Post viewable sexy asian girls facebooks!


Active Member
Hey wow, creeper thread. Don't you have the rest of the fucking internet to indulge your fetishes? Can't we just talk about something...

a little...




New Member
cmon this is funny.. its not creepy if they allow you to browse there profile otherwise they would have a private lock on there profile

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
All these links are private for me. :D I just see their profile picture. :) If you have to log-in then that's probably why I can't see. Fuck Facebook. I aint joinin'!


Well-Known Member
these bitches probably think its weird as hell your posting there personal shit on here lol.

They probably also thing it's weird you defend them and call them bitches in the same sentence.

thedoc, even though we're the same person, you still make me laugh my ass off

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Good, I'm not the only one that thought this was a little weird.
“We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

“No man dies for what he knows to be true. Men die for what they want to be true, for what some terror in their hearts tells them is not true.”
“We live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities.”
Some quotes on weirdness for you.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the size of their hands? A man has to feel good about himself seeing one of those tiny things grab a hold.

I can understand the white man's fetish, lol.