Club 600


Well-Known Member
Awesome Don,
looks like a few days away mate...but don't worry too much about excessive amber tricks, it'll still knock you on yer derrier in my experience. Lovely specimin, the cold night temps has really brought it's beauty out eh. Fantastic work.
Hows it groin all, just thought i would put up some pic of my setup with 2x600 over 13 WW in a DIY flood and drain table. Seeds were germinated on Dec.4 and vegged under 1000mh till Jan.1 and have been flowering since then under 2x600hps



Well-Known Member
Hi Hydro, thanks for sharing your pics and your set up. All is looking swell. So you half way through-ish then. The exciting times ahead of watching your ladies eating cake and getting fat, yum.

Peace bru,



Well-Known Member
Yeah man I hear you on that. I have buried way to many friends and brothers as well. Plus I have been down a time or too. Only two kinds of riders as they say, those that have and those that will go down. Heck she may get on the back and not like it. Trust me bkes are not for everyone. Just give her a good foundation is the best thing you can do. The riders ed cources are good. Well at least they are around my parts, i would assume they are around your also.

Yeah u r right, I know she will ride if I want her to or not. U know being a dad though.......I have seen so many of my friends get hurt and even die on bikes


Well-Known Member
First plant I grew was WW and I harvested it early in my ignorance at 9 weeks. It was still good but could've been better. It was cute little thing grown under all CFL.

Cool setup Hydro, thanks for popping in here to share with us.
yeah ive been reading up lately as i bought a few WW beans that some of them go for 10-11 weeks. i always thought it was a fast one
The company i got my beans from (greenhouse) said they have an 8 week flowering time but this is my 3rd grow with WW and all from the same company and they have never been finished at 8 weeks usually 9-10 weeks. I guess thats the 40% sativa coming out in it.
Did any of yous find that WW is very sensitive to nutes? I can't go over 1400 PPM without seeing signs of overfertilizing so I keep it at about 1100 PPM


Well-Known Member
Did any of yous find that WW is very sensitive to nutes? I can't go over 1400 PPM without seeing signs of overfertilizing so I keep it at about 1100 PPM
In hydro, yes. I ran the last WW at 1250ppm and couldn't go higher without burn. Doesn't like full stength in soil either but you can get closer to a full strength rec feeding with it. I have some on hydro and some in soil right now. The hydro ones are just now getting a light reduction heading into flower so I'm mixing veg and flower nutes but am staying at 900 ppm right now. I'll bump them up a little each week for a few weeks until I reach 1250-1300 ppm of bloom nutes. The soil ones are a few weeks into flower and took a full strength dose of FF Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom with a half strength dose of Open Sesame mixed in with no signs of burn. I already know I cant go full strength on the solubles with WW so they won't get anything stronger than they are now.


Well-Known Member
today is finaly here when my rhino clones arrive and i cant wait to get them going il upload some pics in the morning once im going

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
ENDLSCYCLE-Hillbilly biker trash huh....glad to see you dont judge people by the bike they ride.<--dripping in sarcasm. Sucks about the clones though.

I had a great day yesterday. Took a nice ride up to see our buddy jig, and might I say, he is a cool cat. His plants look super healthy, and that flower room is BRIGHT!!!! I smoked a few strains he has grown, and damn was I stoned. We were going to go hit the skate park, but I just wanted to talk more then i wanted to move. It wasnt until I had to navigate my way around the jungle that is the freeway, that I realized how high I was. Thanks again jig.