse yet, we find no joy in doing such things.

Absurd, I know.
we simply talk amongst our selves...simple folk do that.


Brick Top

New Member
I do not recall this.
View attachment 1407851View attachment 1407852

looks like a boat with a hole in it to me....did you miss Episode #8 "Good Bye Island", when the good Professor decided to repair the S.S. Minnow with the nails he made from ferrous oxide found on the island, and the nails either shattered like glass or exploded when hit?

I must have dreamed it. My apologies.
The rest I shall write off to differences in opinions. we are allowed.

You have me on that one. I have not seen any episodes of the show in decades and only remembered where they walked down to the cove and found the Minnow gone and thought it happened earlier than it evidently did.

Score one for you.

sorry again. As an uneducated rock clapping ape, I obviously do not have a solid grasp on proper grammar or sentance structure.
I shall attempt to clarify myself.
No need to apologize for that. My grammar and punctuation is terrible and it always has been. From the 7th grade through graduating college I was told by almost ever teacher and professor I had that I should become a writer, but then they almost always added that I would need someone to polish what I wrote, to add punctuation where needed and cut my run on sentences into proper form. I have always had something of a blind spot for that sort of thing and I doubt that at my age it will ever change, so I do not mind seeing something similar in others.

You suck all the fun out of growing. You are a buzz kill of the worst kind, and it's not just a simple matter of intelligence/knowledge difference.
(though you are correct in your own way on that matter imo)
While I have likely never achieved perfection in many things I have always been something of a perfectionist at heart. Because of that I see no reason for someone to attempt to rediscover fire or reinvent the wheel or attempt to duplicate what the Wright brothers did just to learn when instead they could use the knowledge that already exists and possibly design the next major airliner or a replacement for the space shuttle.

People like you seem to prefer to ignore the vast storehouse of information that is available and instead through trial and error only partially learn about plants and growing and in doing so hold yourselves back and never reach the level of knowledge, skill and expertise you otherwise could.

When I began growing back in 1972 I would have damn near blown the Devil at high noon in the middle of Time Square just to have one single book from this era on growing so I would not have waste my time doing the things you define as being fun and learn thorough trial and error and from others who luckily for me stumbled onto many correct things and then passed them on to me over time, and instead be able to achieve maximum success right from the start.

Why play around and hope (even though those who do like to attempt to call it experimentation) when you can instead learn proven facts, follow what you learned and be sure to succeed?

You have basically said all the info is already out there gathered by high class academic types with hordes of money to throw at it.

That equates to us simple minded poor folk, such as myself as, "this whole site is pointless, let me repeatedly rant about it. Why does no one listen? "
The information is out there. But sites like this are not pointless, but they are misused, they are not what they could be and what they should be. Rather than being storehouses of facts where people could access proven facts they are sites were opinions and misguided beliefs are passed from one crop of growers to the latest crop of new growers and they in turn pass on the same inaccuracies. It is a case of the blind leading the blind, an asylum run by the inmates.

Frankly, it's insulting.
Sometimes the truth hurts. No one like having their intelligence questioned and what is even worse is when it is questioned in front of a group who can clearly see there is just cause to question it.

I don't care about all the nerds of academic stature or their periodicals.
I refuse to read their lengthy 200 page essays that equate to "oh yes, give the plant water, it does better."
That is because like so many here, and on most sites like this, you are what I call education-phobic.

Plants, both cannabis and otherwise, are amazingly intricate things. There are vast amounts of functions and actions and interactions that are all to some degree or another dependent on the others for the plant to be able to grow into and become the very best that it possibly can and in doing so produce the best it can and produce the highest quality it can. Most of the opinions and beliefs that are shared and passed on are things that will keep plants from being able to achieve that.

We will see threads about which fertilizer is best and some people will write like they are experts but I doubt there are more than a very few who could go into detail as to what makes one fertilizer better than another because most do not know what elements are part of the [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]amino acids which make up proteins or which are [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]necessary for transfer of energy during metabolic processes or which are needed for the [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]activation of enzymes involved in photosynthesis, and protein and carbohydrate metabolism or which [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]gives strength to cell walls etc.

You are right, no knowledge like that has any business being on a site that is supposed to be a place where learning how to grow the very best cannabis possible is taught
[/FONT] and instead it should be filled with myths and urban legends and misconceptions and total falsehoods and half-truths and confused facts and total inaccuracies and old hippie folklore and of course every single type of absurdity and voodoo growing method ever imagined. It is vastly more important that every possible error that could be done be taught to be done than for people to instead have access to factual information as to the correct and best way to do things.

Knowing what is best is no fun, but playing around is keen and fun so what the heck, screw the facts and everyone just have fun instead!

We sure as hell aren't going to sit still and read up on an evaluation of the DNA damaging potential of cannabis smoke by the determination of acetaldehyde derived N2-Ethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine to glean tid-bits relevent to our grow or personal safety.
And precisely who has been posting such information? I have never posted information like that and I never will so I would like to know who has been so I would know whose messages too avoid.

We are not retired yet.
So you are now able to speak factually for everyone else that is a member here? I know there are some members here that are older than I am, some by a good handful of years, and I sure hope for their sake they have been able to retire by now.

Worse yet, we find no joy in doing such things.
You, meant as in how you stated it; "we," find no joy in what things? Having financial security and being able to live your life as you please and being able to do things on your own schedule and come and go as you please rather than being a worker bee where much of your life and time is controlled by others and you are forced to do as they say when they say it?

Absurd, I know. we simply talk amongst our selves...simple folk do that.
I am sure you do, and based on what I read from people like you it must make for fascinating conversation.

Sorry, for what? For not understanding the importance of true knowledge, for not caring enough to want to become educated, for not wanting to be capable of achieving the very best possible results in return for your money, time and effort? There is no need to say that you are sorry for those things, though because of them I do feel very sorry for you and all those like you.

Also .... your tag line describes you perfectly; "There are two ways to do things - my way ...and the right way."



Well-Known Member
yes. I figured it was easier to be honest up front.

"we", meaning slack jawed newbs like myself, and not the general public at large.
"...all those like you", I believe you said.
I'm plenty happy to use your scale of how that is defined even though I don't understand it.
Your sympathies are appreciated and wasted on the deaf ears of youth.

By this point my general argument technique involves flinging poop while attempting to bite my own ear.
...alas...I haven't yet learned the electronic media equivalent.

I for one intend to have fun, knowledge be damned.
I shall post my bawws and failures and blame everything except my own incompetence.
Mark my words...you poor devil.

You sure are a fun teacher.
Thanking you