Allow stretch for more clones?


Hi, I guess I'm still a noob, I have 4 grows under my belt. Does anyone here move the light further away to allow stretching for more clones? Is this a good method or not?


Well-Known Member
best way i know is taking a clone from a plant in flowering with a bud cut off and reveg that it will have crazy branches for cloning.


best way i know is taking a clone from a plant in flowering with a bud cut off and reveg that it will have crazy branches for cloning.

wtf you talking about willis (i know a it will shoot out every which way but how on earth do you think that's the best way?! did it once and it was in-fact cool as fuck but took like 4weeks to root!)

but to answer the OP's question: in a way. usually for moms I keep lights farther away than closer as would during veg.