Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
damn, she looks like she'll be god for sog gen..
that was the plan when i made the cross,to go 12/12 from clone,due to the mega streatch she has for the first 3 weeks of 12/12
this clone came from one of the slower growin cesspools,this was the first full DWC that i have done,had a lil cal/mag stint,but got that all fix'd.
i did one seed i a gal pot,had a 2 week veg in a party cup,10 weeks flower,got a 14g dry,she did not get much care.

mr west

Well-Known Member
to DST, was u straight wen u wrote this?

"I do not have a clue about what I am talking about " or am i too dylexic?


Well-Known Member
I was very straight when I wrote Just felt a bit like a bit of a chop after you clearly said, Deep Psychosis, and I turn around and say, nice psycho killers westy, haha.....

to DST, was u straight wen u wrote this?

"I do not have a clue about what I am talking about " or am i too dylexic?


Well-Known Member
7 of the 8 seeds are above the soil.....3 days good germ rate.
1 of the 7 got stuck in its seed case,had to do sum micro surgery,hope it makes it..

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha very very nice man!!! You were not kidding were ya, thats one solid cola you got there! And what did you do, dump a bag of sugar over it before you took the pic?? Come on fess up lol.

Nice job to the grower Don and to the breeder as well D my friend!!!!

Later :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha very very nice man!!! You were not kidding were ya, thats one solid cola you got there! And what did you do, dump a bag of sugar over it before you took the pic?? Come on fess up lol.
Nice job to the grower Don and to the breeder as well D my friend!!!!
Later :)
hahaha i could have let her go a bit more i really wanted to see what i could push her to amber wise, the other one im going to let go the full hog! watch this space! (tricks of the trade HC, lowering humididty last weeks, foliar feed purple maxx, the rest is down to the breeder ;) )
The Mutts nuts mare like^^^^^
Fek me the DOG is right spanker.
cant take all the credit man, i just fed & watered it. the genetics speak or bark loud enough for themselves!


Well-Known Member
I was inspecting the RBC pretty close last night after the light came on and it would appear that the whole thing is full of seeds =/. Good and bad I suppose but I just couldn't figure out why it was going soo long in flower so I started disecting some buds. I checked a few down low and a few up high and they all have what looks like seed pods. It looks like I'll get a few seeds of the cross from the littleAfghan plants too which I'm happy about. These two Afghan plants were clones of the best looking one too so it worked out pretty well.
Just a little bummed about the RBC being full of seeds since id like to try some. The buds just aren't swelling at all and I think its due to it getting pollenated.

Does that sound right?


Well-Known Member
DPQ clone that I took mid way through flower. I now have another DPQ that will go towards making a master Mum...

Doing the vertical lean

Sorry, can't seem to focus on shit today....

Peace, DST