Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
i dont think i would put a desk lamps bulb over those..... those type of bulbs put out most energy into direct heat..... think about putting your hand close to it vs. cfl bulb or in my case now to an LED bulb. The heat difference will surprise you. the cfl will feel similar but thats from the base of the bulb converting the power to one the cfl can use. and leds lol there is no heat almost with these newer units. i had to ADD cfl's for heat and im in a southern us state where its not too cold atm. if you were planing on using "75w" for that one plant i would suggest you grab a decent led unit (100-120) or if money is an issue you could use a couple of cfl's but heat will start to factor once you place a few in an area so be prepaired. if youd like suggestions on leds there is a thread that i am a part of that is led users and we could give you a bit more advice if you need it.


Well-Known Member
also how many watts , dont have a clue how to turn lumens to watts
I don't know the yield as I just chopped it yesterday. I'd say probably around 10+ grams.
Dwarfs are fun but I won't grow one again in my mother tent. I need them to get to about 18"
under my T5 lights for it to be ideal.

I have 2 of these 2'/ 4light Sunblaze T5 lights in my mother tent. One is used for mothers, one is for 2 autos



Well-Known Member
i got 18 grams out of my sweet dwarf outdoors she was awsome to watch grow looked like a big middle finger. Low girl smaller but finished faster was about 14 grams and my Auto 69 was a woopin 22 grams all in the same spot planted the same time with same size pots 1 gal. my low girl fininished, then my sweet dwarf then my auto 69


Well-Known Member
my t5 red dwarf came out to 10 grams dry after I had a couple taster nugs, So maybe 11 grams at most. I'm gonna smoke the shit out of it long before it's cured as I'm out of herb and am too broke to go buy some.



Can anybody tell me what I can expect for yields with Sweet Seeds Big Devil autoflowering if I start for two weeks or so under cfl(until the plants start to smell) then I will move them outdoors some time in may. This is in northeastern MN...

Or else can someone point me in the right direction for an outdoor autoflowering strain?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
true dubbers i hear ya i grow a plant every few months lol i allways seem to run out weeks before the next plant is ready
i use energysavers and sun the most iv got off my autos is like 15 grams

strains done (1)Easyryder 15 (2)Greatwhiteshark 4 (3)LaDiva 13 (4)Cobra 13 (5)StonedRyder 9 (6)LaMusa 14 (7) LaFrutiDeVenus-atm

best auto so far is LaDiva its tasted great and had nice potency + Stonedryder and LaMusa very good too
heres my LaFrutiDeVenus

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i have a cheap as setup im happy with results

if i can get 15 grams u could get way more i use 6 23watt energy savers xD
and dont really give nutes


Well-Known Member
thats depressing
Oh yah, let's see your autos! I didn't grow a dwarf under T5 lights to set yield records.
That's what the 1k and hydro setup is for.... My largest yield on a auto was 95+grams from my Dinafem Fruit auto freebie. I averaged 2 oz per auto AK. Auto AK is a leaf factory and I highly wouldn't recommend. The Dinfem Fruit auto was had tight buds, required little to no trimming and smelling like "juicy Fruit" gum. It was really good herb




Active Member
I grew easy bud, its royal queens auto AK, it was alright considering all i did was give it tap water lol. ended up with 47g off one. The pics are in my album.....Im looking for an auto thats similar to cheese????