Vegan Organic Green Crack = Vegan Crack


Well-Known Member
Subbed man, looking good!! i read your article about Veganics, its a good ass idea and makes a lot of sense. will definitely try this in my grow when i get enough money for supplies.

Question though, you said that GC was called Lilikoi, where did you hear that? that name is badass, reminds me of Passion Fruit.

Matt Rize

Subbed man, looking good!! i read your article about Veganics, its a good ass idea and makes a lot of sense. will definitely try this in my grow when i get enough money for supplies.

Question though, you said that GC was called Lilikoi, where did you hear that? that name is badass, reminds me of Passion Fruit.
Lilikoi is the same as Passion Fruit. It is a name the dispensaries use for our medicine because we do not like to use "crack".

Matt Rize

Fixed the camera. 5 megapixel Droid back in action. Here goes the girls as of ten minutes ago. They are untopped, except the tallest one. The girls are bushing out so nicely that I'll not be topping this time. Just bending and breaking.



Active Member
sub'd, looking good matt, i'm also growing the "cush", they appear to be similar to yours and were obtained in cen cal, im on week 4 of floweringand super trichome production, i could pull now and have better looking buds than some of whats going around right now.

Matt Rize

sub'd, looking good matt, i'm also growing the "cush", they appear to be similar to yours and were obtained in cen cal, im on week 4 of floweringand super trichome production, i could pull now and have better looking buds than some of whats going around right now.
What's the stretch like after 12/12?


Active Member
i had about 75% stretch, super bushy with nugs everywhere, i run a perpetual setup and on my second batch i've used lst to spread the girls out a bit as they are very crowded untrained, i would post pics but my cam broke maybe next week

Matt Rize

Sorry the pics are so big, I don't know whats up with that.
I'l upload pics soon.
Progress: Been doing neem, with one azamax treatment. PM still here and there, fuck.
Topped, cleaned up bottoms, soon time to flip.


Well-Known Member
Those plants couldn't look happier. It's quite interesting reading your veganics articles, and then reading The Rev's True Living Organics stuff. It's hard to compare the two, but I have to ask: have you tried TLO Matt? Or have you just done veganics?

P.S. I saw that nifty pressure spray device you use to clean your Bubble Hash. Where did you get that? and what is the proper name for it?

Matt Rize

Those plants couldn't look happier. It's quite interesting reading your veganics articles, and then reading The Rev's True Living Organics stuff. It's hard to compare the two, but I have to ask: have you tried TLO Matt? Or have you just done veganics?

P.S. I saw that nifty pressure spray device you use to clean your Bubble Hash. Where did you get that? and what is the proper name for it?
thats just a pump sprayer, available everywhere, lol. Or do you mean the bags and buckets?

I have not tried TLO, as far as I know... because I don't know what that is. lol. let me go look it up. peace.

okay, checked the rev. and TLO. That's soil. I grow soil-less. Huge difference. Not that one is better, just different.


Im going to enlighten you with how to blend a good living organics soilmix.
First, some knowledge on living organics: Many growers do not understand how small mistakes in a container-bound organic enviorment can signifigantly harm or even distroy a colonry of microorganisms and do major damage to the plants, especially during flowering.
In synthetic growing, you are the one who is responcible for ensuring a balanced inviorment by performing tasks **** as adjusting the ph. It would surprise Hydro growers to learn that you dont need to worry about any of these issues in Living Organics. This is why living organics isnt just different from hydro and other forms of synthetic fertilization. True organics is a full paradigm shift.

Basic LO (living organics) Mindset: In Lo; all your really doing is ensuring that the Primary,Secondary, and trace nutrients are available in your soil. in a nutshell, you are simply making your soils microlife happy. Once you have achived this, all you have to do is keep it that way. Dont worry about balancing nutrients or pH, as you would in Hydro or syntheticaly_Nourished soil enviorments. The micro life will take care of that.
One more thing to fully understand LO and how it compares to the more common synthetic apprach to cultivating cannabis:: you need to be familiar with some basic mechanisms within the plant. Cannabis roots can process their own nutrients, but Perfer to get them preprocessed from the Microbeasties populating the soil surrounding their roots.
An envoiorment in which the soils microlife provides the plants food allow the plant to Direct its energy toward more important activities, such as producing more Resinous flowers or fighting disease.

( i need to go a little more indepth for you to grasp this, bare with me)
It may seem that picky organic growers who preach never using chemical ferts. are simply being fanatical. but it is an objective fact that chemical ferts are absolutly counterproductive to an organics envoiorment..
Making your amending elements or soilmix componets iin organics isnt a persice science it is in synthetics. Its important to understand that the microbeasties always strive to equal there food source. if you have a bit too much of one thing, it doesnt really matter. The microlife populations will rise and fall accordingly. you are not just using the microlife to help your plants grow; your actully encouraging the microlife to boom into supernatural levels to bring your growth enviorment--where the roots reside--into supernatural levels also.

Part II:

Ok, think of microlife as Billions of microscopic farmers, working for you 24/7. they adjust their populations to precisely balance the soilmix,working in symbiosis with the plant roots--just as theyve been doing for millions of years in nature.

Ok Here is how to make your perfect soil mix:
In LO growing, because your not actully feeding your plants, its critical that you create a soil enviorment thats best suited to allow the microbeasties to do there thang! BEGIN with a good organic soilmix, such as Fox farms Ocean forest. this is the best soilmix. Its filled with fungi,earthworm castings,bat and seabird guanos, and lots of other good stuff.
Cut your soilmix in half with mushroom compost or topsoil. your cutting agent shouldnt be a potting soil. it should have minimal nutrient value, but be chunky and woody. fungus loves this type of enviroment. they chunkyness of your soilmix really makes a big difference, mainly during flowering. Keeping fungi happy is one of the keys to successfull organics growing. it is absolutley key to large yeilds and happy plants.

amending a basic organic soilmix: the combo additon of rock phosphate,dolomite lime,fish ferts, and Kelp meal to your soilmix will cover your Micro,Trace, and secondary Nutes very throughly.
Then take the amended soilmix and cut it again by 30% with a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and perlite. This simple blend will ensure that your soils physical structure is Kick-Butt. REMEMBER THIS :The better the soils structure...the more air that can get to it...the more aerobic activity youll have. ...more Areobic activity equals more Microlife. More microlife equals happier plants, and happier plants equal bigger better buds. Amen.

Kelp meal, dry fish ferts, fishbone meal, rock phospahte, green sand, blood meal and bone meal.
All are the basic elements of organic soil amending. In additon; pelletized dolomite lime is a prime source of magnesium.. magnesium is very important in flowering. Always have a magnesium source present in your soil mix, so it can tap into it when it flowers.

I tried to spit this out as short as i could, i did my best. i hope you take this knowledge to heart. I will now post a Grid showing what each Ingrediant in the soil mix does.


Well-Known Member
Sorry the pics are so big, I don't know whats up with that.
I'l upload pics soon.
Progress: Been doing neem, with one azamax treatment. PM still here and there, fuck.
Topped, cleaned up bottoms, soon time to flip.
Ever try Serenade? it's good for PM, amongst other things. I like to use it for gray mold that seems to love my clones, even since I've used it, no mold :)

Oh yeah, subbed +rep... didn't even know you had this thing


Well-Known Member
I've had some PM issues on some plants that just finished. I have been neeming the plants every 2 weeks and give Nitrozyme every week as a foliar and help keep the leaves clean. It popped up on previously untouched plants. I know several friends who have used Serenade also, and I plan on trying that. They said it worked beautifully also.