What is wrong with my plant?


Active Member
About 1/5 of my plants leaves are suffering from this syndrom pictured. I removed one of the leaves to post because I think it is the right thing to ask...

Please help!

My setup is this:

1000 watt dual arc hps/mh 12on/12off
miracle grow (standard potting mix)
10 inch clay pot
tap water
schultz 10-15-10 plant food

View attachment 1398119


Well-Known Member
I've never seen nute burn start up near the stem and margin of a leaf, but hey, what do I know? :) It almost looks like a calcium shortage.

Dolomite lime will solve your problem.

What is your PH?


Active Member
I've never seen nute burn start up near the stem and margin of a leaf, but hey, what do I know? :) It almost looks like a calcium shortage.

I will look into getting dolomite from my garden supply store tommorow. Thank you for your help. Peace.

Dolomite lime will solve your problem.

What is your PH?

I do not own a PH meter yet, it is on my list of things to buy, could you advise me which brand to look out for?

I may have contaminated the soil with a AeroGarden pellet, I was trying to be smart, and later it occurred to me that might have shocked the plant. My bad for forgetting to mention that.


Well-Known Member
You can flush that pellet out, but that still doesn't look like nute burn, unless you spilled it on the leaf... ;)

As for a PH meter, get one on eBay. You can be cheap, and it'll cost you down the road with false readings and plant problems, or you can spend $50-$60 now, and get a reliable meter. I use a Milwaukee meter that comes in a hard case, that I bought at eBay. It's a Martini PH 65 model. Any decent PH pen will do. It's hard to burn your plants with calcium, so go ahead and top dress your soil with some lime and water it in. The lime will help with the PH as well.


This is a boron deficiency, caused by a too high or too low ph level within the soil. get a digital ph meter and get your ph level between say 5.5-7.0. any ph level out of this range will cause problems. GL!

P.s overwatering and overfeeding also contributes to nute lockout.