Stealth Cabinets


Well-Known Member
Yes i have the odour socks. As for the gap ive just checked and its 3mil so that will mean 1.5mm all the way round. What do you think?

Im gonna go with the fatmat i think as its one job lot.

I hadnt decided when to do the intake holes, maybe do the top first out of the way? The bottoms are finished now, 20 mtrs of mylar so far lol. We have tried to move the cabs but they are well heavy mate, could we get away with the 1" gap for the one cab as this would make my life alot easier.

Ill do each top cab one at a time which will be easier because even those are well heavy.
Ok so we have the intake Odor Socs .. Do we have the intake elbow's ? if so Do the Odor Socs fit nicely onto the intake bends? (add a pic if thats cool :) ) We'll also need some jubilee clips to fit and hold the Socs in place and on the bends .. 1.5 mil sounds ok and you can always wrap silver tape around the elbow to increase the diameter/circumference before using the sealant to hold it in place. The Fatmat sounds good :)

The 1" Gap on the left between the cab and the wall will reduce the air-flow.. However it will work, (just not as well)...How far away from the wall is the back of both the cabs? If there's more than a 1" Gap we could relocate the intakes to the back corners of each cab?!!

Its upto you which part of the mission :) we tackle 1st, it makes no difference in the end.. I would have started at the bottom just cos its easier, and you can use the tools with less effort ie stretching,leaning, bending etc. But in the end it makes no difference :)

Do you have the X4 Top Hats - for the top of the cabs...(the metal lip circles that the fan & bends will connect to) I will find a link to them and draw a pic to illustrate after I've had my dinner - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Yes mate a link would be good im not sure what top hats are except the hat kind lol.

The gap at the back is roughly the same size as the one at the side, basically its the thickness of the skirting board.

Fatmat should be here for Wednesday with any luck, ill have to take the top cabs down to drill and line them as its virtually inpossible to get to the back of them while they are so high.

Ill order holesaw now.


Well-Known Member
Ive come up with another way we can run the intake through the other cab... I'll add the LINK I said about and a pic tommoz morning :) that should really work well too, Have faith I have this one sorted :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

The bottom left one in the pic above is what you'll need, and you'll need 4 the same diameter as your ducting,In-line fan and carbon filter..I will try and locate some for sale on a separate web page, bear with me a min.....

Here's a LINK to one kind although I will try n find a LINK to the same kind I use :) : -

The ones pictured below are simerlar to what I used :-

The correct name for them are Ventilation Flange Pieces, but get the nic-name TopHats due to their shape..

Here is a LINK to some Ventilation Flange Pieces,where you can buy them on-line :-

E-Bay to the rescue again :)

I am going to draw up a pic for the intake for you now and will post it shortly :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
I should have got some flanges when i reordered the bends etc, i cant find any 4" on ebay. Are they also called wall flanges?


Well-Known Member
I should have got some flanges when i reordered the bends etc, i cant find any 4" on ebay. Are they also called wall flanges?
I think wall flanges are one in the same..I am nearly done doing that pick for you, I'll upload that next.. - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

This is only a rough pic but it does show my idea.. I am sure I drew it on the wrong side so you'll have ton excuse me I just had 8 Red Stripes and a King L so am not as focused as usual :) I can draw a better pic tomoz if you need me to but you should be able to see what I am getting at :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Yes that makes sense mate thanks. Basically just one intake hole in the far ban doing both cabs, i like it.

Ive ordered a 4" hole saw i just need to find some flanges now, ive searched but not alot comes up. I wonder if there called something else other than what we have said?


Active Member
Right the fatmat just arrived, im not sure where i got this 2" thick from because its actually fairly thin lol, There is a roller and knife with it so im guessing its just a case of measuring how much i need, peeling the back off and laying it down then rolling it flat.

Im wondering where i should put this hole for the hole for the fan and filter? I think if i cut the holes first, then line its just a case of trimming the fatmat where the hole is. Am i on the right track? As its thin i was thinking just get hole cut first then line and add everything after that?


Well-Known Member
Yes that makes sense mate thanks. Basically just one intake hole in the far ban doing both cabs, i like it.

Ive ordered a 4" hole saw i just need to find some flanges now, ive searched but not alot comes up. I wonder if there called something else other than what we have said?
There will be "2" intake hole's in the side of the end cab ...One slightly above the shelf and one a few inches below. The top one will have a bend connected straight into an Odor Soc the other will be attached to some ducting, then go through the middle of both the cabs then attach to a bend and an extension neck then on to the Odor soc... Ill draw up the exacts and tell you what parts you'll need etc :)

I've only heard them called flanges or tophats..But they may go under a different guise. I'll add the pic of the items you'll need in the next day or so :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Right the fatmat just arrived, im not sure where i got this 2" thick from because its actually fairly thin lol, There is a roller and knife with it so im guessing its just a case of measuring how much i need, peeling the back off and laying it down then rolling it flat.

Im wondering where i should put this hole for the hole for the fan and filter? I think if i cut the holes first, then line its just a case of trimming the fatmat where the hole is. Am i on the right track? As its thin i was thinking just get hole cut first then line and add everything after that?

Good news the Fatmats arrived :) yeah thats exactly how to apply it :) ...Remember we need to cut the duct holes etc 1st though......Oh lol just read the next bit :)

QUOTE: - Im wondering where i should put this hole for the hole for the fan and filter? I think if i cut the holes first, then line its just a case of trimming the fatmat where the hole is. Am i on the right track? As its thin i was thinking just get hole cut first then line and add everything after that?

* I would place the holes for the fans near the back of the cab, Follow my pic as a guide line so the fans duct hole leaves enough room for a bend and the carbon filter too.. I'll look into it later tomoz, and give you a clearer idea of where they should be placed :)

Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
hey are those 5mm LED's or High Power LED's It looks like 5mm, but I though maybe there might be a panel covering the rest of what might be a high powered LED.

If those are 5mm led.... good luck to you.


Active Member
Yes mate that came yesterday, im just waiting for the hole saw now. What sealant do i need for the bends? I was thinking no nails.


Active Member
hey are those 5mm LED's or High Power LED's It looks like 5mm, but I though maybe there might be a panel covering the rest of what might be a high powered LED.

If those are 5mm led.... good luck to you.

Not sure, i know they are all 3watt led's and the 4 whites are CREE. The LED's are just popping through a white panel where he has drilled the holes so i guess alot fo its covered.


Active Member
Good news the Fatmats arrived :) yeah thats exactly how to apply it :) ...Remember we need to cut the duct holes etc 1st though......Oh lol just read the next bit :)

QUOTE: - Im wondering where i should put this hole for the hole for the fan and filter? I think if i cut the holes first, then line its just a case of trimming the fatmat where the hole is. Am i on the right track? As its thin i was thinking just get hole cut first then line and add everything after that?

* I would place the holes for the fans near the back of the cab, Follow my pic as a guide line so the fans duct hole leaves enough room for a bend and the carbon filter too.. I'll look into it later tomoz, and give you a clearer idea of where they should be placed :)

Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:

Ok mate that would be great, its gonna be a real ball ache trying to get to the back of the cabs, i was thinking of maybe cutting a small piece of the tops out so i can get to them? What do you rekon?


Active Member
do the lights look like this

exhibit A5mm_LED.jpg

or like this

exhibit BHigh_Power_LED.jpg

B will grow plants, A will not. at least I'm pretty sure it wont. not to a satisfactory result anyway. I say this because I have done experiments with starting seeds under 5mm bullet type LEDs and the light isn't strong enough to promote healthy vegetative growth.

just wanted to give you the heads up, because I'm thinking you may have gotten scammed.