miracle grow


Active Member
starting a new grow outside when the weather clears up dont wanna use alot of chemicals i was just wandering if i cud go through the whole grow using just water and miracle grow plant food


Active Member
I am new to this but I think alot of the problem with MG is that people don't read/understand the instructions or what type of MG they have. Get the kind that's for ANNUALS. Compare the regular MG with the Bloom Booster or whatever they call it and look at the Nitrogen levels in both. Seems the only problems that people are having with it is using too much and eventually Cal/Mag defficiencies??? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
You can grow nice plants fuck that huge plants with MG but try fox farm for even better results trust me youll thank me later


Well-Known Member
shud i just follow instructions or shud i use less or more it says one tbl spoon in one gallon on water and how often???
are you growing in the ground or pots ? that's too strong for containers.
I've used similar nutrients for years. (Wal Mart's house brand)