list and talk about your fav cartoons when you where growing up


90's cartoons for me growing up.

1. jetsons
2. 2 stupid dogs
3. space ghost coast to cost
4. top cat
5. duck dodgers and 24 and 1-1/2 centery
6. ren and stimpy
7. huckle barry fin
8. quick'draw mc'draw
9. scooby doo where are you back in 1994
10. bugs bunny
Mos def
& i still fuck with the street ludge

Well as a kid it was mighty mouse, Heckle and Jeckle, Tom and Jerry. Ruff and Ready, HuckleBerry Hound Dog

But as an adult ya gotta love this one

-ritchie rich
-bugs bunny and friends
-care bears
-yogi bear

wow cartoons have changed
GI-Joe......... I was so addicted to that show that I wanted to be one. I grew up on a Marine Corp installation overseas so it just helped fuel my desire to kill Cobra =)
ha, well,, stop it and tidy up,(had it on video), that still makes me giggle. AAAAAAAA. you get it if you have seen it,
Also Count Duckula,you know the brocilli eatin vampire duck.
Bit of Danger Mouse,(the cartoon not the dj/rapper.)
also super mario bro's and sonic the hedgehog(when I was abity older,,,and I remember when I was small small,care bears.
Fuck, I cannie mind what I had for breakfast(or if I had any) yet I can remember what I used to watch when I was small.
all the oldys but goodies, the ones thst don't corupt kids minds like the ones 2day
omg i forgot about MR dress up and romper room , oh and and the creepy fucker with the sweaters, Mr Rogers neighbourhood i think it was called.

And sesame street, can't forget big bird cookie monster and Oscar
tom & jerry, underdog, any and all loony tunes, inspector gadget, chip and dale rescue rangers and gummy bears (anyone remember the disney afternoon on that channel that used to be upn?) tom & jerry was and still is my favorite, though. they don't even fucking talk and i laugh my ass off every time. the orchestra music was a LOT more dramatic and funny then the shit they use today.
The Herculoids , Bugs bunny/ Road runner show, Superfriends, Mightor, Spaceghost, hell who am i kidding i still love cartoons mostly anime these days though. :)
he was a womanizer, but it was never a secret and he never got away with it...seems like the right message



and he's cute....

This is true, now that I think about it he never did get Penelope Pussycat did he? =)
tom & jerry, underdog, any and all loony tunes, inspector gadget, chip and dale rescue rangers and gummy bears (anyone remember the disney afternoon on that channel that used to be upn?) tom & jerry was and still is my favorite, though. they don't even fucking talk and i laugh my ass off every time. the orchestra music was a LOT more dramatic and funny then the shit they use today.

Gadget was one smoking hot chipmunk!!